Politics and Religion

Re: I can now reveal that I am a victim of serial sexual abuse by horny hookers.
GaGambler 1927 reads
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How many of us do you think could survive running for national office without "something" coming up from our distant, or not so distant past?

Personally I can't stand Roy Moore or Al Franken, but in the interest of fair play, don't most (or all) of us have a least some incident in our past where we either got our signals crossed or otherwise committed what we thought was innocent at the time, but under todays magnifying glass of #Metoo could be taken entirely the wrong way by todays standards?

Now by "sexual harassment" I don't mean Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein, those cases are pretty cut and dried and go well beyond harassment into "rape" territory. but I know where it comes to seeing "young" women, most of what Roy Moore is accused of is chasing young women about 15 years younger than him back in an era where it was commonplace to do so and speaking strictly for myself I routinely see young women well close to 40 years younger than me and often only a year or so older than the girls that Moore is accused of trying to date. NO ONE has accused him of even having had sex with any of these girls, much less having raped them.


In the case of Al Franken, his "crime" wasn't having sex with anyone, he is only guilty of forcing a lousy, fully clothed "kiss" on a woman and then taking a stupid picture of her while pretending to grope her breasts. Is this REALLY worth national news coverage?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am sure if I were running for national office there are several drunken events in my life where I hit on a girl who worked in the same company as me, or I got my signs mixed up and misunderstood a "no" for a "try harder".  Some my question to the rest of you is "Are any of us really "without sin" where it comes to sexual harassment the way the PC police want to define it today?"  All I can say is that I am glad I never ran for office, my past (and present) could never pass this kind of scrutiny.

In Al Franken's case, he too isn't ac

mrhuck 15 Reviews 39 reads
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...In this day & age I would never behave that way but I certainly do have a past.

GaGambler 57 reads
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I am sure a lot of guilty men are going to finally have to account for their past misdeeds, but with the current feeding frenzy in the media just how many innocent men are going to get swept up in the process by some woman with an axe to grind with a story from 25 years ago that are all but impossible to prove or disprove?

JakeFromStateFarm 58 reads
4 / 24

One came up to me at a M&G and introduced herself by saying, "My pussy is wet and I'm not wearing any panties!" Then she grabbed my hand and shoved two of my fingers into her dripping twat.  After that she insisted I sniff them.  It was so degrading.
And I can't even count the number who have ground their asses into my crotch.
It is even worse south of the border, where chicas have made lewd noises, flicked their tongues at me and grabbed at my crotch.
They make me feel like a mere piece of meat and it was humiliating.
Well, not really.

2465305 70 Reviews 40 reads
5 / 24

Should we call you Jake...the human piñata.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Re: I can now reveal that I am a victim of serial sexual abuse by horny hookers.
One came up to me at a M&G and introduced herself by saying, "My pussy is wet and I'm not wearing any panties!" Then she grabbed my hand and shoved two of my fingers into her dripping twat.  After that she insisted I sniff them.  It was so degrading.  
 And I can't even count the number who have ground their asses into my crotch.  
 It is even worse south of the border, where chicas have made lewd noises, flicked their tongues at me and grabbed at my crotch.  
 They make me feel like a mere piece of meat and it was humiliating.  
 Well, not really.

GaGambler 34 reads
6 / 24

Maybe ten years ago on any night of the week it used to take at least twenty minutes to work your way from the Blue Marlin bar to the "bano" Twenty minutes of being groped and being treated like a piece of meat, and then another twenty minutes of the same kind of treatment to make your way back to the bar. Oh the humanity. lol

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 28 reads
7 / 24

I am not qualified to run for any office as my nationality is German.     In Germany they are laughing off at all FKKs joking about this country.   "Amerikaner gehen in die Kirche, dann gehen sie und greifen eine Frau an.".   Then they say they are Conservatives.

JakeFromStateFarm 59 reads
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I was thinking about the pool bar at the Cocal.
Kif-kif, as we used to say on a different continent.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 53 reads
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Posted By: nunya_buisness
Re: what about this?
Ellen DeGeneres tweeted a photo of her jokingly checking out Katy Perry's boobs, and the internet is definitely buzzing about it.  
 In honor of the "Roar" singer's 33rd birthday, the talk show host cheekily captioned the photo, "It’s time to bring out the big balloons!" in reference to Perry's glorious cleavage and a quote from Perry's 2013 song "Birthday."
Ellen is very good friends with Katy Perry.  
If Ellen's wife joined in the three of them might  play Three Friends with Benefits, for the fun of it.  
    When undesirable repulsive men like Al Franken stalk and belittle  women that's entirely different than Ellen staring at Katy's boobs.  
  Creep Al Franken writing skits that require the woman in his skit  to kiss him so he can throw his nasty tongue down her unsuspecting throat is repulsive and demeaning to women.  

   Ellen doesn't have  bad intentions toward Katy  and she's certainly not creepy.


quadseasonal 27 Reviews 36 reads
10 / 24

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: I have fucked many women who work at my company!
I am not qualified to run for any office as my nationality is German.     In Germany they are laughing off at all FKKs joking about this country.   "Amerikaner gehen in die Kirche, dann gehen sie und greifen eine Frau an.".   Then they say they are Conservatives.
  I don't believe you for a number of reasons.
  1. Women are not attracted to you.

  2. If you were smart enough to own a company you wouldn't be dumb enough to fuck "many women" at your company.
  3. If you were so stupid to Fuck many women at your company you wouldn't have enough money to write fake reviews after they sued your dumb ass.  
  4. You might consider yourself  desirable  in your dreams .
I have no doubt  you've got a whole lot less  game with women than Pee Wee Herman.    Dream on Julab.

86H13LTP 27 reads
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historyBuff411 31 reads
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Yes, Anytime I look at the Horsey faced, Sarah Horsey-Faced Parker, it makes my cock go limp.
That is a sexual attack.

When she goes to the race track, it causes a stampede, all the stallions go crazy and want to jump on her to fuck her.  
It's disgusting. A face only a horny horse could love.

The most Un-Sexiest woman alive -- Sarah Horsica Parker.

GaGambler 23 reads
14 / 24

Well ok I dislike her a LOT less than either of the others, but I still dislike her and don't find her in the least bit funny.

But Ellen checking out a hot woman's boobs is about as newsworthy as lopaw coming out as gay. Katy has nice tits, of course people are going to check them out. Now if Ellen was groping her against her will THAT would be newsworthy, this is just self promotion on the part of Ellen, actually it promotes them both, and anyone prudish enough to be offended should most definitely NOT be on TER

zorrf 31 reads
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I'm not a slovenly, sexually maladjusted poindexter that 'slips up' and subjects women to unwanted advances.  Never have been.  It's really not that hard to gauge when they want you and when they don't.  It's really not.  Getting consensual (which by definition also means adult) ass isn't hard to do.  It really isn't.  

It's not that everything is 'too PC' or whatever the excuse of the day for hillbillies is these days.  It's that you're fucked up.  And yes, there are a lot of pieces of shit like you, but don't take that to mean it's cool to subject teenage girls to your slobbering passes.  All of you inbreds are disturbed.  

Creepy motherfucker.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 25 reads
16 / 24

It seems that this is the time for all men to be a bit more sensitive toward the treatment of women, if for no other reason than the consequences have risen. for some the famous like Charlie Rose, Al Franken, & undoubtedly many more it's already too late. For many of the rest of us we better hope improving our attitudes toward the sexual objectivaction of women prevents us from a stint in the dog house.

GaGambler 27 reads
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Yes, it's true that men have been "crossing the line" forever, but I guarantee you that if the feminazi's take over there are going to be millions of women wishing for the days of "real men"


The pendulum of popular opinion almost always swings too far in either direction before finding a happy medium. In this current environment virtually every man alive can be taken down if he has enough female enemies willing to "bend the truth" a bit and make a few spurious allegations even if they are never proven. The accusations alone are enough to end a man's career right now, but that said ending the days where a Bill Cosby could get away with drugging and raping women, or Harvey Weinstein could get away with forcible rape among a slew of other major felonies I suppose are going to come with a price, and that price is most likely going to be a lot of innocent, or at least only marginally guilty men are going to go down with the egregiously guilty,

I will concede that so far at least, I don't feel too bad for any of the men under fire right now and that includes both Al Franken and Roy Moore.

JakeFromStateFarm 48 reads
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Most of us aren't that way at all.  Also, I wouldn't lump Franken in with guys like Charlie Rose and Roy Moore.

HappyChanges 46 reads
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Did you smell your fingers Jake?  Or eat the pussy after CIP and VIP days?

JakeFromStateFarm 26 reads
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Your fingers are toxic, even to you.  Bad boy!

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 30 reads
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That assumes everyone who posts here has participated in p4p at one time or another.  All it would take is for one person who knows about that activity to report it to the press.  Sure, it might not be provable, but that doesn't seem to matter these days.  In today's USA, just the accusation of being a john or a prostitute could be enough to sink a political campaign.  

Other than that, there's nothing in my past that I'm afraid of turning up should I decide to run for public office.  And I've actually considered it. But the risk of my "hobbying" coming out is enough for me to think running for office isn't a good idea.  

JakeFromStateFarm 25 reads
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Campaign motto: "What the FUCK! He can't possibly be worse than the shit show we have now."

mrhuck 15 Reviews 44 reads
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...No Jake But from the standpoint of men's vulnerability I believe even the most modest of men need to be aware of misunderstandings with our interactions with women.

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 28 reads
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A variation of that one was used by the Republicans in the 2016 election, except it was more about what we'll get.

It worked, but I'm not sure it will work next time.

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