Politics and Religion

Poor baby Bush - his feelings are so hurt when somebody criticizes him
master-bates 3505 reads
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Does anyone know what that dumb fuck really said? There are so many interpretations that stupid idiot needed an interpreter, he is really that ignorant and someone said he is our president. He might be yours but not mine he is a fucking embarresment to the human race.

no. 6 1708 reads
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TontotheInjun 1890 reads
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me taking money to Hong Kong.  Fucking Rwanda give better interest.  No have to listen to whiny ass dickhead Republican fuckups.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2284 reads
4 / 26

as someone so stupid they judge intellect by verbal skills.

Oh, and one last thing, If fuckheads like you had'nt stupidly motherfucked every single word he has said since being elected, we would MUCH further down the road of energy independence than we are today.

so, i got yer dumbfuck hangin....

Chuck Darwin 2663 reads
5 / 26

now he needs a psych eval.  Maybe they will find a brain somewhere.  Probably embedded in his rectum.

Sure he wants the USA to have energy independence.  As long as his cronies have the controlling shares.

What's really hilarious is your idea that he gives a shit about what anybody says.  You know, Mr. Self-Reliance on Daddy's stuff.

GaGambler 1767 reads
6 / 26

Controlling shares? The entire United States produces less than 10% of the world's oil. Just how the fuck do Bush's "cronies" have the controlling shares?

JackO is a fine one to talk about psych evaluations. On second thought maybe he is actually the resident expert, not just the resident idiot.

Chuck Darwin 1622 reads
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GaGambler 5016 reads
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BuckFush! 2337 reads
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Just like his stupid father, he doesn't get it,...it's about the economy, stupid!!

FascismsFoil 1997 reads
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and an energized electorate is a Republican's worst nightmare.

Chuck Darwin 3327 reads
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anon1112245 2219 reads
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Yeah that's the ticket.  It has nothing to do with the Democrates taking over Congress in '06, yeah right.  Maybe Comrade Pelosi can get Russia to redistribute some of their oil wealth here.

Chuck Darwin 1604 reads
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zisk 86 Reviews 1233 reads
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GaGambler 1856 reads
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I wouldn't know a thing about THAT, considering the fact that THAT happens so infrequently.

TontotheInjun 1525 reads
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GaGambler 1467 reads
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of medications, but I'm sure that since you don't ever take your meds you probably think your rantings actually make sense. It's no wonder that you would ask others to be quiet to dim the roar of voices in your otherwise empty skull.

count_dracula 2914 reads
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1st mention of aipac is you, claiming it's your fault.

OK, have it your way.  I'm just trying to be agreeable here.

zisk 86 Reviews 2123 reads
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"1st mention of aipac is you, claiming it's your fault."

I'm claiming its my fault? what?
If I cared what you were trying to get at, I'd ask you to clarify. But since I don't, I won't.

But I'll offer you a suggestion. When you ever get around to looking up "irony" in the dictionary (or maybe you finally did since you seem to have stopped using that word), take a moment to also look up "paranoid" which is apparently yet another word for which you have no comprehension. Borrow talldim's dictionary; he never uses it.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1918 reads
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you are under the impression that count dracula is my alias.  it is not.  it ought to be simple enough [well, when you're involved, perhaps not] to figure out who is behind that alias.  you are probably the only rgular to misidentify it's true author.

sorry you miss the use of irony.  i'll try to work it in again when i can

whatever problems you have with tallslim26, feel free to work them out directly with him the next time he 'graces" us with  contribution.

zisk 86 Reviews 1639 reads
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I've already dealt with JackO's tiresome usage of multi-aliases and identified him as the Count above when I replied there.

If I sullied your "good name" by momentarily conflating you with him while alternating in my replies, my humblest apologies. That's my cue to turn in for the night. Our bickering will have to be temporarily postponed.

count_dracula 2018 reads
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you're clearly not a political or religious fanatic, you just have garden variety delusions.   You're not an ideologue, just insane.

zisk 86 Reviews 2414 reads
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if JackO the WackO calls me insane, I can be at peace.

GaGambler 1505 reads
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with over 90% of your posts, you are probably on pretty safe ground.

Now when our resident jew basher AND our resident nut case both disagree with you constantly, then you can sleep well at night. ROFL

TontotheInjun 2053 reads
26 / 26
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