Politics and Religion

Quad: I listen to Howard for ENTERTAINMENT, not for political info
The Moose 26 Reviews 1517 reads

I don't listen to any political radio..

Problem is, this board is so rabid far Michael Savage right-wing, that you & your crew probably think Stern is some wacko lefty....Stern doesn't talk much about politics - besides, he's not crazy about Obama or McSame - he was a huge Clinton supporter....

Quad, your're probably like the other FAR righties on the board: you only read the NY Post/Washington Times, you only listen to FOX Noise, & the only radio personalities you listen to are Limbaugh & Hannity....

-- Modified on 7/22/2008 4:15:05 AM

MTP = Meet the Press (Since most viewers here are only glued to FOX Noise, that's what MTP is..It airs Sunday mornings on NBC. (NBC - 3 letters conservatives despise, except for when it's Sunday Night Football time)...

Anyway, I thought McBush vowed no negative ads, only a clean campaign on the issues...Yeah, right, sure, fat f-ing chance....These are Republicans, Rove & company would throw their momma in front of a NYC cab if it would secure 5 electoral votes for their candiate...

That's one problem w/Obama, he's probably too nice of a person for politics, he would rather lose the election running a clean campaign than go negative to win....He needs that eye of the tiger, the edge, he needs to be like John Kreese (the mean instructor from the Karate Kid) & say mercy is for the weak...These are Republicans, who treat politics as a deathsport...And Obama cannot play nice w/these people...

GaGambler2309 reads

I don't have any comment on McCains ad since I haven't seen it yet, but to claim that Obama is too nice for politics. Are you fucking nuts???

Just look at who he has surrounded himself with over the past twenty years, and look where he comes from. Then step away from the pipe, I repeat Moose, step away from the pipe. lmao

kerrakles1735 reads

Obambi and company called Bill Clinton a racist, not once but twice as far as I know.

Obambi is nothing but a sleazy politician from Chicago's under belly. A man of political expediency who will do anything to win.

Don't drink too much of that stuff and step away from pipe.

should know Republcians say & do anything to win, come on, who are u kidding...

Atwater (Horton ads in 1988) & Rove, his pupil engage in nothing but scare tactics....

And yeah, Obama has alot more character than your pal McBush....

Timbow2680 reads

moved to new thread

-- Modified on 7/20/2008 12:02:46 PM

-- Modified on 7/20/2008 12:13:19 PM

GaGambler1510 reads

thae fact that Republicans will do anything to win has nothing to do with your ridiculous statement that Obama is "too nice" for politics. That statement is so utterly absurd even for you the king of all koolaid drinkers, and you wonder why we call you naive?

Trying to link McCain to Bush by calling him McBush still doesn't change the fact that Obama is a product of his environment and he is far from the choir boy that you are trying to portray him as.

And for what it's worth, I don't recall either Kerrakles or myself extolling McCain virtues, just pointing out the obvious. Obama IS a politician and the sooner you figure that out the better. Nothing could be more obvious, If there is anyone out there that needs a wake up call, It's you Moosie.

Timbow1593 reads

Moosie has been drinking the Kool-aid of Obama mania. Gotta be a nasty taste mixed with kissing his majestys's feet :)

RightwingUnderground2860 reads

It was ALGORE who first used the improper and dangerous furlough program against Dukakis in the primaries.

Once again, the Truth is Out There.

-- Modified on 7/20/2008 1:07:25 PM

Careful RWU, you'll be accused of a hate crime if use facts against a liberal.

Speaking of scare tactics, how about the king of all scare tactics, Big Al Gore's Global Warming Hoax? They don't get much scarier than the end of the world.

kerrakles1635 reads

Tell me one thing Obambi has accomplished that qualifies him to be PoTUS.

Why does this man embellish his accomplishments.

Answer: Those who haven't accomplished anything always embellish.

Has he taken a stand on anything?

His myopic energy plan worries me. Solar and Wind, give me fucking break, don't you think, if it was viable in a massive scale, we would be harnessing it already.

Gasoline is not the long term answer but there has to be a short term plan and there has to be long term plan which should include:

Taxes on Gas Guzzlers
Electric Cars
Gas Hydrates
Solar and wind

You cannot tax your way out of economic slump, that is stupid. He has already promised to somewhere close to a Trillion, where is that going to come from, borrowing? $ is at 0.631 against Euro, what is going to happen fall to 1/2 ?

These are the issues I am concerned about and his lack of experience seals it for me.

is behind a podium addressing the nation, the POTUS needs to be someone that is inspiring, looks & more importantly A-C-T-S presidential, & you need to have CONFIDENCE in that leader....I never said Obama was perfect, he certainly has flaws, but he is 3,000 light-years better than McCain, who has ZERO redeeming qualities, & is nowhere close to being a LEADER...

I trust Obama more than McCain on judges, Iraq, economy (he never said he was going tax his way out of the economic slump, where did U hear that?), THE CONSTITUTION (it would be nice to have a POTUS that knows & respects the constitution, Obama taught constitutional law at Univ. of Chicago (hardly a "liberal" university), & last but not least, our standing with the rest of the planet would likely improve w/Obama as president, & likely only get worse w/McBush...

John W McBush is no maverick, no moderate, & NO LEADER & I, along with many voters, have NO CONFIDENCE in that guy to be president...

-- Modified on 7/21/2008 4:25:00 AM

It is telling that your post is full of feelings, and "looks", "acts", and rhetoric. No fact in there that I can find, other than BO was a con law prof.

Here are a few of questions that I guarantee you can't answer.

1. What benefit does looking and acting presidential confer?

2. If acting and looks matter, why aren't the Dems running George Clooney?

3.You have no confidence in McCain. I have no confidence in Obama. One will be elected. What difference will my confidence or yours make in the next Presidents ability to govern?

4. How do you measure standing in the world? By what Randi Rhodes or Janeane Garofalo tells you?

"What benefit does looking and acting presidential confer?"..

Actually, YOUR side made a big deal on this over Romeny, as I've heard many the pundit & papers says "Mitt Romney looks & acts presidential"...If a Democrat looks/acts presidential it's all dismissed as style over substance blah blah, BUT if a Republican looks/acts presidetial, then those are positive traits...I understand the hypocrisy of the MSM (main stream media)...

"3.You have no confidence in McCain. I have no confidence in Obama"...

Many voters look at a candiate & some base their vote on how much confidence they have in a person to lead....They look at the candiate & they say "can I picture this guy in the Oval office, can I count on this guy in times of a crisis", etc...I was bringing up the confidence aspect in terms of the voters eyes...

4."How do you measure standing in the world? By what Randi Rhodes or Janeane Garofalo tells you"?

Never even listened to them...The only radio personality I listen to is Howard Stern - if I'm not listening to him, then its music....  

Come on Harry, it's rather well know the people & govts. of other countries aren't too fond of us...Bush squandered all the goodwill the US had in the months after 9/11 & are reputation is tarnished around the globe...

The loons in the media may have said Romney looks like a President, but I've never heard anyone I respect say that it qualified him to be President. That's my point. Only the silly think it's a good reason to elect someone because they look or act Presidential or inspire confidence in me. Christ, that's why I am no longer a Democrat because they vote for symbols and not competent people.

Richard Nixon NEVER told the truth and Jimmy Carter's pitch in 76 was, "I will never lie to you." By 1980 I'd have rather had Nixon back, a competent SOB, lying his ass off, than Carter, an incompetent fucking boob, with his runaway inflation, 18% mortgage rates, hostages in Iran. We really were a worldwide laughing stock then. Meantime Little Israel was kicking ass in the Mideast but Carter wanted to tttaalllkk. And he actually told the country our good days were behind us. It wsa called the Carter malaise. It sucked. That was it for me and the Dems.

And this jamoke Obama is the same guy: Untested, unproven, unaccomplished, out of control ego, holier than thou. Carter only had a crazy brother to contend with, Obama has a wife, neighbors, pastor. He is real trouble.

Speaking of 1976, Obama personifies the Miller Lite ad. Great taste, less filling.

Well, from what you said about Carter, you (as well as most Americans lost confidence in Carter by the the summer of 1980, & thus voted for Reagan that Nov.)...I was in grade school at that time, so I couldn't vote yet, lol......Actually, Carter had pretty much zero chance in the 1980 election, the only hope Democrats would have had that year was if Kennedy won the nomination....He was actually quite close & only conceded in the convention in New York that Aug.,..Would he have beaten Reagan, who knows, but I think he certainly would have faired better than Jimmy C - would have  at least made it competitive....

You obviously don't like Obama, fine, you're not going to vote for him...I despise McBush - he is NOT a competent person, is not a leader of any sort, & does not possess the intelligence or temperment to be POTUS...Thus, I have ZERO confidence in HIS ability to lead this country.....

I actually remember some of those Lite Beer ads...I remember the one where John Madden tears thru the paper & says "And another thing" before the ad ends....

This was during The Cold War and Carter's camp was doing a pretty good job of painting Regan as someone who would "push the button".  The media was doing their best to portray Regan as an unintelligent actor (Fuck You Bonzo!!!)  It was only after their one and only debate that Regan won the confidence of the voters.

As for Kennedy you forgot about Mary Joe.  Her death and his cowardly actions were less than 10 years prior and Kennedy would have been crucified if he was nominated.

GaGambler1386 reads

Just ten years after Chappaquiddick, you have got to be kidding. Kennedy would have been slaughtered. It does go to show you just how bad Carter was in that he as a sitting POTUS was barely able to secure the nomination of his own party.

Now the Lite beer ads OTOH were the best.

The Moose  , 7/21/2008 8:37:02 AM   [The Moose has 26 reviews]
..The only radio personality I listen to is Howard Stern - if I'm not listening to him, then its music"....

That explains everything  

GaGambler1672 reads

guaranteed to rot your brain even faster than a steady diet of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

kerrakles1868 reads

is not going to fix damn thing. If that is the only criteria you are looking for, there many people who wrote books on the subject. Don't know who they are because I don't read them, they are crap and big waste of time.

You be looking for hope inspiration in your life. I have plenty of inspiration and hope of my own in my life and don't need Bambi to do that.

I am looking for accomplishments and depth of thought and ideas which, Bambi seem to lack.

as I said nothing about Obama bringing me hope & inspiration, not a damn thing...Kerrakles just makes it up as he goes along...

What I DID say was John W MCBush doesn't have the competence, intelligence, & temperment to be POTUS...MOST people would say that they don't have confidence in McBush's ability to lead - IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PERSONAL HOPE & INSPIRATION, like you continue to keeping harping on.....

You said "I am looking for accomplishments and depth of thought and ideas"

Well, your're not going to get much depth of thought & ideas from McBush - the old man graduated near the bottom of his class, & admitted during the campaign that the economy is NOT is strong suit.....

I don't listen to any political radio..

Problem is, this board is so rabid far Michael Savage right-wing, that you & your crew probably think Stern is some wacko lefty....Stern doesn't talk much about politics - besides, he's not crazy about Obama or McSame - he was a huge Clinton supporter....

Quad, your're probably like the other FAR righties on the board: you only read the NY Post/Washington Times, you only listen to FOX Noise, & the only radio personalities you listen to are Limbaugh & Hannity....

-- Modified on 7/22/2008 4:15:05 AM

GaGambler1944 reads

I'd be willing to bet that he has voted Democrat many more times than he has Republican, and like me probably hates the fact that the Dims have nominated someone as unqualified, and more importantly unsuited for the job as Obama is.

Yeah, TELLING his supporters that Republicans WILL "use the race card" against him isn't going negative. On Obama's part that is. Nothing negative at all about painting the entire Republican party as racist with a single brush stroke.

Oh wait, I can't forget dear old Wes Clark deriding McCain's heroic service. What was it? Something about being shot down doesn't qualify you to be CIC. Just ignore the fact that 4 years ago Wes also said when that Kerry "HEARD" the bombs going off he was magically endowed HIM with CIC qualities others lacked. But that isn't negative. Of course, it wasn't Obama himself saying it, but I'm still waiting with baited breath for Obama do denounse Clark's statements. I guess I'll hear Obama denounce Wes Clark five minutes after Obama finally admits that Jerry Wright is a flaming racist, which of course will happen when they are building igloos in hell.

But nooooo, Obama isn't negative. Nor those around him. Not all ALL.

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