Politics and Religion

Re: How does one stay in a racist church like Obama did for 2 decades?
randomvr301 487 reads

He made an error in judgment like the white supremacist and KKK Republican who is being defended by House Speaker.

Get a bearing.

bigguy302024 reads

So with the economy getting better and gas prices lower etc.

The GOP scum must work harder to mess things up for this President.

I know maybe they need to worry about some of their members first:



When 2016 rolls around people will be running away from the GOP again.

They did not even take control of congress and the animal house already has problems

Libs define hate as anytime you disagree them. Its hilariious you use the word scum then accuse others of hate.
As for Scalise he accidentally spoke to white suprrmacist group. Obama spent 20 years in Jeremiah Wrights  church. We all make mistakes.

bigguy30750 reads

I love how some GOP supporters will try and spin anything!

The only word the GOP really understand is hate.

So I will let one of your own answer it for you

Perhaps you can sit in on a few sermons from white homophobic preachers. If you do, you'll hear much the same thing. Those who view themselves as prophetic preachers are not nationalistic, when they view the nation sinning against God. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, God punishes sin in his wrath.  ;)

magicsam605 reads

Really?? How do you "accidentally" speak to a group that everybody knew was racist? Mistake? It was clearly calculated to get to get him votes and he needs to resign and shut up.

Was that an "accident"?

Here's the point. For those on the left that think it was no biggie that Barry looked up to and admired Wright, then they should really STFU about this Republican.

I'll give Scalise a pass on this one but if the record shows he has any ties to this group outside of giving this one speech, he has to go.

magicsam684 reads

You can give him a pass, for what it is worth, but I guarantee that he will lose his leadership position by the time Congress reconvenes, as well he should. No matter what you and other troglodytes think, American has changed for better and is more tolerant than you think. Your are a dying breed.  What kind of ties are you looking for? He obviously sympathizes with that group which espouses hatred and intolerance. Will you give them a pass?

He made an error in judgment like the white supremacist and KKK Republican who is being defended by House Speaker.

Get a bearing.

The President got elected once and then elected again!    STFU!

these hypocrites are pissing their paqnts about a speech?

a tall glass of STFU is indeed in order

bigguy30565 reads

Why is anybody surprised the GOP would back this clown.

Just listen to them on talk radio, TV etc.

I will say it again the GOP will have voters running away from them in 2016.

-- Modified on 12/30/2014 4:11:52 PM

nuguy46474 reads

a KKK LEADER...revered by the left for years......and now 'hating' a guy that supposedly gave a speech (now denied by the organization itself).....when will Dems grow up?

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