Politics and Religion

On the Wisconsin battle
Priapus53 5695 reads

Fascinating commentary by political analyst Howrd Fineman on cable last night. Seems like Governor Walkers "strings" being pulled by Karl Rove.
National strategy for '12 elections is that GOP
WANTS massive labor protests, which will turn off
Midwestern "silent majority" voters & deliver Presidency to the GOP.

My strong hunch is that GOP has "won the battle, but lost the war" ,extremists who have overreached & it will backfire on them in election : OTOH, as much as this pains me, Rove's strategy in this case extremely cunning &
Machiavellian; MIGHT work.

Thoughts ?

ron93431748 reads

Looks like the greedy union members are forced into reality  just like the rest of us middle class folks. They have been ripping off the private sector for years and now the chickens have come home to roost, welcome to the real world

I hadn't considered that. I think this is a game changer for me. I may reverse my opinion on this topic.

I don't see how Rove or Fineman for that matter connects massive disgust with Republicans turning into Republican victories. There isn't a single person I know who isn't so pissed about this that they smell blood. And that's the guys who up until a month ago considered themselves Republicans.

Gov Walker is a puppet.  I want to be on the side that doesn't have puppets.  Too many extremists on the GOP side too.  I want to be on the side that doesn't have extremists.  It's all beginning to come together now.  It's all beginning to make sense.  I think your political analysis of the political analyst is spot on!

Priapus533369 reads

Seriously. Even your buddy Holey ( hey---maybe he knows the "big bopper"-----LOL ) managed to put in an intelligent comment. You're just as bad as the left & right wing troll losers that have populated this room. Impossible to respond intelligently to someone who comes across as SUCH a bitter, lonely, sick & angry clown.

Why do the words "opposition research" come to mind ?

F_U, you'll be happy to know that as long as you remain here, I'm gonna give you my undivided attention ; you're gonna be my new "pet project", dude------:)

-- Modified on 3/10/2011 9:44:08 AM

Posted By: Priapus53
Seriously. Even your buddy Holey ( hey---maybe he knows the "big bopper"-----LOL ) managed to put in an intelligent comment. You're just as bad as the left & right wing troll losers that have populated this room. Impossible to respond intelligently to someone who comes across as SUCH a bitter, lonely & angry clown.

Why do the words "opposition research" come to mind ?

F_U, you'll be happy to know that as long as you remain here, I'm gonna give you my undivided attention ; you're gonna be my new "pet project", dude------:)

Priapus531146 reads

I'm gonna make it a priority to meet F_U, most likely at a M&G.

I wanna learn everything I can about him-----;)

-- Modified on 3/10/2011 9:44:58 AM

How many other guys are you stringing along?

Posted By: Priapus53
I'm gonna make it a priority to meet F_U, most likely at a M&G.

I wanna learn everything I can about him-----;)

-- Modified on 3/10/2011 9:44:58 AM

Priapus531409 reads

so no need for me to "tease or string guys along."

You DO know that Vegas is quite the union town, don't you ?----------;)

Though I would love a tour of Sin City, I'm dieting right now so I can fit into a thong this Spring.

Posted By: Priapus53
so no need for me to "tease or string guys along."

You DO know that Vegas is quite the union town, don't you ?----------;)

squeegieboypriapus531376 reads

I was worried that platypussy53 was going to be an old maid.

Priapus531278 reads

Near the middle of the country, after all. Besides, I have relatives there.

Will this be incall or outcall?

Priapus531197 reads

Think I'll bring some of my Vegas friends along-------:)

allthebetter1294 reads

Woaaa holdon thar Babaloie I'll do the thinnin round here.... LOL

Priapus532342 reads

I think F_U is the one with the gun------:)

Republicans have won in the Midwest because of votes from passive union members.  This action in Madison, Columbus, etc. has solidified the unions against the GOP.  
Walker will be lucky to finish his term.  I expect a recall vote next year.

Posted By: Makwa
Republicans have won in the Midwest because of votes from passive union members.  This action in Madison, Columbus, etc. has solidified the unions against the GOP.  
Walker will be lucky to finish his term.  I expect a recall vote next year.
They have already started their petition for his recall, and have a third of the needed votes. The Budget Bill was passed tonight w/out the needed Democrats, and Walker could sign it as early as tomorrow. It has been crazy here in Madison the last 4 weeks.... I've never seen anything like it, and it's good to see all these people come together for a cause they all believe in... although all the protesting didn't do a damn thing to sway Walker, it shows that people can still come together and protest w/out violence.

The only violence ever talked about, was Walker himself, when he was tricked into the phone conversation w/who he thought was one of the Koch brothers.... that "violent protesters should be instilled into the peaceful protesters".. his reply, "We've already thought of that".

The teachers and others being targeted agreed to all the cuts weeks ago, just asked for their bargaining rights to not be taken.... he wouldn't budge. He required all the schools to turn in their layoff notices last week... like the last thing we need is LESS teachers in the classrooms. The classrooms are already extremely overcrowded... my 5th graders class has 50 kids per classroom.. and they want to layoff more teachers?? And of course, the teacher layoffs won't affect "their" children, as all their kids go to private schools, which aren't affected by this. He exempted firefighters & police officers from the cuts, as if they were to go on strike, he "feared for public safety".... but our children not getting a proper education is OK?

Their also targeting health care w/the Budget Repair Bill... including making birth control not something that is covered by insurance companies anymore.... whether through private insurance or Badgercare. They claim that by the state helping fund birth control, it's making men and woman more promiscuous... if that isn't the dumbest thing I've ever heard:( People are going to have sex regardless, whether or not birth control is covered by their insurance... by cutting birth control, they will only create more unwanted and unplanned pregnancies, and instead of having to pay out $4/prescription for birth control, their going to be feeding a bunch of extra mouths through tax payers money & state funded programs. What do they think teenagers did before birth control became so readily available? They used condoms(sometimes) and hoped for the best.... do these people not think these things all the way through?

I know Walkers dad is a Minister... not sure if he's Catholic or not, although I know that's a Catholic belief w/the no birth control allowed... but why instill that belief on an entire state... and then in the next statement, say they are against abortion also?? But don't agree w/state funded "welfare" programs... which one is it? You can't have both! Sorry for the long rant, but these people just get on my last nerve w/contradicting themselves constantly.

notOnMyWatch1448 reads

You may be onto something.  

This has the signature of Rove all over it.  He won two presidential elections with the same technique, notably driving out the "god, guns, gays" crowd in record numbers to defeat John Kerry in 2004, placing the term "swiftboating" into the American political vocabulary.

I don't like the guy, but he is a master of manipulation, and he understands red state mentality very well, and what it takes to get them to vote against their own interests.

that the ruling class has for collective bargaining. Both parties are opposed to collective bargaining in principle. The dems have a better relationship with organized labor than the gop but if the gop gets rid of collective bargaining you will not see the dems reinstating it. Why should they? US unions are weak and corrupt and need to be crushed. The only purpose that they serve is to help dems get elected. Let this be a lesson to the working class. For there to be real change in US politics there needs to be a workers political party.

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