Politics and Religion

Re: hwy has proven without doubt he's a partisan hack.
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So in saying everyone you are also referring to Pelosi, Schumer, Waters and Warren?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: hwy has proven without doubt he's a partisan hack.
I did not say blame Trump.   All I said is that incompetence is trickling down from top to bottom.   Everyone is doing a lousy job.

A US destroyer crashes in to a vessel near Japan and 7 wonderful sailors are dead.    This is what happens when the country has an Incompetent in Chief instead of a Commander in Chief.     Incompetence just trickles down.    With all the scandals, investigations, hearings and every fucking guy in the Administration from the Crook down to Janitor hiring their own attorneys to cover their asses in the ongoing Watergate #2 this is what happens:

1. Attacks in Yemen, just laugh it off
2. Air strike on ISIS in Syria, a joke
3. Afghanistan, a disaster and 4,000 more going there to get killed
4. No idea where our war ships are?   Where are they?
5. A US destroyer cannot even navigate safely

Wait.  We already knew that.  Blaming the accident with the destroyer on Trump is perhaps the dumbest thing you've said and I won't even waste my time rebutting it in detail.
Too bad, as I actually agree with most of your other points.

He can't even get his facts straight. The freighter ran into the destroyer......not the way he tells it.  

hersheyhighway is a very confused person.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Re: hwy has proven without doubt he's a partisan hack.
Wait.  We already knew that.  Blaming the accident with the destroyer on Trump is perhaps the dumbest thing you've said and I won't even waste my time rebutting it in detail.  
 Too bad, as I actually agree with most of your other points.

I did not say blame Trump.   All I said is that incompetence is trickling down from top to bottom.   Everyone is doing a lousy job.

You referred to the "incompetent in Chief" and Commander in Chief.  Who exactly is that?  Idiot.

So in saying everyone you are also referring to Pelosi, Schumer, Waters and Warren?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: hwy has proven without doubt he's a partisan hack.
I did not say blame Trump.   All I said is that incompetence is trickling down from top to bottom.   Everyone is doing a lousy job.

What a crock! That's pretty thin gruel you are serving from your partisan menu!

I wonder if he would still feel that way if he found out that any of them were both white and that they had voted for Trump, something that is a statistical probability.

and Hadji, when even Matt calls you out for this, you know just how far over the line you have leaped.

He also thinks the mayor of London is "Honorable".

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Re: Do you think the vet's wife Hadji claims to be fucking is a Navy wife?
No wonder he thinks those Navy guys are wonderful.

.338-Lapua86 reads

surrendered to an inferior enemy in International waters.  

" Never give up the ship "  gave way to fear of being prosecuted by a shitte loving Commander and Chief

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