Politics and Religion

It seems a lot of people on this board are part of the 1%
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 3200 reads

The 1% that actually take the Occupy movement seriously.

This is a collection of lifelong malcontents who lost their boogiemen (Bush/Cheney) and have been wondering the wilderness since 2009.  They won't protest the Democratic party because they are dirty whores with no principles who would never want to make their pimp Obama look bad.  As this continues more and more violence will latch on to this group and make it more and more unsafe for everyone.  Remember how the "Flower Power" generation ended?

The Tea Party (along with the Democrat's incompetence) helped cause a massive government upheaval that is by no means finished.  They are on point and know exactly what they want to accomplish. Best of all, when they finished the cleaned up and went back to WORK. And they are not afraid to challenge Republicans unlike the OWS whores.  But OWS is leading the Tea Party in a couple of categories: rapes and murders.

Priapus531153 reads

Evidence which can be found in below poll.

Frankly most Americans think ( including myself ) that both groups suck & don't wanna align themselves with either organization

Instead of listening to your moronic rants, OC, find an OWS supporter ( perhaps Willy ),go to an empty field & the both of you can senselessly beat the shit out of each other.

"Dirty whores" ?! "Pimp"?! My, my, litttle man, aren't we ANGRY?! Sounds like you haven't been laid in a LONG time-------;)

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 6:41:56 AM

What happened in the 2010 election (the only poll you seem to ignore)?  The Tea Party was a reflection of the national mood and the election bore that out.  We will see in 2012 if Occupy is actually anything other than a movement of the great unwashed.  There is another poll coming in November 2012 that you may want to pay attention to.

Priapus532638 reads

Instead of living in the past. Take at look at generic congressional Dem-GOP matchup below. How come no TP surge reflected ? How come a weak sister like Obama leads all opponents? 2010 was yesterday. 2012 might be wholly different. You sound like wussy Dems who live in the past, blaming GWB for everything.

At this point, it looks like the TP impact was overestimated, as is OWS----both media generated bullshit. We'll see if that holds up a year from now.

In the meantime, if the TP folds, OC, I suggest a sheep like you find another "cult"-------

Snowman391287 reads

Congressional approval rating are at about 11%, but how many will get re-elected.

Come on Priap, opinion polls are fun, but you should know not put too much stock in them.

Remember this one...


Because generic current polls mean nothing and until the Republicans have a nominee the "Obama vs." poll means nothing.  Most people outside of Iowa and N.H. don't give a crap yet.  And yes Pri, I consider actual elections from 12 months ago where majorities are switched to be more valid than the daily poll.  I'm weird that way.

And where do you get off calling me a "sheep"?!  Haven't we already established that you are the ultimate conformist?  Sgt. Peppers is your favorite album, Citizen Kane is your favorit movie, and whatever politician is leading the polls in late October will be your favorite politician.

Priapus531235 reads

Is it any wonder that overwhelming TP demographic is white Christians, specifically Evangelicals ? I rest my case.

OC, as of now, this "cultist" either voting 3rd party, or sitting out election.

"Dewey beats Truman" ?! Dude, that was ancient aberration, never to be repeated. In '48, polling was only done by phone ( rare time phone polling was off ); trouble was , in '48, only the well off had phones, thus, innaccurate polling results. These days, even bums have phones ( including many OWS supporters ) so a repeat of '48 is damn near impossible.

Lastly, an aside to the "Catholic Cain Crossdresser" : I wouldn't be "in the field with EITHER group,because TP is composed of stupid bigots, while OWS is composed of filthy bums/pigs.

Have a nice day-------:)

I didn't call you a "cultist".  I called you a "conformist".  Now just admit that you wore plaid throughout the 90s because everybody said it was cool.

I guess he hasn't noticed that the OWS protesters equally criticize both political parties, and don't have good things to say about Bush or Obama. I guess that's what happens when your blood pressure is higher than your IQ.

From the way he tells it, all the OWS protesters are covered head to toe in feces while they take turns raping each other. Sounds like you're projecting your own views of yourself onto others. Take a shower, bud.

Most people think they are middle class - even wealthy people.


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