Politics and Religion

OWooooooo !!
dncphilsdog 1012 reads

Barque !

I found it to be an interesting read ,I thought others might as well .Why do you ask? I am not sure I understand the question. Why would you post why> lol , Read the thing first and then ask questions later ,I think:) lol Lianna

dncphilsdog2182 reads

Snap, snap, grrrrr !

I know I am good. Thank you for verifying it. Bark.

dncphilsdog2036 reads

Yip, yip, yip!  Can you spell "buffoon?"  Keep it up.  I love wasting your time.

You can only waste as much of my time as you waste of your own.

dncphilsdog1318 reads

Your squeals delight me! Yowl!

dncphilsdog2243 reads

You think you're gonna have the last bark?  NFW!  Bark!

dncphilsdog1825 reads

...Did you know that yap spelled backwards is pay?  Yap!  You are paying for my dog food.  All I do is lay around and sleep all day and piss on your rug and shoes.  Keep buying those Kibbles 'N Bits!  I'll keep pooping them out on your rug.  Whose the master now, you mutt?

hedge funds, naked short selling, CNBC, and many lesser known Wall Street players, this is a fascinating read but be careful - a lot of what this guy says is simply untrue, much is hearsay, much is speculation, and he really does not understand naked short selling that well.

      Cramer has a lot of enemies, no question but I'd be quite surprised to learn he is breaking securities laws as this guy suggests given the spotlight that is on him. Now, if James Stewart or Brittany Murphy  picks up on this story, I'll start to believe it.

Those change , the game interests me. And I meow as opposed to Bark lol ,Lianna

BadDogTamer1970 reads

Welcome to the board.
DNCPhil was barking at Charlie, P@Rs resident dog.

dncphilsdog1445 reads

...and if you believe it, well, Yap!  Yap! Yap!  You've been eating too much of my Kibbles 'N Bits!

dncphilsdog1914 reads

So that was another one of your Stupid Human Tricks?  Woof!  You need to start walking on all fours.  You'd probably look more attractive.  Bo-wow-wow!

dncphilsdog879 reads

dncphil's posts!  I really am humiliated.  I mean, he's my master, after all.  And this is the best he can do???  I am slinking off to my crate now!  Oh, Phil!  How could you let me down so badly???  Woof!

dncphilsdog1603 reads


To waste reading the 89 pages or no? Thanks , all dogs have their day.Silence is golden Duct tape is silver boys,Lianna

dncphilsdog3231 reads

...but now you're really losing your edge!  Arf!  In a battle of wits, you  are unarmed!  Even with a dog! Woof!

Always playing off of what I came up with. Bark. You can copy it, but that is all you can do.

-- Modified on 2/27/2011 11:15:58 PM

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