Politics and Religion

Proof? Yep! It went right over your head, or....confused_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 207 reads

you're playing dumb like Jack is oft to do. My intention is not post any proof regarding Trumps guilt regarding Trump's connections to the Russians. I'm posting proof of Kelly Ann's hypocrisy. ;)

TwoMints165 reads

Is this all you got?  I mean your stars PerezHilton and the "I went from ESPN to my basement" Olbermann  attacking an old tweet?

Seriously. You people are a joke.

All we ask for is Proof. Proof of something. Proof of anything tying President Trump to the Russians.  Please provide it for us.  
I'm gonna make some popcorn, I know you got this.

Posted By: mattradd

you're playing dumb like Jack is oft to do. My intention is not post any proof regarding Trumps guilt regarding Trump's connections to the Russians. I'm posting proof of Kelly Ann's hypocrisy. ;)

Don't you like these shameless righties try to tread outside of the topic and bring up their BS as usual that has no relevance whatever to the subject?    I just shut down that troll JackD on another thread as he went off the rails and forgot the subject of the thread.

Today FBI labeled your Chief a Liar.    Wait for them to nail your Chief as a Russian KGB agent.   It is under investigation and you will get your proof pretty soon.

There is no President Hilton and President Obama is laughing his heart out and talking to his attorneys about a libel and slander lawsuit against your Chief.

You Clown and his Circus are in control, talk about them, they are the current players.   Not Hillary or Barack.

Comey flip floped between Clinton and Trump more times than you have between trannys and women.  

Comey vs Clinton....I'm investigating, All clear, Re-investigating, All clear

Comey vs Trump......collusion, All clear, collusion, All clear

Comey has become a politician, We don't speak about open investigations and then speak of one and not the other. Comey is in CYA mode. Leaks are coming out of the Justice Department.

Wait till Comey is tasked at finding the mole and has to actually prosecute them.  

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Today FBI labeled your Chief a Liar.    Wait for them to nail your Chief as a Russian KGB agent.   It is under investigation and you will get your proof pretty soon.  
 There is no President Hilton and President Obama is laughing his heart out and talking to his attorneys about a libel and slander lawsuit against your Chief.  
 You Clown and his Circus are in control, talk about them, they are the current players.   Not Hillary or Barack.

Better make it a LARGE bowl. This could take them quite some time.

Posted By: TwoMints
Is this all you got?  I mean your stars PerezHilton and the "I went from ESPN to my basement" Olbermann  attacking an old tweet?  
 Seriously. You people are a joke.  
 All we ask for is Proof. Proof of something. Proof of anything tying President Trump to the Russians.  Please provide it for us.  
 I'm gonna make some popcorn, I know you got this.
Posted By: mattradd

I would have been surprised had he offered proof. ANY proof. But Mattratt is too busy pointing out hypocrisy to worry about facts. And who would know hypocrisy better than he so I trust him in these matters. Yes dumbocRATS are a joke. Mattratt is one of their court jesters.

1. Honest people don't create fake conspiracies (Birther, college grades, religion, voter fraud, wiretapping)
2. Honest people don't have to hide their tax returns.
3. Honest people take and answer questions, don't tweet nonsense at 3am

We are talking the Clown in Chief and that Russian blonde who made that "honest people" tweet.   Stay on the topic or quit, no need for BS.

He seemingly has no clue what an idiot he looks like does he? Sorry for the rhetorical question.

The biggest idiot in the country right now was named in a public forum by the FBI!  LMAO.

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