Politics and Religion

Please elaborate - or did they just want free donuts? (eom)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 868 reads

-- Modified on 9/22/2009 1:50:13 AM

...when they lie to arrest providers and hobbyists yet dismiss the trampling of the rights of "real" criminals.

Criminal defense lawyers can tell you that most police reports contain a great deal of creative writing.  Even constipated prosecutors turn a blind eye to LE's bullshit in order to get a conviction.

How many times have you heard a cop say that the suspect made a "furtive gesture towards his waistband?" That justifies them pumping 8 slugs into the suspect's chest because they were "in fear for their safety."

Almost always no gun is found.  It's hard to believe that so many guys have an uncontrollable urge to scratch their balls when a cop is pointing a gun at them.

It only stands to reason, when one's ox is being gored, one does not remain silent.

I've never figured out why folks, when under arrest, or simply when ordered to comply with some lawfull order of the police, attempt to dispute, non-comply, flee, etc...  It'a a losing game, especially if/when weapons are drawn and the constabulatory appears either trigger-happy or scared shitless themselves.  Plenty of time to dispute the rights and wrongs later on, under calmer and safer circumstances.

RightwingUnderground1331 reads

how religious education may have played a role in influencing these conservative mongers?

When I was 18 years old I worked the night shift at 7-11. It was there that I learned that cops are scum.

They learned at an early age (possibly as hallway monitor in grade school) how being sycophantic suck-ups and tools for 'authority' gave them increased license to abuse and victimize their classmates.
As they got older they simply honed their authoritarian sycophantic bullshit ultimately to be granted a club, a gun, and the right to arrest.

My daughter was pushed up against a wall by two fat ball-less bastard cops at a pageant she was in bout 5 yrs ago. Her "transgression" was talking to a friend about how stupid it was to have cops guarding a pageant. They took it as "disrespect" and pulled her away from her friend and pushed her against the wall yelling in her face. I filed a complaint. The cops who did this told me they had a "right" to respect and her comment was disrespectful. LoL.  I calmly said NO you don't have a right to respect nor do you have a right to slam someone into a wall bc you don't like their private thoughts expressed to a friend. What fucking pricks.

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