Politics and Religion

Puhleeeze ...confused_smile
CampbellsSoup 2340 reads

he had NO CHOICE ... what else could he possibly say??  

Goes to show you who his supporters are ...What a national disgrace!!

The woman said she "had read" about Obama ... what the hell is she reading ?? Probably the same yacketty-yak that jw_blue/timbow/balboa7 read.  

He has created a monster & now he has to face the music.  Respect???  a little late for that ... maybe sympathy would be more appropriate, for the depths to which has descended ... Country First, yeah right.

If he wants respect, a "classy move" would be to permanently "suspend" his campaign & let the better man lead this country out of the mess were in ... THAT would be "Country First"

(he seemed to hint of that at another rally, where he got boos when he said "you have nothing to fear from a President Obama" ... hmmmm... nah ... wishful thinking on my part)

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 5:28:21 PM

No, really...

He took the microphone from a lady calling Obama an Arab, and corrected her.  He was caught back-peddling from his mud slinging and showed the character that he'd been known for, before he started taking campaign advice from his party.

It was a classy move, and a nice change for a politician.

CampbellsSoup2341 reads

he had NO CHOICE ... what else could he possibly say??  

Goes to show you who his supporters are ...What a national disgrace!!

The woman said she "had read" about Obama ... what the hell is she reading ?? Probably the same yacketty-yak that jw_blue/timbow/balboa7 read.  

He has created a monster & now he has to face the music.  Respect???  a little late for that ... maybe sympathy would be more appropriate, for the depths to which has descended ... Country First, yeah right.

If he wants respect, a "classy move" would be to permanently "suspend" his campaign & let the better man lead this country out of the mess were in ... THAT would be "Country First"

(he seemed to hint of that at another rally, where he got boos when he said "you have nothing to fear from a President Obama" ... hmmmm... nah ... wishful thinking on my part)

-- Modified on 10/10/2008 5:28:21 PM

I probably wouldn't respect him if he just QUIT.  Now, Sarah is another matter, since Alaska just said she was a bad girl.

Glock.451537 reads

If anybody deserves sympathy, it's you Nobama Bin Ladin lovers!

Timbow2733 reads

Yea he should have said I know its scary when Farrkan says Obama is the messiah but he is an American :)

9-man1533 reads

. . . has got to be one of the most remarkable things in politics since Johnson announced he wouldn't run for a second term.

It looks like McCain can't go through with his strategy. I can't say whether I like him for that or dislike him for his foolish campaign.

I hope he has his concession speech ready. He's going to be giving it early in the evening on November 4th.

-- Modified on 10/11/2008 1:20:30 AM

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