Politics and Religion

ok, stop and think about what you just said for a minute.
SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1794 reads

Because you accidentally told a little bit of truth there. They say good help is hard to find, and Obama certainly is having trouble with it.

Ummmmmm, what exactly does that say about the Democrats? Isn't there anyone fit to lead in that party?

*shaking my head*

As I watched yet another cabinet nominee announce a tax issue I sat back and said to myself, "what a cluster fuck".

Less than a month in office and the evidence of "Change" has been:
> A series of wealthy senators who cheat on their taxes.  (And just how is it that nobody asked Daschle about the $1 million/year contract but instead focused on his limo.)
> A democratic party gang-bang that loads up every pork-barrel project that couldn't get passed for the last 10 years to now ready to get a blank check
> A parade of cabinet nominees who are so tied to lobbyists that they seem to share condoms
> Little to nothing addressing the root of the financial crisis.  What happened to fixing the housing and financial markets?
> Our newly elected president disappearing into the woodwork while the Democratic majority leaders run around DC drunk with power
> A bogus stimulus package that doesn't inject most of the appropriated capital until 2010, 2011, and 2012?  And when it does hit, it does nothing to effect a stimulus.
> A press secretary who acts like he just stepped out of a college speech class.

No, I didn't vote for Obama but I certainly hoped he would do better than this.  What a fucking disaster.

toondin2015 reads

And it isn't as bad as it looks. For the nominees, again, I think Obama is running into the same problem he did in Chicago: a lack of good people to work with. I think he's especially disappointed in Daschle, who was apparently promised his post very early in the election, and did nothing to put his taxes in order, among the other corruption he fell into.

toondin1341 reads

The '94 Congress just gave Clinton somebody to co-op. His conversion into a Republican lackey is  part of the reason Clinton became a mediocre President.

Timbow1142 reads

He could have never claimed fame for balancing budget  without NEWT :)

Because you accidentally told a little bit of truth there. They say good help is hard to find, and Obama certainly is having trouble with it.

Ummmmmm, what exactly does that say about the Democrats? Isn't there anyone fit to lead in that party?

*shaking my head*

toondin1640 reads

. . . and they don't try to say it's actually what should happen.

-- Modified on 2/6/2009 10:37:27 PM

I want the man to be a great president, and to be better than the average dude.  Why? so that mediocrity no matter where it comes from will not be permitted to dominate the White House.  I thought jeeze - after 8-years of a bumble fuck, this guy cannot do worse... he is rapidly prooving me incorrect....

While what you have listed are all good examples, I fear that it will be foreign affairs and national security where he will be a colossal idiot... he is already in a diplomatic tight squeeze... ya know, caught between Israel and Iran... how did he get there?  easy, he thought that Iran would be so happy to see him as Pres, they would just giggle... well, they are giggling all right.  If Israel nukes 'em or even attacks them, we will ALL pay the price - and it is likley that Iran would respond with full blown Jihad...

I pray that it is that he is getting very bad advice and that he will wise up - and tell whoever is advising him to get the fuck outta his sight...

My thought, the stimulus pack is so mired in political persona non grata that it will go through, and fail to assist anything even remotely likely to promote job creation or even job salvation.... the companies that benefit from the largesse of the federal tit - will struggle but keep the doors open.... and what will happen?  Entrepreneurs will create new companies to fill old and new needs....

this is opportunity - if handled - not be politicians - but by the creative and hard working middle class.... who will then have to pay the bill for the failure of this administrations lunatic policies... or at least that is how I see it - Unless obama wakes up - pulls pelosi, reid, frank and other in - and tells them that they are idiots and unless they change - he gonna go over their heads.

Timbow1424 reads

Obama has now called it what is a spending package with long term pork .If he had not been blind to his master Pelosi and let her strip all the REP plans it might have gone thru with short term job stimulus .
But now Obama is listening to his masters and not willing to compromise saying it is not a game and using traditional scare tactics
OUR SC Senator Lindsey Graham is dead on the money this time with his arguments .

kerrakles2047 reads

Get used to it.

Cheney's company stole so much money from Iraq funds, they moved their HQ to Muscat to avoid prosecution.

I wish I had the foresight to invest $10000 in Haliburton, I would have close to a million by now.

RightwingUnderground1703 reads

Although six months ago you were claiming a $10,000 would have netted $2.5 MILLION! ! !

You were NUTS back then and you’re still NUTS. I can fully understand the hatred toward Bush and Cheney, but you do yourself no favors when you let it cloud your judgment (assuming that’s what it is and I’m being charitable). BTW, Your claims are STILL off by a factor of FIVE.

Your previous claim:


My previous truth telling:


Of course the previous analysis assumed you got out before September ‘08, otherwise you’d be down about 60% today. It’s been hovering around $15 to $20 since October. Down about 60% from its 52 week high of $55.

Tell me something. Do you REALLY believe your own crap? You’re just repeating what you read somewhere on a KOOK blog, right?

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