Politics and Religion

Putin might be a ruthless thug, ok Putin is most definitely a ruthless thug
GaGambler 173 reads

but thanks to Putin and with Obama's unwitting help, Putin and Russia are becoming more influential by the day.

Obama is not weaker by accident. He has stated since day one that he rejects "American Exceptionalism" , that America is not the worlds policeman and that we should apologize for all the wrongs we have committed by throwing our weight around over the last 60-70 years.

Can you really blame Putin for exploiting this opportunity to regain what he sees as his and Mother Russia rightful place as a world power broker? Bush/Cheney admittedly went too far in the one direction, unfortunately Obama has caused the pendulum to swing too far back in the other direction, it will take a very strong POTUS replacing Obama to undo the damage he has done over the last 7 years. Fortunately I see the Hildabeast being rather strong in this area, I might not like her, but I think she would do a more than adequate job in standing up to Putin.

followme797 reads

The fuckup-in-chief once again takes it down another notch to number three.

Because of obama's weakness, total incompetence, and apathy obama takes third place and seems proud he has dropped to that place along with his inability to his inability to lead.

2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

...... like yourself, participated in that poll. Most seem clueless about the "real" Putin, an ruthless thug/ex KGB spy. Righties sure love to pee on themselves over Putin's manliness, I refer to this as Putin orgasmic syndrome. FYI, Putin did not rise up to his current position handing out sweet candy and roses.

Posted By: followme
The fuckup-in-chief once again takes it down another notch to number three.  
 Because of obama's weakness, total incompetence, and apathy obama takes third place and seems proud he has dropped to that place along with his inability to his inability to lead.  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House
-- Modified on 11/6/2015 12:13:34 PM

GaGambler174 reads

but thanks to Putin and with Obama's unwitting help, Putin and Russia are becoming more influential by the day.

Obama is not weaker by accident. He has stated since day one that he rejects "American Exceptionalism" , that America is not the worlds policeman and that we should apologize for all the wrongs we have committed by throwing our weight around over the last 60-70 years.

Can you really blame Putin for exploiting this opportunity to regain what he sees as his and Mother Russia rightful place as a world power broker? Bush/Cheney admittedly went too far in the one direction, unfortunately Obama has caused the pendulum to swing too far back in the other direction, it will take a very strong POTUS replacing Obama to undo the damage he has done over the last 7 years. Fortunately I see the Hildabeast being rather strong in this area, I might not like her, but I think she would do a more than adequate job in standing up to Putin.

followme185 reads

Since it was NOT a poll, that I or anyone participated in, you clearly wear "clueless" as a badge of honor.

Of course it is well know that putin is a ruthless and brutal thug and former KGB agent.

and he bitch slaps obama and obama responds by tossing putin's salad.

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2016 = GOP All The Way

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