Politics and Religion

Re: Good God do you ever tire of looking so stupid?
JakeFromStateFarm 2387 reads
1 / 23

And they name names.  There was no need for Nunes to rush over the see Trump the next day with his info, so the whole thing was a charade designed to create a smokescreen and slow down the investigation.

mattradd 40 Reviews 224 reads
2 / 23

Poor Spicey! He's going to have a rough afternoon press conference! ;)

-- Modified on 3/30/2017 11:43:00 AM

Mr.M.Johnson 232 reads
3 / 23

Nunes is a moronic rookie that was chosen for this position by Ryan/Trump because they can control him.

It must be REALLY FUCKING PAINFUL for Trump etc. that they can't stop leaks outta THEIR WhiteHouse!

JakeFromStateFarm 132 reads
4 / 23

I don't think he's a pawn of Ryan.  I think he's a pawn of Bannon.  And it's not that they "can't stop leaks."  They PROMOTED the leak to muddy the waters.  And if that's true, the sheer stupidity of it is amazing.  Either that or they're desperate.  Or both.

TwoMints 268 reads
5 / 23

Didn't the NY times also say the Trump was wire tapped?  They did.  

So let's roll with this analysis,  Someone in the Trump administration shared classified information with Nunes.  That person had to have a security classification to share that information. (if they don't they can't access the network)  Nunes reportedly saw classified documents. He's got the clearance to do so. He copied the page markers so he could request the documents through the appropriate agencies.  

What's the problem?  

Are they/you claiming that this information was leaked?  

The White house, specifically the President has access to ALL of the information. Anything he wants to see, he's entitled to see what ever he wants to see. Yes he can request to see any information on Aliens landing if he wants.  

How does this slow the process?  The executive branch has relative information and shared it with the ranking member of the committee tasked with investigating these things.  Nunes.  Nunes then asks for documents that he likely was unaware of that are relevant to his committees investigation.  Seems like that sped up the process.

Are you/they mad that he didn't share it with horseshiff?  

Seems that, and I'm assuming that these documents are what, the gang of 8 is heading to the White house to view collectively.  

Oh it's the process that regressives don't like. Weird.  The blind focus on who said what when and to who. What about what's in the documents?  Oh that doesn't matter?  He legally viewed documents related to their investigation. He couldn't share that with HIS committee, he didn't keep the documents. That would be illegal...  

The regressives are the ones slowing down the process, ignoring and not even looking at relevant documents presented to the committee.  They need to drag this shit out. The screaming for a special investigator is a plea to bail them out. They want it ASAP, as there is a slight chance that the Boente might pick a Special investigator that they like. (doubtful) I guarantee Rod Rosenstein won't. That's why they are holding up his nomination.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
And they name names.  There was no need for Nunes to rush over the see Trump the next day with his info, so the whole thing was a charade designed to create a smokescreen and slow down the investigation.

Mr.M.Johnson 201 reads
6 / 23

It's complicated though, Ryan is desperate to get his RyanCare bill passed since that's been his reason for living for 6 years, so, he needs Trump to support him, and there fore he needs Bannon - very FUCKING complicated!

Oh, I'm onto Trump and his 'change the subject, blame EVERYONE else, and flat out lying.'

Whatta fine mess we've gotten ourselves into..

Fun as hell to watch though!  We have 3 factions of the Repub party and Trump makes 4.  It's like 4 guys trying to do a gangbang and they fight w/each other to see who goes 1st, and then they realize they can't even get it up

nuguy46 174 reads
7 / 23

the crime is the Obama admin unmasking US citizens names, informing the news media of the names and the contents of the 'wiretapped. believe it is a felony.

No crime with telling Nunes...he is chair of the intel cmte investigating the Crime above.

Obama folks who did this should be flying out immediately to join their boss in French Polynesia...never to return.

JakeFromStateFarm 98 reads
8 / 23

the big,blantant dotted line to Bannon and the White House staff.  Do you really think they'd go through Ryan with this?  Not a chance.  He needs at least the appearance of clean hands.

JakeFromStateFarm 187 reads
9 / 23

The article never said, nor implied, that "Trump was wire tapped."  The article doesn't say much about what was in the material Nunes was shown.  But, yes, you're right that "the President has access to ALL the information."  That's what Democrats have been saying for weeks, so why didn't he ask for it and just clear the whole thing up?
And why didn't Nunes simply have the committee ask for the documents, instead of rushing to the White House the very next day to brief Trump on what he already had?
As for who's trying to slow down the process, it's Nunes -- and ONLY Nunes -- who cancelled hearings and kept the rest of the committee from seeing the information.  He's the only one slowing the process down.
And as for "the blind process of who said what when and to who(m)," isn't that what an investigation is supposed to be about?

TwoMints 275 reads
10 / 23

Because regressives wouldn't believe his narrative anyway.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
The article never said, nor implied, that "Trump was wire tapped."  The article doesn't say much about what was in the material Nunes was shown.  But, yes, you're right that "the President has access to ALL the information."  That's what Democrats have been saying for weeks, so why didn't he ask for it and just clear the whole thing up?  
 And why didn't Nunes simply have the committee ask for the documents, instead of rushing to the White House the very next day to brief Trump on what he already had?  
 As for who's trying to slow down the process, it's Nunes -- and ONLY Nunes -- who cancelled hearings and kept the rest of the committee from seeing the information.  He's the only one slowing the process down.  
 And as for "the blind process of who said what when and to who(m)," isn't that what an investigation is supposed to be about?

Mr.M.Johnson 169 reads
11 / 23

Ryan needs to walk a tightrope - he has to play nice with Trump/Bannon, and still appear to be kinda distant.  Ryan knows that Trump won't last until the end of his term.  Tough job for P.Ryan, since he has IQ-challenges of his own. He's accomplished nothing in ~18 years.  Grand total of 3 of his bills became laws in 18 years: "One named a post office in Wisconsin, a second changed taxes on arrows used by deer hunters, and the third, this year, established a $3 million presidential commission on ‘evidence-based policy making.’ "


And his tax policy from Day One is a exact copy-n-paste from Heritage Foundation.  I was told in college that you're supposed to provide your references otherwise it's palgerism - Paul didn't

Last week, I posted that I would bet $1K that that Trump won't last until 1/1/2019 if I could get 3-1 odds.  Virtually no one had a meaningful response.

So, now, I'm fine with 2-1 odds.  If someone(s) will put up $2K I'll put up my $1K

Any takers?

Mr.M.Johnson 295 reads
12 / 23

He obviously trusts/believes Judge Judy...or Judge Napolitano....or Breitbart, than he does the CIA, FBI etc..

mattradd 40 Reviews 171 reads
13 / 23

more than he believes the CIA, FBI, etc., and they get their info from Breitbart, Judge Judy or Judge Napolitano! ;)

-- Modified on 3/30/2017 3:25:45 PM

GaGambler 182 reads
14 / 23

I have already told you my objections to the bet, plus you claimed TER would "hold the bet" which I offered to bet you a grand that they would not. Lucky for you, TER acknowledged that they are not in the business of being an unpaid facilitator of gambling.

If you figure a way to make the bet that doesn't not require me tying up MY two grand against your one for almost two years, I'll take your bet.

JakeFromStateFarm 125 reads
16 / 23

I promise not to spend it on hookers and vodka.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 246 reads
17 / 23

It is time for you to shut the fuck up.    A Russian agent and spy has said he will testify if granted immunity from prosecution.

Begging for Immunity = I am guilty your honor.   I am sure he will bring down the criminal empire now in DC with all the Liars, Crooks, Creeps, Criminals disguised as some Administration.

GaGambler 238 reads
18 / 23

or a disabled vet to disparage, or maybe even a fantasy NYE party to go to that existed only in your own sick, twisted mind?

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 224 reads
19 / 23

I didn't think so. You attempting to correct anyone is laughable. Australia is calling........

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 154 reads
20 / 23

You should be in 'damage control' mode as your Clown's criminal empire is going to implode, not here but at the Kremlin.!  LOL.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 189 reads
21 / 23

Your Clown's criminal empire is imploding with Russian Agents and KGB spies.    

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 161 reads
22 / 23

Another paid Russian troll who cannot let go of Obama or Hillary.   The real drama is taking place in the White House!    Your Kremlin paycheck will stop pretty soon.    Your Clown has too many silver bullets pointed at him.

2465305 70 Reviews 147 reads
23 / 23

Really..or the fact that you are about to take it up the hersheyhighway. It's all coming around and it looks like your TRIBAL leader Obama is going to wind up with egg on his face.

Wait till the closed door hearings start and Comey and Rogers as well as Clapper have to testify under oath that The Tribal King knew what was happening and gets shit on by his sheep herders.  

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Another paid Russian troll who cannot let go of Obama or Hillary.   The real drama is taking place in the White House!    Your Kremlin paycheck will stop pretty soon.    Your Clown has too many silver bullets pointed at him.

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