Politics and Religion

Quad, how will “Great Leader” know if they are Muslims?
marikod 1 Reviews 113 reads

Most passports these days do not specify religion. And for those that do, like Pakistan, you can self –report Scientology, or whatever, on your application.

        Is the plan to just ban every one from Muslim countries? What is if we have a Jew from Iran? A Hindu from India? A Christian from Iraq?

          Or will Great Leader just ask them at the airport gate? That’s what he said on Morning Joe. Yeah, I’m sure that would work to keep out the real bad guys. Or just ban guys with Muslim sounding names? Like Tariq Aziz from Iraq? Only problem is he was Catholic.Maybe they should be reqired to wear a Yellow Star like ...well you know.

       Sounds like a pretty half -baked idea to me whether he bans them all, or just from terror countries

Once again Mr. Trump proves he has more than it takes to be a great President .

""The campaign for presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump announced Saturday that his plan to ban Muslims from entering the United States is not universal and will only be focused on those concentrated in terror states.
Campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks announced the new policy after Trump told reporters in Aberdeen, Scotland, that it "wouldn't bother me" if a Scottish Muslim entered the U.S. under his administration."

bigguy30111 reads

Also he has burned, so many bridges it not even funny anymore.
So this November when he loses and Hillary is President.
I will remember your funny threads and comments about this clown.  

Posted By: quadseasonal
 Once again Mr. Trump proves he has more than it takes to be a great President .  
 ""The campaign for presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump announced Saturday that his plan to ban Muslims from entering the United States is not universal and will only be focused on those concentrated in terror states.  
 Campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks announced the new policy after Trump told reporters in Aberdeen, Scotland, that it "wouldn't bother me" if a Scottish Muslim entered the U.S. under his administration.""  

Posted By: bigguy30
Also he has burned, so many bridges it not even funny anymore.  
 So this November when he loses and Hillary is President.  
 I will remember your funny threads and comments about this clown.  

    There is nothing funny about evil war monger Hillary as President.  
  You seem to be more upset about a few  reckless words from Mr. Trump during his well run campaign, than the clear dangers of a HRC Presidency.

 Mr.Trump saved hundreds of millions by informing  Jeb, Cruz, Rubio and other losers the truth.
  If he hadn't been blunt we might be looking at a failure like Cruz, going against evil,  
   not a winner like Mr.Trump.  
Mr. Trump will do the same with HRC as he did with the GOP field of nightmares.
   Her foreign policy is a failure.  
   She's late and low energy.
   She's a danger to World Peace.
   She's a drunkard.
   She's a proven liar.
   She/her foundation, accepted money from countries that harbor terrorists.
   She's a racist, though she hides it well from her base.
   She's the Queen of pandering.
   She's the epitome of rich white trash.
   She's Naïve.  



Most passports these days do not specify religion. And for those that do, like Pakistan, you can self –report Scientology, or whatever, on your application.

        Is the plan to just ban every one from Muslim countries? What is if we have a Jew from Iran? A Hindu from India? A Christian from Iraq?

          Or will Great Leader just ask them at the airport gate? That’s what he said on Morning Joe. Yeah, I’m sure that would work to keep out the real bad guys. Or just ban guys with Muslim sounding names? Like Tariq Aziz from Iraq? Only problem is he was Catholic.Maybe they should be reqired to wear a Yellow Star like ...well you know.

       Sounds like a pretty half -baked idea to me whether he bans them all, or just from terror countries

President Trump will likely use the same security  guidelines when he's President as the current administration, along with a few needed improvements.
  A series of True False questions would weed out additional potential terrorists.  
   Mr. Trump isn't anti Muslim, he's ANTI TERRORIST  of any variety.

   While President Trump's  administration is  checking for radical Muslims at our borders  we'll also investigate potential Catholic terrorists.  
  Make the test easy enough, even HRC could pass.  

   Without going into details and accidentally revealing possible National Security operational guidelines under President Trump's administration, I'll give a few generic True False questions, immigration and security might ask at our borders.
There will be additional closed door subliminal interrogation techniques for everyone not passing the True False test.

                                                                                              True            False
 Israel is an example of a successful country in their  region.
 Women drive as well as men.

 Sharia law is not a legitimate  form of justice.  

 Israel hopes for Peace.  

It is never permissible to strike a woman.

Adulterers should  be punished by a Court of law.  

Men and Women are  equals.

It is  OK to use violence  to stop mockery of my Faith.

A single woman should never  leave home alone.  

Men should lead all families.

The Pope influences my birth control methods.  


















Posted By: marikod
       Most passports these days do not specify religion. And for those that do, like Pakistan, you can self –report Scientology, or whatever, on your application.  
         Is the plan to just ban every one from Muslim countries? What is if we have a Jew from Iran? A Hindu from India? A Christian from Iraq?  
           Or will Great Leader just ask them at the airport gate? That’s what he said on Morning Joe. Yeah, I’m sure that would work to keep out the real bad guys. Or just ban guys with Muslim sounding names? Like Tariq Aziz from Iraq? Only problem is he was Catholic.Maybe they should be reqired to wear a Yellow Star like ...well you know.  
        Sounds like a pretty half -baked idea to me whether he bans them all, or just from terror countries.  

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