Politics and Religion

Re: He never read anything. Only got info from Fox & BreiFart. -e-
2465305 70 Reviews 288 reads

So how do you like getting fucked?

Doggie or Mish?
Posted By: hwy2heaven
FOX was the shady front end to the Repubthugs during President Obama's 2 terms but now they are a shady backend to the Clown and the same Repubthugs.    Only difference from then to now, they are getting fucked from behind!

He would just sign anything the gop out in front of him.
Which was a tax break for the rich.


He is one ignorant fucking "sign on the dotted line" idiotic 'so called' President.   It is time for a new movie with that old title "Misfits" to show what a bunch of crooks, criminals, liars and foreign agents have taken over Washington.

and all along I thought that was Laffy and Bigguy.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

TwoMints297 reads

Liberal Progressive hit piece on President Trump.

It's only like the 10th? 20th? she's written  She is/was a talking head on the liberal Sunday shows and regularly attacked Trump and Republicans.  

Did Obama read Obamacare before he signed it? Not a chance. He wouldn't understand it either.  I mean it was only 1000+ pages.

Posted By: dbentertain
He would just sign anything the gop out in front of him.  
 Which was a tax break for the rich.  

JakeFromStateFarm166 reads

Are you really so naive as to believe a lefty columnist would not do that?  Especially after Trump and Ryan delivered the biggest fuck-up of any new administration ever.
And please don't compare it to ObamaCare, which was enacted after more than a year of hearings, consensus building with industry, and public meetings.  And it was STILL a fucked-up bill that many didn't understand, I grant you.  But the process of the two bills could not be more different.  Obama, at least, understood the policy issues.  Trump understood none of them.  Republican House members he lobbied were stunned at how little he knew, which didn't help.
Don't worry, this is all part of a long lurch toward single-payer health care which is what Obama really wanted but could not achieve with that Congress.
It will be basically "Medicare For Everybody." You're gonna love it

It will end up with Medicare for All after 330 million get screwed with 65% premium increases, high copay and high deductibles with Ryancare, LOL.

Hey drifter, we are talking the Clown and the new health care law.   You have a problem keeping up with current events?    Yeah, if you want to go back in history, crooked Richard Nixon ordered break ins, lied, and then got kicked out.   How about that?

JakeFromStateFarm112 reads

Just tell us, from your alternate reality, upon what is this based?  And where did you read it?  On some site that says 9/11 was perpetrated by aliens for the planet Tralfamadore?

GaGambler369 reads

But I will concede, the gap is closing fast.

Personally, the more I think about the health care bill, the more I come down on the side of the Freedom Caucus. It was a bad bill and anyone who voted for it would have owned it. The dems could have rightfully pointed at the bill if it were passed and claimed that the GOP didn't really fix anything. They of course will still say that, but the law that is in place now is THEIR baby and they will own it when it collapses upon itself not the GOP.

JakeFromStateFarm234 reads

Yes, the Dems passed ObamaCare but the Reps now own it because they utterly failed to come up with a replacement.  And they have done everything in their power to sabotage it and are planning even more.  If any of the shit in the attached article happens, you can be sure the Dems will let the voters know how the Reps are trying to put the final bullet into the back of their health care coverage.

GaGambler299 reads

So it's tough to dispute what I can not read, but the very premise of sabotaging a bill that was flawed from the beginning and sold with multiple lies is ludicrous.

I've agree from the beginning that O care was not going to be easily killed, but it's bullshit that the Reps own a law that none of them ever voted for. The deserve some heat for only coming up with the POS that they tried to pass off as a fix, but they most certainly don't own the even bigger POS that was enacted into law with ZERO GOP support.

Now if they did pass their lousy plan, THAT plan they would have owned, Maybe when premiums go up another fifty percent or entire states start having no plans at all both Dems and Reps will come together and do something about, and NO I have not been drinking this morning, but maybe I should start. lol

The clown had no time to read the bill leave alone understanding it.   He is fuming about that Mexican Gardener who is in control of the tower in NYC and screwing all the women left behind!

Mr.M.Johnson366 reads

It's 2017 now.  It's up to the Repubs to fix healthcare.  Blaming it on Obama won't help the fucking Repubs in 2018!

Fucking Repubs own it now and it's up to them to govern, and to-date they've proven they can't, they fucking CAN'T.  People will say "why didn't you fix it? - why didn't you do your fucking jobs?"

Ya know, Trump says "when ObamaCare collapses I'll be happy" meaning, he doesn't care about people, he cares only about himself and "winning."

If I thought like Carnival-Barker (Trump), I would be disappointed that RyanCare didn't pass, because, if it DID pass 24 million lose coverage and Dems would certainly win in 2018.  But, I care about those 24 million....

BTW, I don't hava horse in the ObamaCare/RyanCare race - I have United HealthCare for insurance.

GaGambler322 reads

You should really thank Sports Admin for saving you about a grand by proving you wrong before you could accept my bet.

So, if I am to understand your post, it sounds like you are admitting that Obama care is broken and that it's now up to the Republicans to fix YOUR broken system.  

and if you have any capital gains to speak of like you claim, you do have a horse in this race as ObamaCare increases your Capital Gains tax up to a whopping 23.8%

Mr.M.Johnson251 reads

You post included the following

 "the law that is in place now is THEIR baby and they will own it when it collapses upon itself not the GOP."

You said "when it collapses....". I did NOT say it would collapse. (Repubs have the ability to fuck-up ObamaCare even ore than they have to-date.  They've stopped Medicaid expansion in some states which makes premiums higher.  Now, they can simply stop the mandate which'll kill ObamaCare.  This assumes the fucking Repubs don't try again with a revised RyanCare bill and somehow get it passed)

I'm sayin that the fucking Repubs own healthcare now and blaming Obama ain't gonna fly w/voters who will say "why didn't you do your fucking job and fix it?"

Instead of believing whatever "news" sources you presently ascribe to, try listening to Trump.


While he did note that for 1-1/2 years he's been saying the best political course of action would be to let Obamacare explode, the summation of his remarks here note how bad the present course will be for people on it now. Even though the majority of the press is now claiming Trump is totally leaving health reform behind in order to move on to tax reform, he repeatedly said in these remarks that he looks forward to to working with Democrats very soon to come up with a new and better reform bill. The WSJ caught on to that:


Haven't you heard Trump is a Clown, and a Fucking Fraud, if you listen to any of the brainwashing mass media propaganda aka as popular music, it says it all.

Or you could pay attention to the reality that surrounds you. Shit bills die on the floor.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Just tell us, from your alternate reality, upon what is this based?  And where did you read it?  On some site that says 9/11 was perpetrated by aliens for the planet Tralfamadore?

I thought it died on the golf course at del a mar or whatever it is called.   The clown has been there 12 times in 9 weeks.  

Should be happy that the candidate of their disdain is miles away from the office they hold.

Partisans, the only people who complain when they get their way.

FOX was the shady front end to the Repubthugs during President Obama's 2 terms but now they are a shady backend to the Clown and the same Repubthugs.    Only difference from then to now, they are getting fucked from behind!

So how do you like getting fucked?

Doggie or Mish?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
FOX was the shady front end to the Repubthugs during President Obama's 2 terms but now they are a shady backend to the Clown and the same Repubthugs.    Only difference from then to now, they are getting fucked from behind!

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