Politics and Religion

Re: I gotta ask
mattradd 40 Reviews 2848 reads
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Has there ever been an investigation that uncovered widespread and previously undetected voter fraud? One that even justified the money spent on it?

Let's call these new laws enacted in primarily red states, by Republican state congressmen and governors, for what they really are. Voter suppression laws!   ;

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 865 reads
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...Iowa's Secretary of State's of State's office Iowa has 616,990 registered Republicans, 616,050 registered Democrats, and 721,063 voters registered as no party or "other."

Don't you ever get tired of being stupid?  Maybe ignorance really IS bliss.

-- Modified on 12/17/2013 12:27:34 AM

salonpas 905 reads
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Republicans state that they are against wasting tax payer money, then make up a problem and waste tax payer money.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 976 reads
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I highly doubt it. Really, it's about nothing more than suppressing the vote.

In 2012 in my home state of Virginia, they set up a system where they had to check each and every single voter's registration before they were allowed to vote. Even with a team of a half dozen poll workers doing just that, the line to vote went out into the parking lot and wrapped around the building. How many people couldn't wait that long, and just got out of line?

Why would the GOP want to use tactics like this, when voter fraud has NEVER overturned an election?

voyager-43 11 Reviews 1004 reads
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I don't want you to start using your brain at this point in your life (it is keeping your sphincter warm though) , so I will try to make this simple for you.  When a state holds a primary election ,or in Iowa's case caucuses,  each of the two major parties gets to name their candidate. Democrats are asked which candidate they want and Republicans are asked which candidate they want on the ballot in the general election.  
So, it seems that you find it nefarious, oops sorry big word, it seems that you find it bad that only Republicans are polled to see which Republican candidate they favor.  I guess you would like to see Democrats polled to find the Democrat favorite and Democrats and Republicans polled to find the Republican favorite.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 740 reads
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The Dems want every dependent, subsidy hungry, Social Services intensive demographic vote possible, and the GOP wants to throw good money after bad on a witch hunt subsequent to their isolating themselves from EVERY voter group including ‘white’ women.

 Don’t worry however; I’m sure the Federal Reserve will print up truck loads of money for the GOP to spend while WE work too pay the interest on it

voyager-43 11 Reviews 820 reads
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So, it is a waste of tax money to root out fraud, but it is OK for the Obama administration to spend money on solar panels at an airport and then place tarps over them because they cause glare ?  


GaGambler 770 reads
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Some might call it voter suppression, but the vote of some crack head who can barely read the ballot cancels out the vote of someone who actually is informed and gives a shit.

The same goes in spades to those who think that illegals should be granted a vote simply because they are "here", I don't expect to vote in a country where I don't even know who is on the ballot, or am even able to read the ballot. Why should criminals who shouldn't even be here in the first place be entitled to say in how we run things in OUR country?  I don't get to vote in Costa Rica, or Colombia, or Mexico, why should citizens of those, or other countries have any kind of voice in our affairs?

no_email 3 Reviews 851 reads
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if you are that serious about voting. You should be willing to risk your life, in order to cast your vote.

Standing in line all day, is an inconsequential task to make sure your voice heard.

...or cast a absentee ballot, or vote early.

The people who left the polls, with out casting their vote. Believed what ever else they had to do was a priority.

People camp outside of Walmart all night in the cold, to buy cheap electronics. They can't do the same to cast their vote?

voyager-43 11 Reviews 994 reads
12 / 30

Seriously, wonka ?  Voter fraud was rampant in the 19th century.  Have you never heard of Tammany Hall?   When they speak about Chicago elections, Vote Early and Often.. it isn't a joke.  
The scenario you describe above is how an election IS SUPPOSED to work. That is not vote suppression, that is democracy.  
Voter suppression is not having to stand in line and then prove you are who you say you are. That is COMMON SENSE.  I know you will have to look that phrase up.  
PS  NO other country in the world takes your word for it that you have the right to vote.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1043 reads
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We can try to be informed, but it may be impossible to receive any news without bias opinion or purpose for propaganda.   I followed a CNN article recenty (net, don't watch tv)  The story was literally changed about every hr until the following day, the republicans were to blame.

I hope we get someone on the ballot that fix the economy, it just doesn't work unless it works for everybody.  Pretty soon the corporations are going to run out of people with money to buy more shit.  My line of business is a necessity, and all my reps tell me the same thing.  We are down, ALL of us, 20-25%.  I am going to have to make big changes, but I have hope.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Deen 786 reads
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So many hanging chads.....

RRO2610 51 Reviews 1176 reads
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But having people who can't even name the current Speaker of the House, or Vice President no less have no business casting a vote.  

  I’m totally against voter suppression; but we cannot have recent immigrants and adult aged children making decisions that not only affect us real-time; but alter laws and an ethos that is 230+years old.
  Our current crop of “Millenials” are so fixated with facebook and the like not a one of them has a clue to what they’re doing with their 4th Amendment Rights of privacy. Even us old guard was easily coerced into carrying ‘phones’ that NOW serve as tracking devices to where we’ve been and where we’re going.  
   Some sod-buster from a historically despotic country has NO concept of what “Rights” are, or the many levels those Rights affect in every day life here in America. He just figures as long as there is no death-squad showing up at his door everything is jake. A "voter" such as this does a terrible disservice to our democracy even though his intentions may be of the purest intent.  

-- Modified on 12/17/2013 3:09:52 PM

salonpas 878 reads
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Just admit it, Republicans are pushing Voter-ID Laws to DISENFRANCHISE Democratic Voters.
The more Republicans acknowledge that these laws are designed to suppress the votes of blacks, Latinos, and others, the easier building a movement to stop them will be.

Longtime conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly acknowledged as much with a defense of North Carolina’s new voting law, which has been criticized for its restrictions on access, among other things. Here’s Schlafly:
The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that ‘early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.’
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai told a gathering of Republicans that their voter identification law would
allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.
That summer, at an event hosted by the Heritage Foundation, former Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund conceded that Democrats had a point about the GOP’s focus on voter ID, as opposed to those measures—such as absentee balloting—that are vulnerable to tampering.
I think it is a fair argument of some liberals that there are some people who emphasize the voter ID part more than the absentee ballot part because supposedly Republicans like absentee ballots more and they don’t want to restrict that...,”
After the election, former Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer told The Palm Beach Post that the explicit goal of the state’s voter-ID law was Democratic suppression. “The Republican Party, the strategists, the consultants, they firmly believe that early voting is bad for Republican Party candidates,” Greer told the Post.  
It’s done for one reason and one reason only ... ‘We’ve got to cut down on early voting because early voting is not good for us......’”
Indeed, the Florida Republican Party imposed a host of policies, from longer ballots to fewer precincts in minority areas, meant to discourage voting. And it worked.

St. Croix 846 reads
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What do you sell, and what are the specific reasons why your business is down 20-25%?

St. Croix 854 reads
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and admiration for Millennials. Now granted, most of my interaction is in Silicon Valley. They are more diverse than previous generations. Many have studied and worked abroad. They are proficient and can leverage technology like nobody's business. They can multi-task. I mean seriously multi-task. They embrace change more than older generations.

Now granted I'm talking about college educated millennials. Not all are self-absorbed, and have a "what have you done for me lately" mentality. But in the work environment, they are leaving baby boomers and Gen X in their dust.

With respect to 4th Amendment, or any rights, or just general knowledge for that matter, I'd like to see how well millennials would do against the Gen X and Baby Boomers. We know they can Google the answer in a nano second, but I'd actually put a little money on the millennials.

By the way many millennials are leaving Facebook because their parents on it, and this is an issue for Facebook execs. But I do tell the millennials I work with to limit their digital footprint.

-- Modified on 12/17/2013 4:08:48 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 699 reads
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...why any IOWANS would vote for Dems.  He didn't say anything about Republicans.

BTW, it's a "tell" when someone uses 'Democrat' as an adjective as you did ("Democrat favorite").  It indicates you swallow the cum the Republicans ejaculate down your throat without question.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 877 reads
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There are several reasons that are beyond my control, economy is just a part.  I lost a lot of businesses that have gone under this past year.  

There are variables that were in my control, where I slipped this past year and had to close my doors several days throughout the year, as guardian of a very sick relative.  I think deep down, my mentally ill relative wants me to fail so I will take care of him 24/7.

I still have some very loyal customers, but also have an illegal immigrant cutting my throat, that doesn't wish to just steal some of my customers.  He wishes to close me down

voyager-43 11 Reviews 775 reads
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is it a "tell" when you use Republican as an adjective as in Republican cum?  
How Do you tell (careful, word used differently here) Republican cum from Democrat cum?

voyager-43 11 Reviews 737 reads
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you see I believe the vote is the most precious right of Americans. I want every legitimate American adult citizen to be able to vote and have their vote matter.  Everytime a non-citizen,  a person voting with a fraudulent name or address , or repeat voting occurs,  it nullifys a legitimate vote.  
It just so happens that lately, the majority of voter fraud cases have been linked back to Democrats.  As I mentioned earlier, vote fraud was rampant in this country in earlier times. It has not always been Democrats.  
I believe that the recent trend is due to the Progressive movement that began at the beginning of the 20th century and their later adoption of tactics to win at any cost.  The current Democrat powers seem to have the motto " the end justifies the means" .  That isn't the thinking of a lot of good Democrats I know.  They have very little in common with the current national Democrat party.

voyager-43 11 Reviews 763 reads
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for counting votes again and again .  Funny how no one questioned how a precinct could have a 200% voter turnout where LBJ was running for office. When he promised JFK that he would carry Texas, he had a lot of experience knowing where he needed a special vote count.  
"  It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes"  George Soros

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 821 reads
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How do you investigate a non-existent problem.  

When you start with nothing, you end with nothing

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 749 reads
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Here is there thinking. They know they don't have a majority, they have sizable adherents so if reduce majority from voting then, they become the majority.

State should not be allowed to run elections at all. There needs to be an independent agency like the Federal Reserve running every election.

Or do like Brazil where it is mandatory to vote so idiot Republicans don't change the law.  

You talk about us criticizing elections in other countries, we should be ashamed for passing laws to suppress voter participation

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 688 reads
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true I am better than you megalomaniac.  

The crack addict may be the guy whom you sent to Iraq or Afghanistan to protect your ass. He was patriot then. You better than every one else people send him to a war and he is got 100 mental issues you caused.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 835 reads
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a blabber box like CNN, Fox or MSNBC.  

There plenty of legit information on the web. Also, check some International News outlets like BBC, The Guardian and Al Jazzera. They seem to provide unbiased news since they have no favors to gain.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 702 reads
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Jay Leno tried this on LA street on his live segment. You will be appalled, none of the five he interviewed knew who the speaker of the house was. None of them knew the VP presides over the senate.

If you ask three constitutional questions, how many do you think will know the answer? My guess is less than 20%.

I am talking about the real constitution written in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787. Not the Constitution of Convenience being created by Republican whenever they need one.

GaGambler 944 reads
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and for the purposes of this conversation, it doesn't really matter why a person is a drug addict or a mental case, the fact that a person is off his/her fucking rocker should be reason enough to exclude them from voting. Or in your case, the fact that you are dumber than owl shit.

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