Politics and Religion

Who is with me Trump for president, It will maketeeth_smile
THESPORTCAPITAL 143 Reviews 2704 reads

USA very interesting. He can't do worse than Guliani and maybe he has alot of pull. Maybe Sarah might back him up, what a team that would be, what does my favorite board think of this topic, inquiring minds want to know, When RJAI speak people listen like EF HUTTON COMMERCIAL back in day when i was a tad.

Timbow979 reads

Posted By: Rjai
USA very interesting. He can't do worse than Guliani and maybe he has alot of pull. Maybe Sarah might back him up, what a team that would be, what does my favorite board think of this topic, inquiring minds want to know, When RJAI speak people listen like EF HUTTON COMMERCIAL back in day when i was a tad.  

dumba_boy1466 reads

and former military, I would vote for Obama before I ever cast a vote for that self- absorbed, giant ego, Trump!!!!!

Can you imagine what that arrogant jerk would do if Congress, or anyone, said "no" to him for any reason?

His 15 minutes are up.

He is completely transparent to the right, the left and the center.  The only one who does not get it is....Trump himself.  But!  The ones who should really fear him are the Republicans, because it's their nomination process he's fucking up.

No one in the Republican Party -- at least among the people who count -- is worried about him.  He will never get the support to be a serious candidate.

He was among the leading Republican candidates until a week or so ago.  Of course, we know about polls, right?  Any time you don't like the results -- right up until election day -- you say they don't matter.

absolutely nothing.  Remember, Howard Dean was leading the Dem polls much later than this and look how he ended up back in 2004.

Giuliani was a huge leader at this time back in 2008.  Within months, he was long gone.

Trump has never been considered a serious threat by anyone who has any real power in the Republican Party.

I think we largely agree that polls at this stage have limited meaning.  Still, they don't mean nothing at all.  They are a snapshot of a moment in time.  The fact is, Trump actually led the Republican field until last week.  That does tell us something!  To me, it reveals what may be obvious -- the field is so weak that the party is in trouble.
Now, of course, his numbers have collapsed.  See below.  A classic example of  "The Emperor Has No Clothes."  And I'd say this poll, too, has some meaning.  It means Republicans woke up.
So, my conclusion is:  polls do have meaning, though it's transitory.  They should not be over-emphasized but they should not be dismissed, either.  And, yes, the only poll that really counts is on Election Day.

GaGambler1300 reads

His tough talk on China and the economy resonated with voters, if a "real" candidate to get out that same message, sans the "loony" factor of course, he/she might do very well this election cycle.

I am sure every politician thinking about running for POTUS remembers 1992, it really is "the economy stupid"

Just like in horse races, I never wager the morning line, this race has another year and a half to run,I think I'll wait to see how things progress before making any predictions.

1. He wouldn't be able to make the kind of money he's use to.
2. Just the process of putting in trust or divesting many of his enterprises and assets would be formidable.
3. He doesn't want all his dirty laundry exposed.
4. No more diplomacy, just the attempted jaw-boning and hard sell to our friends and allies, and they would solve that problem very quickly by just refusing to meet with him.
5. We'd be the laughing stock of the free world, and even that message would sooner or later get through the thick defenses of his narcissism.
6. Has two other branches of government to work with: go back to point 4 regarding their solution to that problem.
7. How's he going to get the social conservatives behind him, with the life-style he lives.
8. Don't think he is willing to give up the life-style he lives, and adopt one suitable for one holding the office of the presidency.

Though, it might all be worth it to him just to have the title of "the most powerful man in the world."

He isn't presidential material.

Come to think of it, though, I can't think of a single president in my lifetime who was presidential material though.

Stillers1962 reads

Oh you mean the guy who was questioning Obama's birth certificate while at the same time the President was planning on killing bin Laden?

He will never run because he is not as popular as he thinks.

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