Politics and Religion

Re: Doc, you've factored in the enthusiasm factor, but
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 697 reads
1 / 20

...the actual numbers of people who are likely to actually go out and vote, which is the method used by the LA Times, Trump supporters are far more enthusiastic about going to the polls on election day.
Trump generated more than 5 million newly registered Republican voters. Many of them are of the alt-right Milo Yiannopolis Steve Bannon Breitbart variety and these people have never before had a candidate they could get behind.

Y'all best stop paying attention to the rhetoric and start studying the actual facts on the ground.

Don't you get it yet? It doesn't matter what Trump says. What matters is what people HEAR him say, and what he says has tapped into a core problem of our country... that for decades the Corporations and their media shills have fed us a bunch of crap about the nature of things. Rush Limbaugh rants unchecked, Mike Savage rants unchecked, and then all of a sudden we have an entire generation of people who believe exactly what the bullshit artists tell them, and they are angry and here is Trump saying what they want to hear.

Can you say "Hoisted by their own Petard!"?

People who like Trump and want him in office are going to go out and vote.
People who like HRC might or might not bother to go out.

Most Likely to Vote on Election Day.
of the percentage of voters in this specific demographic
I believe they would favor Trump

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 131 reads
2 / 20

...The Dems have the big guns and will roll them out as it gets closer to election day.

mattradd 40 Reviews 109 reads
3 / 20

left out the fear and loathing factor! I can imagine the fear and loathing factor of the Dems. toward Trump cancels out the lack of enthusiasm factor. Since Trump supporters enthusiasm factor is higher, it probably cancels out their fear and loathing factor toward Hillary! ;)

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 123 reads
4 / 20

propelled President Obama to two victories.  She seemingly can't get that on her own.  She certainly needs help from the Obamas to reach that segment of the voting population.

Common sense and normal election patterns have been thrown out the window in this election cycle.  The 16 other Republicans didn't recognize that soon enough to do anything about it and it appears that Sec. Clinton is also behind schedule in recognizing that.

All along this has been Clinton's election to lose.  Of course, we all knew that she was capable of screwing up and doing just that.  If she doesn't stem the latest slide of her own and rise of Trump in the first debate, this election is likely to be a lot closer than anyone ever thought it could be.

Of course, this is what happens when two weak candidates with big egos take center stage

Makwa 18 Reviews 95 reads
5 / 20

The Republican Party is NOT united behind Trump.  Some very respected GOP politicians are distancing themselves from Trump.  Party leaders have resigned because they can't support him.

We will not see a Trump in the White House!  (Because I don't think Madam President will invite him or his family).

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 114 reads
6 / 20

Posted By: BigPapasan
...The Dems have the big guns and will roll them out as it gets closer to election day.

bigguy30 129 reads
9 / 20

The media did get played by this clown.
So I do agree with one point and she has to start hitting him ever harder now!

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
...the actual numbers of people who are likely to actually go out and vote, which is the method used by the LA Times, Trump supporters are far more enthusiastic about going to the polls on election day.  
 Trump generated more than 5 million newly registered Republican voters. Many of them are of the alt-right Milo Yiannopolis Steve Bannon Breitbart variety and these people have never before had a candidate they could get behind.  
 Y'all best stop paying attention to the rhetoric and start studying the actual facts on the ground.  
 Don't you get it yet? It doesn't matter what Trump says. What matters is what people HEAR him say, and what he says has tapped into a core problem of our country... that for decades the Corporations and their media shills have fed us a bunch of crap about the nature of things. Rush Limbaugh rants unchecked, Mike Savage rants unchecked, and then all of a sudden we have an entire generation of people who believe exactly what the bullshit artists tell them, and they are angry and here is Trump saying what they want to hear.  
 Can you say "Hoisted by their own Petard!"?  
 People who like Trump and want him in office are going to go out and vote.  
 People who like HRC might or might not bother to go out.  
 Most Likely to Vote on Election Day.  
 of the percentage of voters in this specific demographic  
 I believe they would favor Trump.  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 106 reads
10 / 20

The ONLY conservative politicians who warrant respect are the ones who have distanced themselves from Trump as the only truly patriotic act they can claim. There weren't respectable at all prior to their backing away from outright Fascism. They were just Republiscum.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 105 reads
11 / 20

ok that was funny matt:) Fear and Loathing indeed!

In fact, those who despise HRC cross the spectrum of the GOP from Tea Party Evangelicals to Log Cabin Moderates.
Those who despise Trump tend to all be part of the bought and paid for crowd owned by Big Pharma Big Oil or Wall Street.
But the Democrats who hate Trump are the same ones already voting for HRC, and they are more likely not to bother whereas the Trump crowd will vote and bring many of those 5 million new registrants with them.

Less fear and loathing and more Beer and Loafing.  

Posted By: mattradd
left out the fear and loathing factor! I can imagine the fear and loathing factor of the Dems. toward Trump cancels out the lack of enthusiasm factor. Since Trump supporters enthusiasm factor is higher, it probably cancels out their fear and loathing factor toward Hillary! ;)
-- Modified on 9/16/2016 2:51:29 PM

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 111 reads
12 / 20

you are woefully mistaken.  He is as far from a true Republican as anyone can be.  Somehow, he managed to slip through the primaries and gain the nomination.

But, the real question is this? Why am I even wasting my time trying to talk with someone so crass and stupid that they think it is clever to call a Republican a "Republiscum?"   How long did it take you to come up with that winning line?
Posted By: WickedBrut

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 97 reads
13 / 20

Maybe some of the harsh rhetoric will serve to sway some of Trump's "normal" supporters. You know, the people who are in the party, right-wing but not crazy, people who mostly tend to earning a living, raising a family, enjoying life, but not really into politics. They might be Republicans because they were kids when Eisenhower was in office, and maybe they liked Reagan when they grew up. Some of them might start listening and decide they don't want to be associated with the deplorable half.

I wonder how many of such people live in voter-suppression states and won't show up at the polls with proper identification. It would be a hoot if this massive crackdown on voter fraud wound up turning away mostly Trump supporters.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 107 reads
14 / 20

So who are your heroes?

Rick Perry?
Ted Cruz?
Scott Walker?
George Bush?
Richard Nixon?
Ronald Reagan?
Danforth Quayle?
Rick Scott?
Marco Rubio?
Sarah Palin?
Michele Bachmann?

-- Modified on 9/16/2016 4:12:07 PM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 114 reads
15 / 20

But I'm sure you'll continue to interrupt until someone does pay attention to you

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 101 reads
16 / 20
JakeFromStateFarm 119 reads
19 / 20

You think EVERYONE who wastes his time arguing with you is similarly obsessed.  You are truly an egomaniac, as well as a stalker yourself.
Oh, and how amusing it is to see you now predicting that "Trump is going to win this thing" when in most polls he's still a few points behind.  Typical Chicken Little whose hair bursts on fire when Hills has a bad week. My guess is after Trump's failed attempt yesterday to bury the birther issue and his nutty statement about her "body guards" and their guns you'll be singing a different tune in a few days.
Once you put out the fire in your hair. (And, yes, I've used this one many times and am reprising it just to piss you off).  Also, some friendly advice: your constant eating of soup kitchen food high in sodium could cause high blood pressure, and with your constant vituperations you could pop a blood vessel.  Please calm down

bigguy30 96 reads
20 / 20

So I will let you get back to fighting with your buddy Doc on here and don't get jealous. Lol
Also since everybody mocks you on here.
I would not be calling anyone else a board Idiot.

Thanks again for the laugh and when Trump loses on election night.
I will make sure to bring this comment by you again!
Posted By: Laffy
 The only person I can think of who says Trump has "no chance" is Board Idiot # 5:  bigguy.  
 I think everyone else has said Traitor Trump could actually win it.  
 And this also why I said it was smart for say half of his groupies are bigots because it fired up her base.....and reminded the indies what fruit cakes follow him.
-- Modified on 9/18/2016 2:21:17 PM

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