Politics and Religion

Re: Here you're not stupid, just ignorant.
borabora 15 Reviews 201 reads

So, he is the ignorant one and you are the stupid then?πŸ–‡

And, Tramp is not at fault at all as long as he added UN to CLASSIFIED and sells the material to the Russians!!

Go eat more pretzels.πŸ†–
Posted By: ed2000
Re: Earlier I implied you were "wacky". Here you're not stupid, just ignorant.  
Technically, it's impossible for a sitting President to illegally leak any classified material. By statute he has complete authority to declassify at any time, any information.

So at this point of this rapidly unfolding news drama, its pretty clear that Trump colluded with the Russians when he disclosed the humint source of ISIS activities and then called the recently dismissed FBI director a nut job, thereby confirming the effects of Russian planned interference in our government.  While I enjoy calling him an idiot, thats just an insult.  One of an infinite number Trump is worthy of.  You don't get to be POTUS with the intelligence of an idiot.

So really, he's basically just a fool for himself.  We all fool ourselves into being something we are not - its basic human nature.  We know its just imaginative.  But in Trumps case, his pathological ego drives him so irrestably to seek acceptance from basically whoever he is talking to at the time.  Remember he kissed Comey the first time he met him in front of all of us. He played golf with the Japanese.  Then, in a secret meeting with the Russians, Comey is a nut job.  And by the way the Israelis have a rat in ISIS and maybe helping those guys wipe out the rebel alliance will help your buddy al-Assad;  please adore me.

He's been this way for 70 fucking years.  He knows any other way of getting through life and isn't interested in learning anything different.   Besides, why would he?  In his warped mind, he's the greatest human that ever lived.  So I doubt Trump even realizes that he colluded with the Russians.  But intention is simply not a requirement for the analysis of whether or not he is fit to serve.   His entire existence is a pathological need for collusion with anybody he meets, just so they will like him.   He certainly is unable to appreciate the consequences of his actions, because to a giant ego like his, consequences of his actions simply do not matter.

Its time to invoke the 25th amendment.

Sorry, no links, just my opinion.   If you tell me how stupid I am, I will know how stupid you are.

i doubt it ever gets that far..he will be forced to resign when Paul..Mitch and the boys backing him up now realize he is a fucking menace to our democracy..this fucking nut job should have been Nixon' s demon seed..

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat

So at this point of this rapidly unfolding news drama, its pretty clear that Trump colluded with the Russians when he disclosed the humint source of ISIS activities and then called the recently dismissed FBI director a nut job, thereby confirming the effects of Russian planned interference in our government.  While I enjoy calling him an idiot, thats just an insult.  One of an infinite number Trump is worthy of.  You don't get to be POTUS with the intelligence of an idiot.  
 So really, he's basically just a fool for himself.  We all fool ourselves into being something we are not - its basic human nature.  We know its just imaginative.  But in Trumps case, his pathological ego drives him so irrestably to seek acceptance from basically whoever he is talking to at the time.  Remember he kissed Comey the first time he met him in front of all of us. He played golf with the Japanese.  Then, in a secret meeting with the Russians, Comey is a nut job.  And by the way the Israelis have a rat in ISIS and maybe helping those guys wipe out the rebel alliance will help your buddy al-Assad;  please adore me.  
 He's been this way for 70 fucking years.  He knows any other way of getting through life and isn't interested in learning anything different.   Besides, why would he?  In his warped mind, he's the greatest human that ever lived.  So I doubt Trump even realizes that he colluded with the Russians.  But intention is simply not a requirement for the analysis of whether or not he is fit to serve.   His entire existence is a pathological need for collusion with anybody he meets, just so they will like him.   He certainly is unable to appreciate the consequences of his actions, because to a giant ego like his, consequences of his actions simply do not matter.  
 Its time to invoke the 25th amendment.  
 Sorry, no links, just my opinion.   If you tell me how stupid I am, I will know how stupid you are.

Whether he committed a criminal act is not irrelevant to his removal, but neither is it determitive. Just whether or not he is a threat to our constitutional democracy. Of course the Republicans won't vote to remove him on that count, but if, as one Republican political operative said, the 2018 Republican's running for office will be like baby seals being clubbed ( a massacre). If it looks like that will happen, they will vote for his removal.

JakeFromStateFarm220 reads

The key words in the written summary of the meeting are not that he called Comey a "nut job" or even that he gave the Russians classified info about an iSIS mole.  it's these words:
β€œI faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
There is simply no other credible way to parse these words other than that Trump fired Comey to squelch the FBI investigation. And the sheer stupidity of it is mind-boggling.  First of all to even say it when he knew there was a note taker in the room.  Second of all to gratuitously insult Comey when he should have known the FBI would learn of it.  And finally, to think that simply lopping off Comey's head would stop the investigation.  The abject idiocy of this man is greater than anyone could have imagined.

Dershowitz came to Trump's defense on this exact point again last night. Per Dershowitz, the "pressure" Trump could've well have been speaking about was media/political pressure the Comey investigation was causing, NOT pressure to squelch the investigation.

Remember, firing Comey did NOT squelch the investigation and Trump and his people certainly knew this as someone would take his place and continue it.

JakeFromStateFarm231 reads

That reply is the same as Spicer's lame attempt to make the Trump quote not look self-incriminating.  So you and Alan are doing nothing more than mouthing White House talking points.  I'm not buying it.  Trump's words speak for themselves.  And, interestingly, the White House could not simply deny he said it. They had to go to Step Two and invent another reason.

Last night he proudly stated he voted for Hillary. I don't see what's in it for him to take Trump's back. He has excoriated Trump in the past.

Look, you said "there is simply no other credible way to parse these words..." and I found someone respected by both the right and left to refute that claim.

Maggie Haberman, one of the three NY times reporters who broke that story, admitted last night on AC360 that there is simply no way to know exactly what Trump meant when he said those words as it was vague in nature.  

Just seems like tons of reasonable doubt to me. coming from people I think you would acknowledge are not Trumpites.

JakeFromStateFarm264 reads

Actually, you have to stretch the meaning of the words in the memo further to reach Dershowitz' interpretation than you do mine, so don't say it "refutes" mine.

nuguy46129 reads

involve Laffy's daddy....when he mouthed the words, 'after my re-election i'll be able to freely maneuver'....was he referring to his impending bailout of Russia's best friend, Iran?  what else did his highness do to pay off the Rooskies??

and given the latitude Muller has in his investigation of Trump, and knowing Trump's history, do you truly believe he will not find something to compel Trump to resign? ;)

Technically, it's impossible for a sitting President to illegally leak any classified material. By statute he has complete authority to declassify at any time, any information.  

While it's still not clear what was said to the Russians in the Oval Office that day, it would be appropriate to call it collaboration not collusion. How about even "working together"? Do you know what he got in return? Politically speaking (or even from a national security standpoint), we can discuss whether it was wise or stupid, once we actually know what happened that is. Or more appropriately discuss what the final outcome is.

So, he is the ignorant one and you are the stupid then?πŸ–‡

And, Tramp is not at fault at all as long as he added UN to CLASSIFIED and sells the material to the Russians!!

Go eat more pretzels.πŸ†–

Posted By: ed2000
Re: Earlier I implied you were "wacky". Here you're not stupid, just ignorant.  
Technically, it's impossible for a sitting President to illegally leak any classified material. By statute he has complete authority to declassify at any time, any information.

TRump never declassified the classified info he gave the Russians. IF he had done so, the Post would have published it or we could get it by FOIA. So his power to declassify has nothing to do with it.

RAther he exercised his power to disclose classified info to the Russians.

I can always rely on you mari to dot my i's and cross my t's. You are of course correct, but my point stands that the President won't ever be charged with disclosing classified information since he's the ultimate "decider" on what is or isn't classified and (as you point out) the nature of the classification.

With so many legal issues confronting the P&R masses lately, where have you been? My guess was you felt torn between telling the truth and defending Trump which of course lately are actually one in the same.

-- Modified on 5/20/2017 9:07:16 PM

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat

So at this point of this rapidly unfolding news drama, its pretty clear that Trump colluded with the Russians when he disclosed the humint source of ISIS activities and then called the recently dismissed FBI director a nut job, thereby confirming the effects of Russian planned interference in our government.
As there is still not one shred of evidence of anything resembling collusion or anything else illegal, the only thing that is clear is that Trump is 100% correct in his description of the news media. Everyday the delusional Left drags this out will further discredit their most powerful arm - the "news" media.

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