Politics and Religion

President Obama's 3.6 million dollar weekend golf lessons from Tiger Woods
86H13LTP 314 reads

Does the POTUS deserve a vacation ? Yes he does . Does the POTUS deserve golf lessons from Tiger Woods that cost the American tax payers 3.6 million ? F NO !!!  


They're all guilty of this kind of waste and it's time to say F U establishment !  It's not time to put the biggest crooks ever back into the WhiteHouse

LasVegan109 reads

right.  Let's make Trump POTUS.  He is a very honest person.  He would never put himself before the American people.  He would never use his office for financial gain.  I just heard if he gets elected, he will give away all his financial possessions and vow a life of poverty.

You make a very compelling argument in favor of Trump.   NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be serious and maybe just a slight bit honest, for once!

LasVegan81 reads

I really like Trump, a lot;

1)  I like Trump because if I ever did construction work for him, I like the fact he would try to cheat me out of what he promised to pay, knowing I could not afford a lengthy court battle.  I like working for free.

2)  Trump is my first choice because I bought 100K of corporate bonds in his casino business.  You know, the one he used to pay another of his companies millions of dollars in advisor fees and after draining the company of all working capital, declared bankruptcy.  I enjoyed giving him my 100K and getting nothing in return, because he is very trustworthy.

3)  I like Trump because his Trump University defrauded my grandparents out of their life's savings with the promise of gaining everything one would need to become successful in real estate.  It is ok that he never fulfilled his obligation and my grandparents are now on welfare.  From this experience they learned a very good lesson from him; never trust a crook.  I enjoy making Trump richer at the expense of my grandparents.

4)  I also like Trump because of his experience in international affairs.  While our country had an embargo on Cuba, he found a way to do business with them anyway.  Anyone who circumvents the rules and tries to cheat our government for their own benefit, must be a patriot and one of the good guys.

5)  Nobody will be better at creating jobs for Americans.  Because he bought Chinese steel for his construction projects and helped force U.S. steel companies to suffer, he must know how to buy Chinese steel in a way that will help our country, so he must be a genius.

6)  He also had his ties and numerous other products made overseas and not in the U.S. so somehow, I bet he could keep doing that in a way that will benefit American workers.  Trump is honest and an amazing businessman so I trust him to figure it out.

6)  Nobody would be better on immigration than Trump.  He hired illegal immigrants to work in many of his companies.  Since he knows where they all are, trust him to round them up and kick them out.

7)  Most of all, I like Trump for being a role model.  He showed the utmost respect for Captain Kahn's parents, John McCain, a handicapped reporter, and so many women.  He is worthy of respect because he is always respectful of others.  He would never incite violence at any of his rallies.

Donald Trump is a disgrace, not only is he himself but so is anyone who falls for his doo doo!

saltyballs90 reads

...plus another $2.1 million spent by the Department of Defense. A monumental waste of tax payer dollars

86H13LTP181 reads

dangerous posts in the State Department sent over 600 requests for additional security and was denied on all of them .

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 2:10:58 PM

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