Politics and Religion

OK PICTURE THIS ! you are in 9th grade dating a 7th graderconfused_smile
xfean 14 Reviews 1983 reads

should two kids in junior high school go to jail for statutory rape?



I do not like the goverment in a parents place

The Galloway Township case involved a Stockton College student who had served two years' probation for criminal sexual contact committed when he was 15 against a 13-year-old girl. He was designated under Megan's Law as a Tier I offender, meaning he was considered to have the lowest risk of re-offense.

The township sent him a notice telling him he could not live on campus since his dorm was within 2,500 feet of a day care center.

The two plaintiffs in the Cherry Hill case, James Barclay and Jeffrey Finguerra, moved into a motel within 2,500 feet of Camden Catholic High School while they awaited approval for a new residence from their parole officers. The township found them guilty of violating the ordinance and fined them.

OK so a 15 year old is supposed to be smart enough to be in College but doesn't have enough sense not to have sex with a 13 year old..
Seems like he is growing up and on his way to becoming a bonafide pedophile..
I dated older girls when I was 15 ...I reckon thats why school girl outfits do nothing for me.
If you don't respect the children there is no hope for you.

He's not 15 now. He was 15 when the incident happened.

..Still doesn't make any sense to me for a 15 year old to be with a 13 year old ..
When I was 15 anyone with a younger GF would be classified as a cradle robber ..lol or a desperate dweeb...Hmmm...Maybe it is the New generation desperation..

The article doesn't state that he is still 15 years old and attending college. The boy was convicted at age 15, served 2 years probation, and is now attending college.

What do you mean if you don't respect children? He was a child HIMSELF. Good lord, when I was about 7 years old I used to play doctor with the boy down the street. He was a couple years older than me, so he'd have been about 9 or 10 himself. Should he be labelled a pedophile too?? This is nothing more than a case of two juveniles doing what juveniles do.

The only thing I don't understand here is why the boy's parents haven't sued everyone under the sun for malicious prosecution, and appealed their son's conviction. Not knowing the facts of the case though, I have to assume there is more to the story. However, I'm not prepared to label a young boy as a sex offender or pedophile when his victim was only 2 years his junior.

PS. By your logic, those older girls you were dating at 15 should be labelled pedophiles. You were, after all, a minor.

One, you can't draw parallel between academic and social development.  Two, even if you could, you still wouldn't be making sense.  A boy in his early teens having sex with a girl in her early teens sounds pretty damn normal to me.  Pedophiles use their maturity to control and manipulate their victims.  A 15 year old boy and a 13 year old girl are pretty much a level playing field when it comes to that.  If anyone out of the two were more mature, I wouldn't be surprised if it were the girl.  So how would anyone in this case be on a path to pedophilia?

Those older girls you were dating:  How much older, and what did they do to you to make you take such a hard line stance on this?   You OK?  

"Those older girls you were dating:  How much older, and what did they do to you to make you take such a hard line stance on this?   You OK? "

LOL Yep I am fine..Anyone that knows me has no doubt,I am very much happier than most mortals.
The older girls in my youth were a year or two older when I was 15  and when I was 17, I
discovered older College girls liked to give training programs..
I don't know why I have a hard line stance  other than from what I remember it was  the creepy guys who went after the younger girls
and you have to beware of the creeps.
Its the 13 age that got my attention
I am not saying a 15 year old should go to jail for being so desperate he has sex with a 13 year old but I don't have a problem with him being on a public database for Future Public Safety.
A 13 year old boy with a 13 year old girl seems normal to me. A 17 year old boy with a 15 year old girl doesn't seem so bad to me,but if a 15 year old boy's rap is so bad he can only relate to the 13 year old,mission control could well have a future problem..

The only picture I see of a 9th grader dating a 7th grader, is a pedophile that hasn't grown up yet...

GaGambler1548 reads

I gotta go with trannyboy on this one. There is a huge difference between a sixteen year old havig sex with a fifteen year old and a pedophile. Ifwe locked up every kid who had sex with another kid there wouldn't be enough people left over to support TER, myself included.

I'll admit to it, when I was 15 I had sex with a thirteen year old myself, and she was far from a virgin. I myself lost my virginity to an "older" woman, I was 14 she was 17. By the line of reasoning all of us should be labeled as sex offenders. Give me a fucking break.

Now to prove what a pervert I really am, I am going to find me a hot little 19 yr old chica and have my way with her. lol Then maybe I'll fid anoter one for lunch. Damn, I love Panama.

Of course a 15-year old has a certain level of development, socially.  But he is still a kid.  I don't have time to list the stupid things I did well past that age.

To treat it as an adult is silly. To brand a kid as a sexual predator for things he did when things were raging as an early teen, fails to understand the nature of teen urges.

Finally, most states have age differentials.  A 15-year old boy with a 13-year old girl is far different that a 30-year old with the same girl.  As a result, some states recognize this difference and treat it accordingly.

Generally speaking, "zero tolerance" in anything leads to stupid results, like kids being expelled for having an aspirin.  Discretion and judgment are essential.

This is utterly ridiculous, but sadly, not shocking at all. I don't know a 15 year old boy alive who isn't a total horn dog for crying out loud. At that age, boys have hormones popping out all over the place.

Thank God no one ever found out about the boy who was my first. I was 14, he was 19. Horrors!!! He's a predator!! Never mind that I was the one who came onto him. Sheesh.

In my 'former life' I worked as a drug counselor and worked for a program that treated convicted felons. I recall working with a kid who was 22 at the time, and like this boy, was a registered sex offender. His crime was dating a 15 year old girl when he was 17. The day he turned 18, the girl's father reported him to the police and he was subsequently charged and convicted with statutory rape. It does happen, as utterly ridiculous as it may be.

In my state a 15 year old could not be charged for sex with a 13 year old partner, but a 16 year old could be charged.

when asked if he knows any pedophile he said he did not know who that was.

he was told what a pedophile  is
then he was asked was he one he said he did not know.

this is the same thing as that child  who is 8 on the know fly list. he was asked was he a terrorist and he said he did not know.




-- Modified on 5/9/2009 2:26:31 PM

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