Politics and Religion

JohnyComeAlready 647 reads

Profiling would only be racist if the people being profiled were Arab.  

I have a moderate view of profiling, it's a tool.
Posted By: AliquippaJones
.We musn't profile. Oh heaven forbid. That may be racist. After all diversity is wonderful. Can't be an Islamaphobe.  
    Fuck the backlash I'm worried about the lash.

n honor of Editor Stephane Charbonnier and the staff of Charlie Hebdo killed by Islamic Terrorists, behold the return of MoHamHead.


GaGambler952 reads

I don't claim to have the solution, but it's becoming clear that appeasement is not the answer, and a shout out to Hadji, neither are tougher gun laws.

randomvr3011139 reads

Why not go after a KKK & White Supremacist lover who will become House Majority Whip?    Is that organization not bunch of thugs who terrorize minorities.    

The anti abortion group that bombs abortion clinics and murder Doctors!    What are they?   Peace Doves?

right,instead of demonizing Islamists we should focus our attention on the mass killing,raping,enslaving,and beheadings by the  hordes of KKK and anti abortion activists that are terrorizing Americans. What a discerning analogy.Keep an eye on them. You could be our Paul Revere.

Posted By: comfortzone
Why not go after a KKK & White Supremacist lover who will become House Majority Whip?    Is that organization not bunch of thugs who terrorize minorities.      
 The anti abortion group that bombs abortion clinics and murder Doctors!    What are they?   Peace Doves?

He wants to give a pass to Islamist terrorists who just murdered 12 people in cold blood because years ago some nut killed an abortion doctor and there are still a few KKK wing nuts in this country? By that "logic" he probably thinks iSIS is OK because we had slavery in this country.

-- Modified on 1/7/2015 9:18:57 PM

JackDunphy1009 reads

And then we will work our way down to the Pro-lifers who have killed...1? or is it 2?

How many did Dubiya kill in Iraq?    Were they Muslims?    The Surge!    Remember when the US troops under orders from Gen. Betrayus drove tanks to street corners and demolished neighborhoods?      

We have blood on our hands, don't forget.

Since The Civil War there has been 2 or 3 surges of the KKK. During the first few decades of the 20th century they ran rampant throughout several regions and not just the South. Their numbers were large and their membership infiltrated almost all public and private entities. They had such little real opposition from within many white and Christian communities that it is quite fair to compare their situation to that of modern radical Islamists.  

Eventually it was white and true Christian groups and individuals that stood up to the KKK. The KKK was diminished to trivially small numbers. I seriously doubt it will ever disappear but comparing it to today's threat from radical Islamists is silly. Same goes for murderous abortion clinic bombers with the recent perpetrators sitting in prison.

We won't see much progress, if any, until the majority Muslim community steps up and starts to police their own. Of course there are entire countries such as Iran that are unwilling to leave the 1st Millennium regarding their religion.

The KKK will now feel empowered with one of their own being elected House Majority Whip!  LOL.   He did not apologize, just an error in judgment !    He has same blood flowing in his body, though.   How can he change his blood.    Hatred and bigotry is in blood and there are no known antibiotics to cure.

GaGambler836 reads

or Pimples I suppose, I know it would be unfair to claim that "all" the trolls were from the left hand side of the aisle.

BUT, if we are going to count BSC trolls, any objective observer would have to conclude that the left wing trolls outnumber and out post the right wing trolls by at least a 5-1 margin.

I was curious to hear your explanation of how France was appeasing the Islamists?  

... if the U.S. is to capitalize on this tragedy, there needs to be a train of logic which can be followed.

Posted By: GaGambler
or Pimples I suppose, I know it would be unfair to claim that "all" the trolls were from the left hand side of the aisle.

BUT, if we are going to count BSC trolls, any objective observer would have to conclude that the left wing trolls outnumber and out post the right wing trolls by at least a 5-1 margin.

GaGambler861 reads

How many times do I have to tell you that you are TSTTT?

Of course you are curious, you are also stupid. I sincerely apologize there is nothing that I either can or want to do to alleviate either condition.

He smelled your stinking sh**it and thought it was you talking to him,

Posted By: comfortzone
Hatred and bigotry is in blood and there are no known antibiotics to cure.
Just how big of a fucking idiot are you anyway? Hatred and bigotry are NOT in the blood you cretin.  
You aren't born hating, you learn how to hate.


Help me out with this one GaGambler, I don't mind hearing the rhetoric, but lets have some logic to back it up, or it won't be as entertaining.

for every person killed by an act of "domestic terrorism" in the US. 10,000 are killed by Moslems.

Do I need to count, ISIS, Boko Haram, Taliban, Al quaeda. 200,000 in syria.  

Got to go, no time to list more

.We musn't profile. Oh heaven forbid. That may be racist. After all diversity is wonderful. Can't be an Islamaphobe.
   Fuck the backlash I'm worried about the lash.

Profiling would only be racist if the people being profiled were Arab.  

I have a moderate view of profiling, it's a tool.

Posted By: AliquippaJones
.We musn't profile. Oh heaven forbid. That may be racist. After all diversity is wonderful. Can't be an Islamaphobe.  
    Fuck the backlash I'm worried about the lash.

Many would call an Arab a "person of color". No one says colored people anymore but you can say people of color.


Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Profiling would only be racist if the people being profiled were Arab.  
 I have a moderate view of profiling, it's a tool.  
Posted By: AliquippaJones
.We musn't profile. Oh heaven forbid. That may be racist. After all diversity is wonderful. Can't be an Islamaphobe.  
     Fuck the backlash I'm worried about the lash.

Islamists ?

Arabs ?

Blacks ?

I'm just trying to get up to speed.

Trying to get up to speed? Like a Yugo chasing a Veyron.
You're still trying to convince people you aren't the biggest idiot on this board since Tallula Jones.
And you fail with every idiotic comment you serve up

Up to speed with AJ's description of the suspects, I wasn't clear on what he was saying.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Trying to get up to speed? Like a Yugo chasing a Veyron.  
 You're still trying to convince people you aren't the biggest idiot on this board since Tallula Jones.  
 And you fail with every idiotic comment you serve up.  
No, you have done a fantastic job of doing so.

Home grown Frenchmen are  the suspected killers, from what I read .
   The artists killed were continually  throwing incendiary devices on a wild fire, without proper  protection and adequate  fire fighting tools.  
 If I was going to conduct my business by becoming the opposite of a Southern Gentleman with civility, and taunt a tight  knit group of seven million with thousands of dangerous radicals intertwined, I'd prepare myself for the day of reckoning, with more than one bodyguard.  

 I'm thankful  the murderers/vigilantes/terrorists didn't kill  innocent children, like America's  home born New York, red neck, radical terrorist,  Timothy  McVeigh.

Some will see the murdered  as Champions of Free Speech, some  will see arrogant, rude, defiant  
 cartoonists with a Death Wish, others will see a different perspective.
    What do you see?


Posted By: JohnyComeAlready

Who were the perpetrators.
  Islamists ?  
  Arabs ?  
  Blacks ?  
  I'm just trying to get up to speed.  

Obviously dolts who are now dead, as there was no oppressive government/authority trying to stifle their free speech. The magazine's free speech was stifled by people who are influenced by Islamic views.  

I'm interested in what France's response will be.

Masterful!   It is hard to believe a group of jerks calling themselves journalists think they can throw trash, deface and humiliate another religion and its spiritual leader.    Hate and humiliation of another religion is not freedom of speech.    They found out the hard way that what they thought was freedom of speech, came at a price.

You nailed the difference of domestic terrorism in this country, sometimes camouflaged as "mental illness".    The bottom line is women and children are ending up shot to death by rednecks in the name of right to bear arms.

The bottom line isn't the gun, the bottom line is the lunatic with murderous  intent and  no sympathy for his victims.  
  Take the case of Andrew Kehoe,  an American mass murderer who killed 38 children, 5 adults including his wife and injured 58 people.
 His  weapon was his intelligence accompanied by his lunacy, not a gun.

   Guns don't instill insane motive or provide maniacal reasoning for murderers, the gun is merely the choice of weapon used in some crimes.  
  Tim McVeigh was a marksmen yet he didn't kill his victims with a gun.
   If Charb and his fellow cartoonists  had been armed, perhaps they could have shot first, in self defense,  and we wouldn't be hearing  much about them, like  armed U.S. citizens who save their  own lives every day when confronted by violent criminals.  
            You should read more and talk less.
     If the murderers believe their cowardly actions will bring support to their cause, and  stifle  sarcasm of their religion, they are as wrong as you.

Posted By: comfortzone
 You nailed the difference of domestic terrorism in this country, sometimes camouflaged as "mental illness".    The bottom line is women and children are ending up shot to death by rednecks in the name of right to bear arms.
-- Modified on 1/8/2015 12:30:52 AM

The entire point of our First Amendment is to protect speech with which we disagree.  I'd think a liberal like you would understand that.  It's why the Nazis got to march in Skokie.
Why so sensitive about Mohammad?  Charlie Hebdo also skewered the Pope, Jews and everyone.  But you only defend murder when it's about Islam?
Allah Akhbar, dumbass.
You give liberals a bad name.

GaGambler690 reads

Doesn't having him on YOUR side make you wonder about your position on many other issues? After all any side that Hadji takes is most likely going to be wrong, so if you agree with him on an issue.....

On a related subject, does Hadji now give me license to shoot you for calling me Wu, Chink, and other unkind and racist names? and I suppose by that same line of reasoning I suppose I better be looking over my shoulder whenever I not only call you a heeb, but the world's worst Jew. Oh wait, I don't call you that, that's what you call yourself, never mind.

Most especially cumstainzone.  Willy's OK but he's not really a lib.  More like an anarchist.
And, GaG, you can call me anything but late for dinner.

There is a simple solution.    You can stuff your face in the nearest Tbowl and flush.

JackDunphy751 reads

its nice to see you stand up to the a-holes on your side of the fence. I had to give DA a prop the other day for taking the right side of an issue, I had to blast Chris Christie yesterday and I see you stepping up here, which you do often actually to idiots, regardless of party affiliation.

Maybe this is becoming the board you hoped it would? It works best for me when we keep our cherished beliefs but are open to new and good ideas, whether they come from the left or right and smack down db's, on our side of the aisle or the other side.  

I'll listen to all your liberal garbage (lol) for I know you put country first. Props to you Nick.

GaGambler847 reads

but yes, Nicky is one of the few libs that will "take on his own"

as for this board becoming what he hoped it would be, lot's of luck with that. Between Hadji, fatgirl, FatBoy, Pimples, NuGay, fuck the list goes on and on, MOST rational conversation is drowned out here.

I will let Inicky pick his "rational posters" from the right, but from the left, aside from Nicky, DaFlex and "moderate Matt" (as opposed to PartisanMatt) I can't think of many lefties I can have a rational conversation with. There used to be several, and some of them were WAAAYYY left, like my good friend Moosie, but at least you could talk with them. The libtards on the board today are by and large TSTTT, and I suppose the same thing could be said for their rightwing counterparts.

When it comes to spelling mistakes, I will  thank his mind set or Freud's silent influence, he doesn't find  time to spell check looney spelling on his side.  
  I'll admit there is enough confusion among the right, too many times, using the wrong letter, one less than needed , or one too many, to last him "too" more life times.  
   No sense upping the ante with a losing  hand when the  pot is already overfilled. :-D

Posted By: GaGambler
but yes, Nicky is one of the few libs that will "take on his own"

as for this board becoming what he hoped it would be, lot's of luck with that. Between Hadji, fatgirl, FatBoy, Pimples, NuGay, fuck the list goes on and on, MOST rational conversation is drowned out here.  

I will let Inicky pick his "rational posters" from the right, but from the left, aside from Nicky, DaFlex and "moderate Matt" (as opposed to PartisanMatt) I can't think of many lefties I can have a rational conversation with. There used to be several, and some of them were WAAAYYY left, like my good friend Moosie, but at least you could talk with them. The libtards on the board today are by and large TSTTT, and I suppose the same thing could be said for their rightwing counterparts.

I'm surprised you hadn't noticed that on my few visits here I skewered stupid liberals like bigGay and others. Cumstainzone is just the latest.  And you righties have more than your fair share of idiots.  I flame idiots no matter what their flavor of idiocy.  But liberal idiots piss me off the most because I don't want to be represented by fools.  And cumstainzone is a fool for sure.

-- Modified on 1/8/2015 2:47:58 PM

GaGambler900 reads

and don't forget that liorr was also a righty.

I do have to say though, there really are more completely BSC trolls on the left hand side of the aisle than on the right. Just measuring by quantity that is. We can argue just how BSC each one is, but by sheer numbers the left wing loons outnumber the right wing variety by a considerable margin. I don't claim to know why this is the case, but any objective count of the trolls here over the years is going to agree with my assessment.

They're about as knee-jerk right-wing bozos as you can get.  And there are plenty more but I have no interest in scanning through this cesspool to dredge up their names right now.
That said, cumstainzone is the current Lefty Board Fool.

I agree with you, if one is going to spit in the face, figuratively, of another, that person needs to be prepared for the consequences. Not, that I believe the murders were justified, but there are people of all persuasions just looking for an excuse to unleash their hostilities. Not certain yet how much they identified with radical Islam, however the fact that the police have been keeping an eye on them for some time points out the precariousness of balancing personal freedoms and privacy vs. protection.

Unfortunately, many here and in Europe see little difference between radical Islam and the religious beliefs of the vast majority of Muslims. Though technically correct, Lindsy Graham does little to help in that regard. Isis does have a religious underpinning, but of a very small sect, or portion, representative if Islam. Just like there are Christians who will be guided by the Old Testament's, and it's vengeful, jealous God, others will be guided, in their actions by the New Testament, with a God of peace,  forgiveness and reconciliation, so it is with Islam.


Like Obama has done, it's very important to point out the distinctions between radical Islam and the two mainstream branches of Islam . Why? Because, it's important keep the enemy as small as possible, and to enlist the greatest number of allies in our fight.

Lao Tzu said, in the Art of War: "“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Bush fell in the latter category when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan. No reason why Obama should follow in his footsteps.

JackDunphy712 reads

I just don't see where "moderate" Islam exists in any large numbers. I don't see anyone really standing up to people who have hijacked there faith.

In all too many occasions, Muslims act in terroristic fashion or support it the acts of terrorists or murderous ways. They support honor killings and killing for apostates. They are the majority, certainly in the Middle East.  

If moderate Islam ever did exist, I haven't seen it and believe me, I have been looking for it.

Neighbors, colleagues, shop and restaurant owners. There is little written about the percent of moderate versus radical Muslims, but what I've read is radicals can range from 7 to 37 percent, based on whose ever definition you're using. So, that leaves moderates as being 93 to 63 percent. Given that, why would one say or do things that alienate the moderate from us and drive them to the radical's point of view. Why would one choose to at least double the size of the enemies army against him?

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War  

Perhaps this is a better approach.

"What, then, separates a Muslim moderate from a
Muslim radical? Although almost all Muslims believe
the West should show more respect for Islam, radicals are more likely to feel that the West threatens and
attempts to control their way of life.  Moderates, on the other hand, are more eager to build ties with the
West through economic development. This divergence
of responses offers policymakers a key opportunity
to develop strategies to prevent the moderate
mainstream from sliding away, and to check the
persuasive power of those who would do us harm."

JackDunphy679 reads

Moderates staying silent is giving aid and comfort to the radicals. You see outrage by moderates? Please, show it to me. It's non existent bro.

JackDunphy831 reads

Of course they are going to condemn murder. My how brave. Where are the mass demonstrations? Where are the marches? It doesn't happen Matt. Far too many Islamists are radicalized. More than any other religion. By far.  

Keep looking bud. Get back to me when moderate Islam rises up and slays radical Islam, or even makes an attempt.

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