Politics and Religion

Re: He's white....he's allowed to
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 3100 reads
1 / 18

At today's press conference in the Rose Garden, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis spoke without any notes, standing straight up while looking at the audience.  And he spoke in English, his THIRD language.   Dumbass Donny had to read every word of his speech hunched over the prepared text on his podium.  He was embarrassed by a furriner.  Where are all the righties who criticized Obama for reading his speeches?

Trump is a fucking embarrassment to our country.


ed2000 31 Reviews 89 reads
2 / 18

1) This and other embarrassing actions should be grounds for impeachment
2) This and other embarrassing actions are justification for manufacturing grounds for impeachment.

Or could be both.

Cottonmouth 114 reads
3 / 18

apology tour in the Middle East and bowed to the Saudi King . Oh wait , that was chump Obama who did all  that . When President Trump went the Saudi King kissed his ass . It nice to have a real POTUS again .

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 119 reads
4 / 18

When the President (I mean a real one) has a joint press conference with a foreign head of state, he either should not bring up domestic disputes and investigations involving him or his administration  or dismiss questions about them by the press just by saying "this is not a forum for discussing the topic".

We have a moronic buffoon in the Oval Office who thinks any place and time and crowd is OK to flash his dirty laundry!

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 59 reads
5 / 18

You are not good at any reading and just blurt blah blah blah.    I took care of that "lefty toon reporters bringing it up.   Why not you go back and read my last sentence.     He should have refused to answer the question saying " not in this press conference".

Joint press conference with visiting heads of state are for discussing and answering questions about bilateral relation, diplomatic, trade etc.,   Not for was washing dirty laundry.    For that he has that master. Mr. Sean Spinster.   LOL.

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 92 reads
6 / 18

He curtsied like a little girl.  There are certain diplomatic conventions real diplomats follow. At least Trump bowed when meeting Abe from Japan.  I swear dude you come up with the weirdest thing to complain about and are usually just wrong.

ed2000 31 Reviews 156 reads
8 / 18

When he first started I said his pathological narcissism and lack of experience in government or even publicly held corporations could be his undoing.  

What is far far far more embarrassing are the dishonest people in the press and the government who believe their goals are more important than the Constitution.

mattradd 40 Reviews 109 reads
9 / 18

to his inability to carry out his duties as president! ;)

-- Modified on 6/10/2017 2:50:23 PM

impposter 49 Reviews 110 reads
10 / 18

My first reaction to "covfefe" was that POTUS experienced a ministroke in the middle of a tweet and didn't recover for several hours. I wonder when the next stroke will occur and what it will bring?

Posted By: mattradd
Re: 3. He leaves office due...
to his inability to carry out his duties as president! ;)

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 86 reads
11 / 18

He says he will get the tapes "in a very short period of time"!      How long does it take for WH staff to pick up the tape and hand it over to the Senate Committee?     30 minutes,  45 minutes,  1 hour.   Many are saying there are no such tapes.    Either he is as usual telling a lie or he has ordered his buddies in Russia to create a tape that goes in his favor.

Then he is screaming that he wants to testify under oath!    No one who is 100% innocent would offer to testify.   He would let others find him guilty.     He knows he is boxed in and acting like a nut.     Is it any wonder no well known law firm is prepared to represent him?    They know he is finished.     They know very well he is not going to pay them and like other attorneys he has treated, they will have to file lawsuits to get paid by him.

followme 71 reads
12 / 18

Blah Blah Blah

If Trump refused to answer those type of questions you and all your lefty dumbocunt pals would be shitting you pants, crying, whining, yelling screaming, wetting your panties and having temper tantrums and a hissy fit or two saying he is ducking the question, saying he is hiding something and so on with all you sissy ass lies and bullshit.


You’re Welcome
In Plagiarist HersheyHwy We Distrust

HappyChanges 83 reads
13 / 18

Another typical response from a lib playing the race card as usual. Obama was a complete and utter disaster.  Mr. Hope and Change alienated millions of Americans with his awful policies. Now Trump is left to clean up the mess he left behind. So far so good, Trump has kept his word on his campaign promises and he definitely knows how to get a laughable rise out of you libs. Keep crying and complaining snowflakes.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 73 reads
14 / 18

...President Obama's policies were meant to help people, every single policy advanced by Trump appears to hurt people, like searching this country for non citizens & throwing them out, & cutting funding for programs like medicaid so he can give a tax break to himself & the rich. Not to mention alienating with his stupid twitter comments the citizenry of an entire nation enough to make him unwelcome to visit there . I understand the compounding lack of faith in our federal government that gave Trump the votes to win enough E.C. votes to become POTUS  what is beyond understanding is how some foolish people could continue to defend this stupid rotten spirited creep no matter how he embarrasses himself & our nation.  

HappyChanges 96 reads
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Barack Obama increased the national debt by nearly 8 trillion!!!  This needs to stop.  It is impossible to sustain this reckless spending.  Contrary to popular belief, the rising national debt has consequences. Increased interest rates, higher taxes and diminished government and private investment to name a few. The people most affected are the poor, elderly and middle class.  The same people Barack Obama claimed to help. Budget cuts for welfare and medicaid is a good start to tackle this growing problem. As well as cuts in foriegn aid as Trump has proposed.

The last time I checked it is illegal to enter the country without a visa and to overstay your visa. Poor communities throughout the nation are being devastated by illegal immigration.  Less fortunate folks now have to compete with millions of undocumented illegal immigrants. Cities across the nation are releasing convicted violent illegal immigrants back into our communities to torment. Why? It baffles me that you choose to support government officials that do not have a tough stance on illegal immigration.

You, by definition, are a snowflake!!!

mrhuck 15 Reviews 64 reads
16 / 18

...I guess there are getting to be enough of us snowflakes to create a blizzard & both the liar in chief & you will feel it, anyone that supports the policies like de-funding Medicaid to remove prescription support for those that are unable to afford their medications & breaking up families because one of the parents is  undocumented will soon witness the power of this country's true majority. Your side may have hoodwinked enough voters to gain power,but after Trumps performance thus far those numbers are changing & certainly the liar in chief's agenda has already been slowed, & I guess the upper income people really didn't really need that tax break so it could (trickle down) through the economy or just give them more funds to invest off-shore . Perhaps this Trump mistake is just what our country needed to remind us what happens when we allow our elected officials to put money ahead of people.

mattradd 40 Reviews 103 reads
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Did Congress ever approve his budgets? And, who holds the purse-strings; voting on what money to spend where? ;)

HappyChanges 89 reads
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Write that on your picket sign for the protest.  Create a sign for matt and laffy while you're at it.  I'm sure they will join you.

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