Politics and Religion

...Ole dirtdigger makes a perfect...
mrhuck 15 Reviews 22 reads

...example of the bigoted soul-less rhetoric that some of these animals like the pussy grabber are trying to push upon the republican party, the values behind the dirtdigger's statements are not shared by most republicans & only meant to further divide Americans. In one sentence he demands SILENCE while his first sentence blames the left for blocking it, this moron can't seem to make up his own feeble mind, and I believe ole dirk demonstrates just the example of someone that shouldn't be allowed to have a firearm.  

Social Justice Warrior style extremism has so infected the Left that majorities on the Left no longer believe in Freedom of Speech (if they disagree with the speech) or Freedom of Religion (if the religion does not have special Victim Status protection).
Why has the Left, which 40 years ago championed free speech and tolerance, become so Intolerant?
The best explanation lies in the traditional Platonic concept that excess and deficiency of any Virtue becomes a Vice.
Take Courage: too little is the vice of cowardice, too much is recklessness.
The chief and most celebrated virtue of the left today is INCLUSION, defined specifically for the 7 Sacred Victim Groups (blacks, women, LGBT, Latinos, Disabled, Muslims) and other lesser groups as well.  That virtue of Inclusion, having been over emphasized to the extreme, now justifies the  intolerance and violence.  Disagree?  Don't reason and confront with counter arguments -SILENCE!  Freedom of Speech doesn't protect Hate Speech!  Don't like a law? Don't change it, just don't enforce it! Demonize those who do! Don't like an election?  Resist, call for impeachment and find a grounds later!  Don't like the Constitution? Don't get an amendment passed thru congress and ratified by the states Get a supreme court justice to obviously make stuff up!

...example of the bigoted soul-less rhetoric that some of these animals like the pussy grabber are trying to push upon the republican party, the values behind the dirtdigger's statements are not shared by most republicans & only meant to further divide Americans. In one sentence he demands SILENCE while his first sentence blames the left for blocking it, this moron can't seem to make up his own feeble mind, and I believe ole dirk demonstrates just the example of someone that shouldn't be allowed to have a firearm.  

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