Politics and Religion

Big Government
crystalforfun See my TER Reviews 3017 reads

This is just another example how the government loves to spend money.  No wonder why we are in debt like we are.

I'm quite glad that people in rural areas can still live in rural areas and can still fly. This isn't a huge waste, since these areas are rural, after all. Cutting these costs would isolate certain people for no good reason, and may even result in the economic collapse of small rural towns.  

And what, you've never seen an empty bus or metro train in your life?

Now compare the cost of running this problem with say, the EXTRA engine we've put 6 billion dollars aside for the F-35 joint strike fighter. You know who's stood in the way of cutting this expensive and totally unnecessary program? Speaker of the House, John Boehner.  

Well, at least we actually get a "state of the art" fighter plane to perhaps be able to defend against some other country's "state of the art" plane.  A better example of waste might be the food stamps, free medical, free school lunches, subsidized utility bills, subsidized housing payments to literally millions of people who do nothing but sit around the house watching Jerry Springer and living essentially free and clear on the taxes that the working folks pay.  If you're intent was to extract outrage over a billion dollar airplane, how about some outrage about "free loaders".

Willy has declared the world safe for all.  No military spending necessary.  We need to transfer all of that money to Gov. pensions immediately.

There already is an engine for the F-35. This program is for an extra engine. You know. To keep for a rainy day.

Food stamps is government waste? Why? Because people who can't afford to buy food can put food on the table with food stamps? 48 million Americans are now on food stamps in this economy. You take that away, and you'll have a fucking riot on your hands.

Who gets free medical in this country?

Free school lunches? What a fucking waste. We all know that children, CHILDREN for fuck's sake, learn better when they're starving.

Subsidized utility bills are a waste? Absolutely! It's better if we let the poor in this country fucking FREEZE TO DEATH during the winter.

pwilley, to call the least among us, in a nation with a gross domestic product of some 12 trillion dollars "free loaders" is beyond vile. It seems that you're more outraged with spending money on keeping people alive then to spend money on an EXTRA engine for a fighter jet that already has an engine, who's primary purpose is to kill people.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

And Boehner is from which state? Ohio? And the GE jet engine facility is in which state? Ohio? Their post production engine test facility is in Peebles, Ohio. A small town that doesn't even have an airport. Shutting down the GE jet engine facility in Ohio would result in approximately 1,700 people being layed off. Unemployed, not paying any income or payroll taxes, and sucking up on food stamps, UI, and any other freebies they could get from Uncle Sam. Nowhere near $6 billion in savings but pretty important to those layed off, and the businesses that support their lifestyle.  

There are many areas in defense spending that need to be cut. e.g. Why do we still have a large cadre of troops in Europe, Japan, the Pacific, and why are we still supporting NATO. The USSR has been dead for quite some time now.

There are lots and lots of subsidies for rural areas and no one has the guts to touch it.

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