Politics and Religion

Re: Actually there are good reasons for states to reject expanded Medicaid
randomvr301 331 reads

Stop giving tax breaks and rebates to the top 1% and corporate donors and use that money to offer health care.     Take out bonds, go for infrastructure projects in the state, create jobs, increase disposable incomes which will increase sales tax revenue!    

If you add up all the time and money, legal fees and court fees spent in passing and fighting abortions laws, voter suppression laws, drug testing state employees it would be enough to pay for Medicaid!

hopefully the whole world will end up here.

Posted By: stevensinger
there are lots of non south americans comming across the border

It will be funny to watch states like Texas, Florida, Louisiana and other RED anti Obama states who did not expand Medicaid for the poorest of the poor in their states.     They will flood the ERs in these states, get  swamped by these people, end up being treated, go home without paying a penny and let the people with health insurance pick up the tab

Medicaid has been there from 1965 and it is not President Obama's fault it is funded by Federal tax dollars.     The ACA only expanded it to include more people who otherwise would go without health insurance.

So, cool it

DamienScott398 reads

So answer his question. Who's going to pay the tab when all these newly insureds realize they can hit the ER for a hangnail. You're clueless.  

Posted By: csekhar73
Medicaid has been there from 1965 and it is not President Obama's fault it is funded by Federal tax dollars.     The ACA only expanded it to include more people who otherwise would go without health insurance.  
 So, cool it.  

Hospitals will add this to their charges and collect from insurance companies who will raise the premium!  LOL.

While federal funds cover 100% of the costs at the start and 90% thereafter, the states still have to pay for that 10% of the costs – and that is billions of dollars.  The bottom line is that states will have to raise my and your taxes to pay for someone else’s health insurance.

       And expanded Medicaid does not cover the “poorest of the poor.” You have it backwards. Existing Medicaid covers those with no income; expanded Medicaid covers the “working poor” up to 133% or 138% above the Federal Poverty Level.  The working poor do not qualify for fed subsidies so this will leave a gap of uninsured. But is is also wrong to say ER rooms will be swamped. The number of working poor uninsured will not increase but will stay the same; the total number of uninsured seeking ER treatment should actually decrease bc so many more will now have health insurance.  

      Yes, the hospitals will take it on the chin here but they have survived so far. But since this is the working poor we are talking about, you would expect some of the bills to be paid.

       While many Obamacare features are market based, expanded Medicaid really is pure socialized medicine. This feature of the ACA is rightly criticized by Obamacare haters

JackDunphy349 reads

I almost agreed with everything you said. Lol. Expect to hear from attorney re: me passing out at your post and thus sustaining a whip lash injury as I fell to the floor. Lol. Know anyone that would take my case? Will Ocare cover those "injuries"?

Where ya been? Good to see you back bro.

" The bottom line is that states will have to raise my and your taxes to pay for someone else’s health insurance.".

No.   States will have to stop spending time and money on passing anti abortion, voter suppression laws but work on growing the state's economy, create jobs, expand disposable income and increase tax revenues to support social safety net programs.

There are states who have implemented expanded Medicaid.   It is more of anti Obama thing than resources needed to expand in states like Florida, Louisiana, Texas etc.,   They don't mind putting people at risk for politics

DamienScott412 reads

What happens when 90% becomes 50%? Or 30%? Or zero? How do states pull that coverage back? They don't that's the whole plan. And of course O'bama never puts anyone at risk for politics right? At least we got out of Iraq no? Oh wait.....

Posted By: csekhar73
" The bottom line is that states will have to raise my and your taxes to pay for someone else’s health insurance.".  
 No.   States will have to stop spending time and money on passing anti abortion, voter suppression laws but work on growing the state's economy, create jobs, expand disposable income and increase tax revenues to support social safety net programs.  
 There are states who have implemented expanded Medicaid.   It is more of anti Obama thing than resources needed to expand in states like Florida, Louisiana, Texas etc.,   They don't mind putting people at risk for politics.  

Stop giving tax breaks and rebates to the top 1% and corporate donors and use that money to offer health care.     Take out bonds, go for infrastructure projects in the state, create jobs, increase disposable incomes which will increase sales tax revenue!    

If you add up all the time and money, legal fees and court fees spent in passing and fighting abortions laws, voter suppression laws, drug testing state employees it would be enough to pay for Medicaid!

All this "what if this and what if that"..if the queen had balls, she'd become king.I know shit about Obama care, the same with everyone on the board. Let it play out then let's see what happens. Then if it doesn't work, scrap it and the Republicans can install their plan....and you know what that is....NOTHING.

I'm sure you would love to see that. I know it would just tickle you pink if thousands of people die horrific deaths in red states that don't work with Obamacare.

I hope you are equally entertained to watch ebola kill thousands in blue states - due to the disaster Obamacare has made of the health care system.

RaymondDonovan366 reads

And then now will be a good time to have Texas secede from the nation. They been bitchin about it for years. We'll quarantine the state, no one come and goes. And in a matter of month, we'll just go in and pick up the pieces. After all they allowed Thomas Duncan to go untreated for days, basically threw him to the curb. And just think of it, the whole state of Texas will be ours again. Now to make sure Cruz, Gohmert, Perry and all the other nuts will be there...

I love it if the cowboys break away and get out of the Union and take their ebola with them as well.

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