Politics and Religion

Quad like Trump really answers to this guy.
mattradd 40 Reviews 1551 reads
1 / 15

What came out was a previous history the officers had, which probably affected their approach to the situation, and if they'd just asked upfront if blood had already been drawn from the person, to whole situation could have been avoided.  It seems the officer was clearly mistaken regarding the law; that it had recently changed, and let his feelings dictate his approach and behavior.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 45 reads
2 / 15

Cops should never be allowed in to schools and hospitals.    It is a Red Red state and what do you expect from ignorant hillybilly rednecks disguised as cops?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 46 reads
3 / 15

...brutalized a nurse for refusing to obey an UNLAWFUL  order.

...This is the typical cop mentality - if you don't do what they say, even if you're perfectly within your rights to disobey them, they get pissed off and will "Jack" you up.

The Salt Lake City nurse refused a dumbass cop's unlawful order to draw blood from an unconscious patient.  The patient was not under arrest, he did not give consent and there was no warrant or court order to allow his blood to be drawn.  The nurse was correct in refusing but the idiot cop didn't care - her refusal to obey him was a personal affront to him and his perceived authority so he viciously attacked her.  Fucking pig!



quadseasonal 27 Reviews 52 reads
4 / 15

I agree      The Nurse followed the law.  
 I agree      LE Did not follow the law at the Hospital.

     Adrenaline  Duress  

    There's much  more to  this story.    
 I didn't  open your link when I noticed rawstory in the address since I learn many more accurate details using different sources without the biased slant or outright lies of rawstory.  

 I imagine you know when  adrenaline flows like an avalanche,  a mellow dude might go ballistic at the drop of a hat.  
It often takes  some time to calm him down, with the exception of Bruce Lee and his clones but they don't usually join the  Police Force

   I'm not saying LE is excused from wrong  but his attorney  likely will.  
   Cliff notes:
   Citizens call LE, erratic driver on Highway
   Erratic Perp ignores LE request to pull over
   Perp speeds away
   LE in high speed pursuit  
   Perp crashes head on into semi coming  opposite direction, video  on dash cam
   Semi explodes  
   Semi driver jumps out, on fire  
   Semi driver is auxiliary Police Officer  
   Semi driver in critical/serious  condition?  
   Perp is in critical condition
    Officer requests blood from comatose perp, hoping blood test will prove semi driver not at fault in the least.  

   Officer down adrenaline flows,  from nearby LE like an avalanche.
   Perp evading Police, Dead by his own misdeeds.
    Nurse at hospital refuses to allow blood sample, she is following law.
    LE takes law in his own hands and cuffs her.      
       End of story  
Moral of this story. Don't try to evade police or you have  chance to end up dead by your own incompetent driving  or jacked up LE.  
  Adrenaline is an extremely powerful drug.
When citizens force LE's adrenaline pump to open full speed  bad things can happen, sometimes death.  
 I expect LE to be exonerated though he will likely have to study the law while he enjoys his new desk job.  

   Exploding semi video  below.

  Blue Lives Matter agrees .  Nurse is innocent  
 Officer in Hospital arresting Nurse,  Wrong interpretation of law


   Short story  

Posted By: mattradd

What came out was a previous history the officers had, which probably affected their approach to the situation, and if they'd just asked upfront if blood had already been drawn from the person, to whole situation could have been avoided.  It seems the officer was clearly mistaken regarding the law; that it had recently changed, and let his feelings dictate his approach and behavior.

NYminute 54 reads
5 / 15

She did look very tough and dangerous.  He must have feared for his life.  Plus that cop was probably recovering from the slap down his wife gave him before he came to work.  We all know rogue cops must defend themselves from the brutal female nurses they face, in their tough, violent, everyday world.  Watched the video from beginning to end and am surprised he did not charge the nurse with assault or resisting arrest because of her whimpering.

NYminute 44 reads
6 / 15

This guy is out of it.  Think he is suffering from PTSD?  Where does he get this stuff from?  Strange, very strange.

mattradd 40 Reviews 51 reads
7 / 15

But, how does one respond to 'stupid?' You don't! ;

bigguy30 50 reads
8 / 15

Well at least most of the country is finally seeing the scam now!

-- Modified on 9/2/2017 1:52:35 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 48 reads
9 / 15

Posted By: NYminute
Re: Such a long post.
This guy is out of it.  Think he is suffering from PTSD?  Where does he get this stuff from?  Strange, very strange.
Posted By: mattradd
He's just trying to provoke me into responding! ;)
But, how does one respond to 'stupid?' You don't! ;

  I'll give you guys credit where credit is due, whenever you lose the debate, you reply with "stupid" absent of  a rebuttal,  or no comment at all,  standard debate techniques for incompetent students  who refuse to look at  the entire picture.  

   I couldn't care less if you reply to me or not, I was merely attempting to educate you with many facts influencing LE you evidently  didn't see before you posted your OP.  

  From a different perspective, if you had a valid rebuttal to my position,  you would have posted something of substance, instead of replying to another easily led consumer of Fake News.

  At least you didn't claim I support the Police Officer  ignorant of law  who cuffed the innocent Nurse, like your TER P&R hero with TDS extreme did.
  I suspect you didn't open the accurate links I supplied because of  your fears to view  video truth with details, not  aligning with your mantra,  which rules your world satisfied with  Fake News Channels.

  I usually don't bother to reply to your incomplete nonsense when you are not addressing me, but you missed valid information   in  your OP.  
   I felt you needed help, especially since you asked if you were "missing something"    :-D

   If you have also fear of opening links, hopefully you will learn  how to search, outside of FAKE NEWS.  




Mr.M.Johnson 60 reads
10 / 15

I think it's due to the fact that he's getting nervous about losing his job w/Trump.  Quad's probably struggling to figure out his next job move, assuming that Pence isn't a Quad fan

bigguy30 44 reads
11 / 15

So this is why he is really nervous. Lol

mattradd 40 Reviews 44 reads
12 / 15
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 45 reads
13 / 15

I read the story a few days ago.  She has been the head nurse for the hospital for 9 years.  The police officer should have been arrested for interfering in life or death matters at a hospital.  I also learned she was a professional in the Olympics prior to becoming a nurse.  She has a lawyer and unfortunately suing is her only option for justice.  Her voice has already been heard via media.  She can sue for personal damages and should.

mattradd 40 Reviews 51 reads
14 / 15

From what I've heard, she's eyeing the city, the police department, the hospital and hospital security. If she does, and she's successful, she many never have to work another day in her life. Just because of a couple of idiots; Payne and his supervisor.

GaGambler 50 reads
15 / 15

Not because she doesn't have a case, more so because her case is such a "slam dunk" what with everyone from the Mayor down admitting the cop was wrong and falling all over themselves trying to apologize, I just can't see a formal lawsuit ever needing to be filed. Most likely the city is going to ask "how much?" and then write the check in an effort to get this off the front page.

As for the hospital, hospital security and the other parties who supposedly just "stood there and did nothing" What do you really thing they should have done? It's a no-brainer that "she" was arrested unlawfully, but anyone attempting to interfere, even in what later is proven to be an "unlawful arrest" would still be guilty of "interfering with an officer" and if they put their hands on him, "assault and/or battery on a police officer" and would most definitely have been guilty of a crime. Or do any of you "internet tough guys" really think that put in the same position that you would have tried to stop the cop from arresting her?

I think the end result is going to be rather predictable, The cop is going to get fired, the nurse is going to get a nice chunk of change (that she certainly deserves) the police force is going to have some retraining on the law along with a LOT of "sensitivity training" and in a few days the whole thing will be all but forgotten.

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