Politics and Religion

Re: I consider it to be the canery in the coal mine.
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1378 reads

"I consider it to be the canery in the coal mine.  
Posted by 9-man, 12/21/2008 12:41:48 PM"

 I don't consider Detroit to represent great or even crummy American cities..Lets be real..Detroit is what most American cities don't want to be..and lets not forget Detroit usually has higher unemployment than right to work states.and 16% unemployment in fall of 1982..
I don't consider Detroit a canary in the coal mine, but more like a maggot on a infected wound.

9-man3217 reads

In Detroit, unemployment is 21 percent. Here is what they see:

"One measure of how tough times are in the Motor City: Some of the offenders in jail don't want to be released; some who do get out promptly re-offend to head back where there's heat, health care and three meals a day."

Very ominous.

Box_Of_Rocks1832 reads

The concept of committing a crime to spend some down time in jail for the winter is nothing new. This has been going on for years.
Granted, the unemployment rate is climbing, but it is a stretch to equate laid off workers to a full jail. Most of the offenders are unemployable criminals.

9-man1482 reads

However, I think the suggestion here is that it's being done much more often, and by people who never did it before.

And once the jails can't hold any more, what happens next?

Ben Dover1894 reads

But it was a great place to buy sex from cute young black girls! LOL!

The place looked like a bomb went off in every neighborhood 10 years ago, so it's a poor measure of the perils of the current economy...

Milwaukee has a similar plight of being a big crappy blue-collar town... But likewise, it's a great place to 18yo strippers to fuck you in your car after their shift for $100

9-man2666 reads

It's hit sooner than most cities. It's just one of many signs at how the economy is declining, swiftly.

"I consider it to be the canery in the coal mine.  
Posted by 9-man, 12/21/2008 12:41:48 PM"

 I don't consider Detroit to represent great or even crummy American cities..Lets be real..Detroit is what most American cities don't want to be..and lets not forget Detroit usually has higher unemployment than right to work states.and 16% unemployment in fall of 1982..
I don't consider Detroit a canary in the coal mine, but more like a maggot on a infected wound.

ordinary people begin to commit crimes just to get caught?
What crimes would these people commit?  Suppose ordinary people get very proficient  at committing crimes?  And finally, suppose these ordinary people never get caught?

2sense2658 reads

Lead article in today's LATimes:

"...Even jury hiring is frozen

To cut costs, New Hampshire courts won't hold criminal or civil jury trials for a month. At least 19 other states have slashed court budgets and other state services.

By Bob Drogin, LATimes

December 22, 2008

Reporting from Brentwood, N.H. -- Come February, the red-brick Rockingham County Courthouse, one of New Hampshire's busiest, will arraign criminal suspects, process legal motions and otherwise deal with murders, mayhem and contract disputes. What it won't do is hold jury trials.

The economic storm has come to this: Justice is being delayed or disrupted in state courtrooms across the country...." (see link for rest of article).

As in, "rock meets hard place".

9-man1767 reads

Last time I was on a jury in my state, they paid about twelve bucks a day. It's not like there's any benefits to it either.

So, now we have people being driven into desperate poverty, and a crippled justice system to keep the peace.

I think I might have been a year off when I said George Bush would make this country a failed State by '08.

"I think I might have been a year off when I said George Bush would make this country a failed State by '08."

 If Bush is as dumb as you think , there should be no problem at all  getting the World patched  up, before the 2010 elections,especially  with all the bright minds now in charge..
As you know very well,the Republicans got beat bad last month and we now have a BIG Democrat  Majority House, Senate, and a Democrat President..Total Control
 The opinion of a Ninth grade drop out thinks   differently.. ..If Obama doesn't tell the Pelosi, Reid , Frank, *Gore, etc. clan to sit down and shut up, your grandchildren  will be looking back thinking 2008 was the eighth best year of the twenty first century, if they Have the survival instincts to make it through the ***21st century awakening..
I am often curious what kind of altered mind would even dream that the Congress since 2006, has been any better than vomit.Who are the 20% of voters who think they are doing good, and what made them lose their sense of reality?
* I realize Gore is not a member of Congress however he has influence on the weakest, most feeble, easily corrupted minds ,and with their help and the oncoming iceberg,that  could easily cause the Titantic to sink..
Whoever said "You reap what you sow", has been right many times..

*** 21st century awakening.. a period in our future when millions will freeze to death in winter because there was not enough fuel to keep them  warm..

9-man1542 reads

"If Bush is as dumb as you think , there should be no problem at all  getting the World patched  up, before the 2010 elections,especially  with all the bright minds now in charge.."

By that logic, it should be easier to rebuild a house than it is to wreck it, and wrecking it takes equal negative brainpower, or whatever. . .

I think the 2006 Congress was better than what we had in 2002 and 2004. What really hamstrung the Congress was its refusal to impeach Bush and Cheney. Once Pelosi made that decision, all Congress could do was hang on till 2008, because Bush had the veto and Senate Republicans had the filibuster. It was time for Congress to sit on its hands.

The parties are so far apart that almost any bill the Democrats support have to stand up to the filibuster and then the veto. I think you were one of the guys here that said the Democrats needed some kind of check and balance.

The 21st Century Awakening, BTW, could arrive as early as next year at this rate, when oil will probably be going at $9 a barrel, which might mean more arson, and I wouldn't doubt that torching foreclosed houses doesn't become a new pastime.

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