Politics and Religion

Re: I like the fact that you are so loyal to a fellow Stooge.
2465305 70 Reviews 399 reads

I had him as Curly....you know, the one who always gets slapped.

Posted By: Strangebrew12
You must be Moe. Who else could you be?

...Trump is simply incapable of admitting he lied.  In a TIME interview about his lies, he kept on lying.  When asked about his claim that Ted Cruz's father was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald, Lyin' Donny said: " Well that was in a newspaper."  A newspaper?!?!  ROTFLMAO!  This is the same moron who trashes the news media for their "fake news."

But this was different.  The newspaper he cited was the ultra-reliable National Enquirer.  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


The entire interview:


Perhaps it's just Alzheimer's. Some are saying it's caused by his hair growth potion! ;)

TwoMints198 reads

So you get one crack at interviewing the most powerful person in the world and you ask him about this?

I'm sure it'll be the last interview they get from anyone even remotely close to the campaign again.

No matter they are nearly out of business anyway..

Should have asked him what most enchanted him about being President....

Frist of all he is not the most powerful person in the world.   That honor goes to Chinese President Xi Jinping.    With its trade surpluses, the country holds the balls of leaders like the Clown in the Oval Office and many in Europe.

followme337 reads

all about holding someone else's balls. you are the expert .

Her's especially.

He just likes talking about the President's package.

Posted By: followme
all about holding someone else's balls. you are the expert .

I think its a case of Scumbagitis. The only thing that cures is living in the woods. What say you?

I am better than the Clown who tweets Lies at 3am.   He is getting caught with his small dick in the cookie jar than any other President in history.

He was labeled a Liar in public by none other than FBI Director.    He has the silver bullet to take down the Liar in chief pretty soon.

Do tell. Tell us all about how better you are. You are an obsessive crybaby on this board. Daily negativity, conspiracy theorist, chicken little.  

Wha Wha Wha....Liar Liar Liar... Wha Wha Wha.  

You are nothing more than a low budget Laffy.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
I am better than the Clown who tweets Lies at 3am.   He is getting caught with his small dick in the cookie jar than any other President in history.  
 He was labeled a Liar in public by none other than FBI Director.    He has the silver bullet to take down the Liar in chief pretty soon.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Trump is simply incapable of admitting he lied.  In a TIME interview about his lies, he kept on lying.  When asked about his claim that Ted Cruz's father was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald, Lyin' Donny said: " Well that was in a newspaper."  A newspaper?!?!  ROTFLMAO!  This is the same moron who trashes the news media for their "fake news."  
 But this was different.  The newspaper he cited was the ultra-reliable National Enquirer.  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  
 The entire interview:  

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