Politics and Religion

Quad, you have made a lot of really dumb posts over the year
GaGambler 42 reads

I know the snowflakes are going to try to shoot holes in this idea, but it makes a LOT of sense to me.  

Schools are "gun free" zones which makes them the softest of the soft targets. Considering that eliminating guns is a pipe dream, the only other solution I can think of is to "harden" the target. It too is not a perfect solution and it won't stop ALL would be murderers any more than a security system will stop all burglars, but it is a huge step in the right direction.  

I have often said, I would be willing to give up my guns if we could get rid of ALL guns, but as long as criminals have guns, I want the ability to shoot back. Having armed teachers, like you said even if only 10% of them would give the kids a fighting chance against the bad guys which is more than what they have now.

Passing laws outlawing certain types of weapons will not stop lunatics from murdering the unarmed.
  Self Defense is the best defense to save lives.

It won't  be necessary to arm every teacher, one out of ten teachers carrying a weapon with  knowledge how to use it will be a major deterrent.   Concealed  of course.


I know the snowflakes are going to try to shoot holes in this idea, but it makes a LOT of sense to me.  

Schools are "gun free" zones which makes them the softest of the soft targets. Considering that eliminating guns is a pipe dream, the only other solution I can think of is to "harden" the target. It too is not a perfect solution and it won't stop ALL would be murderers any more than a security system will stop all burglars, but it is a huge step in the right direction.  

I have often said, I would be willing to give up my guns if we could get rid of ALL guns, but as long as criminals have guns, I want the ability to shoot back. Having armed teachers, like you said even if only 10% of them would give the kids a fighting chance against the bad guys which is more than what they have now.

zorrf16 reads

Because what we *really* need are a bunch of suburban commandos who are normally afraid of their own shadows running around with guns.  

I feel pretty confident that if shit went down, you'd be the scary, shaky-handed motherfucker shooting drywall, your foot, pets, kids...everything BUT the goddamn threat.   I'd prefer you just closed your eyes cowered in the corner rather than exacerbate an already fucked up situation.  

Nowhere did I say that I was going to be protecting these kids, nor was it suggested that every teacher come to class carrying heat. There are many teachers, coaches, principals et al who have prior military service or who are otherwise already proficient in the use of firearms. Take those candidates, put them through a rigorous training program and we would have thousands of qualified people protecting these kids without spending billions in new hires.

Who knows, maybe they could protect your dumb ass when you finally go take that remedial reading course you need so badly.

zorrf13 reads

did I say shit about "these kids", "every teacher" or any teacher for that matter.  It's obvious I was mocking the idea of *you* and dweeby motherfuckers like you clapping back at "bad guys."

Tell me more about reading comprehension, though, Confucius.  

zorrf12 reads

In that case, arming teachers won't stop lunatics from murdering the unarmed.  

I guess your stupid ass total prevention standard can only be applied to policies that you don't agree with.  

I love watching you hicks struggle with logic.  That shit is hilarious to me.  

...only the police & fearful cowards

But this isn't Quad's idea, this is the idea of the Sheriff of Polk County who is already implementing the plan.

Not to mention no one is suggesting arming a bunch of untrained teachers, these candidates would go through training every bit as tough as what real cops go through. It's not a total solution, but it's a start, AND it has a much better chance of saving more lives than anything else on the table right now.

The issue with protection is how far out do you extend protection?  Just like at airports, there are masses at schools outside of virtually any security perimeter.  Do we require Police presence at every school for arrival and dismissal times?  
 As GAG points out, many on the left would think that would be a concern because the Police are so racially biased and inept.  I personally do not see the need for most of these weapons in our society, but at a minimum, as I suggested above we should be very, very careful who we allow to purchase or access these weapons.

I see Jake, who felt the need to falsely accuse JackD of wanting to "do nothing" still feels offering any ideas are not worth his time.  Of course, he will deny this.

Because lots of people have lots of ideas about how to start getting our...err...our arms..around the gun problem in the US. At least we are willing to try. But it does not matter WHAT possible solution(s) are offered, the ONLY response from the die-hard 2nd amendment crowd, backed up by Congress is: NO! that won't work. Nope--not that either. Or that. No way. Absolutely not. Can't happen. MY RIGHTS!!! YOU CAN'T TAKE MY GUNS AWAY!!!!!

Stop sale of automatic weapons= NO!
Stop sale of semi-automatic weapons=NO!
Limit # of magazines that can be purchased= NO!
Limit # of rounds in magazines=NO!
Limit amount of ammunition=NO!
Limit type of ammunition=NO!
Make sale of weapons at roadside gunshows illegal=NO!
Ban bumpstocks=NO!
Review age limits=NO!
Require a license=NO!
Require gun safety course=NO!
Require insurance policy=NO!
Universal background checks=NO!
National gun registry=NO!
Keep background checks on file=NO!
Longer waiting periods=NO!
Prevent people on terrorist no-fly lists from buying weapons=NO!
Prevent people with documented mental health issues from buying weapons=NO!
Make buying a gun more difficult than buying cold medicine or fertilizer=NO!
Smart guns? Maybe…makes sense right=NO!NO!  
What about.....NO! No sir---don't like it. Won't work.  

Train school teachers to be armed guards=YES!! YES!! BRAVO…brilliant…that should do it. Good for more sales too....sweet.

How would like a Pro-life group making the 20 or so ADDITIONAL restrictions to get an abortion? My guess is you would be apoplectic.

Training school teachers to be proficient with a gun doesn't restrict ANYONE's rights and as YOU admitted yesterday, YOU would want someone with a gun to track down and kill the mass murderer BEFORE he achieves all the carnage he can manage.

I suppose you mean 20 or so ADDITIONAL restrictions on abortion----on top of the already long list of existing restrictions? Right? The comparison would be funny if it wasn't so ignunt---seeing as how abortion is already pretty severely restricted.  

But back to guns. Yes, I've heard. SOOOOOOOOO many of these suggestions (well...any suggestions, really) are viewed  as limiting your rights in the EXTREME--so, of course----NOTHING can be done to implement ANY restrictions on gun ownership. Because hey---there's the 2nd amendment, written in the 18th century, that clearly protects the right of a "well regulated militia" to bear arms. Which, apparently, does not require an actual militia (well regulated, or otherwise). And it says: "ARMS". SEE! So....yeah....arms....any arms. All arms. Long arms. Short arms. modified arms. military arms. Nobody can take your arms. Got it.  
But just for grins----nobody is talking about ALL of these things. So, how about one, Jack. Is there ANY ONE of these things that might be acceptable to the militia? Anything here that wouldn't limit your rights, in the EXTREME? Or are we still at: NO!

We have OVER 10,000 restrictions on guns! Jesus H, Plants.  

So why are you saying "NOTHING can be done to implement ANY restrictions on gun ownership?"

This just in Plants... WE ALREADY ARE ! And BIGLY at that!

Now I am not saying ALL of them limit rights, but what I am saying is that NONE of them would have stopped THIS tragedy. Or Columbine. Or Va Tech. Or Aurora. Or Sandy Hook. THATS the point. Liberals keep wanting legislation knowing full well it wouldn't have stopped ANY of these mass shootings.  

Look, we tried it YOUR way for DECADES and it DOES NOT WORK. In fact, since we have place all these laws on the books it has gotten WORSE. Look at Chicago and Baltimore and DC. The most restrictive guns laws in the country and the mass slaughter there is insane.

Legislation only goes so far. To stop force, one MUST possess equal or greater force.

Lets try a different approach and see how we do. We can always go back to the failed, feel good politics of gun "control" legislation if we must.

which one of those 10000 gun regulations prevented the las vegas shooter---or FL shooter from purchasing 10+ weapons just prior to deciding to go shoot a whole bunch people? Does one of those regulations provide a way to raise a red flag when someone starts to stockpile weapons or magazines, or ammunition? Maybe that would be a gun registry---or licensing process...or....oh heck....that probably wouldn't do anything to help anything. And pretty cool that anyone of any age can buy an AR15 from a private dealer, don't you think? No permit needed---nuthin'! Unlike abortion---he doesn't even need parental approval.  
I was impressed with T's recent stance on allowing people with a documented history of mental illness to buy weapons. And just because someone has made it to a terrorist no-fly list doesn't mean we need to interfere with their right to arm themselves. We certainly wouldn't want to limit anyones rights here....
Yep, you're right jack. Anything and everything that could possible be done has already been done. 'Cause, ya know....if any suggestion made would not have prevented the most recent mass shooting, even considering changing the way we're doing things is pretty pointless. It's not like any other country has had success with this....

of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. We don't take peoples constitutional rights away bc of government suspicions. Try China or North Korea for that.

Do I really need to explain this to you???

The answer is NO!...whatever it is.....NO!......lol....

I didn't read all the threads, god who's got the time..but how did you get to abortions???? Love the way you can flip when you're cornered....

Sorry to hear that.

Most would understand that both have to do with deeply held rights, and restrictions to those rights, one mainly from the Left, one mainly from the Right and that is why they are relevant to each other but I see this was just too much for you.

Maybe if I type my posts slower you will understand them quicker? lol

And I don't think you even mentioned abortion till you were cornered,then you deflect  or go off topic. Again, it's what you do, I get it. It's just so you....I like the way you took the time to answer this thread, but when you asked me "What reform do you want? What reform do you think has a chance of working, or at least being part of the solution?, "..I gave you a list, so check it out and stay focus...and please don't bring up Prohibition.

This really is a great idea, if implemented properly. And no, I wouldn't want every teacher to be armed anyway. They have a right not to carry.

This would also solve the "cost" problem so many dopey liberals who are brand new conversions to the debt scene keep whining about. lol

But no where is the slightest mention of any kind of gun reform...should have added "in connection with gun reform"...but it's a start...Now let's see the local righties freak out now..

You didn't knee jerk the lefts talking points and you are open to other solutions so props for that.

You mentioned "gun reform" though. That is a very vague term. What reform do you want? What reform do you think has a chance of working, or at least being part of the solution?

What reforms would you legislate.? But to start
Mentally Ill should not be allowed to own a gun.
Magazines to no more then 10 rounds
Eliminate bump stocks and silencers, really what's up with that.
Universal background checks
National gun registry
Keep background checks on file
And I would treat taxing the shit out of purchases, much like tobacco. And anyone found with a non-registered gun will be cited harshly...but don't dwell on that and get side track. Which you have a tendency to do..stay focus.
there's more..and I bet you're against all of what I mentioned...
Now you're turn, what reform would you like to see?..should I wait?

and many of us "gun nuts" are already on record saying we were ok with that.  

I will also agree that silencers have no legitimate use and I'd be fine if they were banned too, although it's not that hard to make one yourself.

Mentally ill I am fine with as I am with some kind of magazine limits. I think ten rounds might be the right number. We already have backround checks, rather that make new laws I propose we start enforcing the laws already on the books rather than writing new laws that won't be enforced.

I have mixed emotions on both a national gun registry and keeping backround checks on file. Those remind me too much of the freedoms we have already signed away due to the Patriot Act, but I won't rule them out out of hand.

As for "taxing the shit out of them" I don't believe we should have the "shit taxes out of us" when buying something to protect our lives. I would much rather prosecute more vigorously all crimes committed with a firearm, or even all crimes of violence regardless of the weapon used.

Trump has asked Mr Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III to propose regulations. But, being the skeptic that I am, I'll believe it when I see it (especially considering we JUST had this convo after Las Vegas, and any action completely evaporated as soon as the news cycle died down). But, still, good on Trump.  Maybe he's smart enough to figure out that having teenagers getting radicalized over the issue is not a good thing for him. Hell...maybe he even actually supports it? But even full-on T supporting parents are not likely to take sides with T, over their own children. So I'm guessing a move of political efficacy on his part. I'll take it, either way.  
And, good on you, especially as a gun advocate,  for being willing to consider making some changes to the way we're handling guns in the US. At least have the discussion.......There are some positive things that can be done if gun zealots would stop immediately jumping to the conclusion that any changes, at all, equate to someone wanting to take all their guns away.  
Regardless of political affiliation, I think we all have an equally vested interest in finding ways to mitigate his mass shooting insanity---3 school mass shootings this year and it's only feb----which means doing a bit more than absolutely nothing (or, nothing more than strapping guns on teachers) is going to be required.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear any imaginable configuration of arms without regard to regulation shall not be infringed.  
Amendment II.a
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to arm school teachers’ to protect children from the unregulated militia shall not be infringed.
'ain't merika great?

HappyChanges10 reads

suggesting that only the police and military have guns? That is a recipe for disaster. Thankfully that will never happen. Law abiding citizens have the right to bear arms in the United States.

...Just arm everybody, we may have to hire a few more morgue attendents & funeral directors but at least we will decrese the surplus population.

Can you imagine arming  those Liberal school teachers who are against any kind of guns.  Few have ever seen a gun let alone try to shoot one.  SNL would have a field day with this.    On the other hand, I know a teacher who would welcome this just so he could have an "accident" in class and take out a few students he has on his list.           Things will become simple for the shooter.  No need buy or sneak the gun into the school, just take it away from the teacher and have at it.     Think any of those video games these kids play have anything to do with this?   Hollywood is more at fault than the NRA.

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