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Puck 20 Reviews 2363 reads

How many troops did Clinton put into Bosnia and how many are still there?
What is the total body count for Bosnia? How many were killed last month in Bosnia and how many in Iraq?
What was the mission in Bosnia? How many times has that mission changed? Now the same question for Iraq?
Maybe you are an idiot if you can't see the difference between the two actions, in  their inception, prosecution and current status.

The majority of foreign fighters in Iraq come from countries we consider our friends - allies in The War Against Terror (TWAT). Our leaders are just so cucking great at picking friends - always have been. Thank god for men of faith and vision like GWB and Lord Cheney - they keep us safe, now that we've identified Libya and Saudi Arabia as the source of these terrorists we'll probably invade Poland in retaliation.

He never lied to us to get us into a war there. We went where the problem was and addressed it, then got the fuck out instead of parking a whole fucking army there for the indefinite future.
Jesus, have a thought once in a while before you open your piehole.

anon11122451796 reads

Clinton the rapist, and Clinton the dyke, would not know the truth if it were standing next to them in tee shirts.

What a magnificent display of reasoned, rational dialog.
You are certainly qualified to join the rest of the right wing nutjobs.

she doesn't want anyone to see her big brass balls.  Man or woman, every chief executive needs a set of brass balls to haul out when necessary; and having them on call when needed doesn't make her any less of a woman.

Actually Clinton didn't pull us out of anywhere where problems were addressed..We still have troops in the Balkans..Camp Bondsteel  Macedonia, Kosovo,
I often scoff at the left leaning media and their different interpretations of events...What would they have said if The Chinese Embassy in Kosovo was bombed under President Bush.. It would have been HIS fault but when it happened under Clinton it barely made the news and it certainly had nothing to do with him..
I would never be a Lib as I couldn't be a hypocrite..

I suppose you are saying that as long as there is a single US soldier in Kosovo that they weren't pulled out. What kind of an asshole are you anyway? The  combat forces were pulled out, there are far fewer left there than are still in Germany 50 years after the end of WWII. I guess Truman never pulled us out of anywhere either and that means WWII combat losses continue to this day.

You'll have to work real hard to upgrade to hypocrite.

-- Modified on 11/22/2007 10:41:59 PM

As a veteran of 28 years active duty, please explain to me the difference between a combat force and a non-combat force. I must also be an idiot. If a soldier in Kosovo and one in Iraq are equipped with the same weapons, patrolling areas that are not entirely 'safe', and both collecting combat pay, what exactly is the difference?

How many troops did Clinton put into Bosnia and how many are still there?
What is the total body count for Bosnia? How many were killed last month in Bosnia and how many in Iraq?
What was the mission in Bosnia? How many times has that mission changed? Now the same question for Iraq?
Maybe you are an idiot if you can't see the difference between the two actions, in  their inception, prosecution and current status.

Puck, my man, lighten up. There are still troops in the Balkans. We didn't 'got the fuck out'. You just don't hear about them. My neighbors son is there. Clinton is a congenital liar. Ever read "Dereliction of Duty", by R. Patterson? He was one of the 5 military aides to Clinton that carried the 'nuclear football'.

What were the lies Clinton told to get us into Kosovo, how did he (or his friends) profit from it and how does the small force still there equate with  the force we have in Iraq and plan to maintain indefinitely?
Can't answer that? I thought not.

where does the oil go?  We do get some - but so does Japan and western Europe....  actually the US gets more oil from Mexico than from Iraq.

so.....   help me here?  where is the hugh benefit... remember Bush ain't too bright... and for him to make money offa this, there has to be a link.

He doesn't benefit unless someone writes him a check, is that it? There couldn't be a benefit to the Saudi Royal Family if the Iraqi oil reserves are off the market, right? Bush never benefitted from them say with Harkin Energy, did he? There is no family connection through, say the Carlysle group? Cheney gets no benefit from Halliburton?
You freaks can see clearly how Clinton murdered people though there is no evidence, yet you are blissfully (or willfully) ignorant when it comes to the Bush Crime Family.


Bush crime family?  lol!  Halliburton?  ok?  so there are some connections... but they are there on the clinton group as well....  

no - not so ignorant - I just don't have partisan eyeglasses...

Halliburton, Carlysle Group, Saudi Royals and Harken, etc - ok, let's hear the Clinton connections.


no, couldn't be the clintons.... they- why they are as innocent as the new fallen snow... oh, that's right - we don't have snow anymore cause of raging global warming.... guess they ain't so frickin innocent.  Bwahahahahaha!!!!  


The examples I cited were regarding personal enrichment of the Bush Crime Family - so RTFQ and try to answer without being such a f'ing Republican Talking Point puke.


-- Modified on 11/25/2007 12:20:22 PM

for just one minute.... do you really think that it is OK for a presidential candidate to take funds from a foreign govenment while running for office?

for missile technology with the Fuckin Red Army and shit for brains wonders how is this personal enrichment.


trust me, when talking to someone that is actually dumber than dirt, it's easier to just hit them in the head with a shovel.

that's what dirt knows..

what a cLINTON CRIME FAMILY patzer....

Then I'll be happy to address your other issues. Please feel free to take your time, I really want to hear this.
And no, I will not be badgered into forgetting about my legitimate point while you veer off onto another tangent.

We're talking about personal enrichment here.

funds to run for president?  hummm how did that benefit Clinton.  

Seriously dude.  that was a direct bene.  but hey, he's outta office.... and we question Bush for ties to the Saudi's Right?  

and who paid for the start of clinton's library?  we ever get the full disclousure on that?    not that it matters since the papers we all want to see - the library will not make public... ya know, the Hillary files.  

What a tangled mess the clintons are.... and yet.. you know... I still like them.  But would I go into business with them?  nope... never.  

But they would be GREAT party guests!

RTFQ-you still haven't answered my question from above. If there is nothing happening in Bosnia, think of all that money we have wasted giving the troops there combat pay. BTW, the troops in the Korean DMZ get extra pay as well. Is that also wasted money?

and the UN does a shit job of it.  for that matter so do the you're-a-peeings.

RTFA - just because a techinicality results in a soldier getting 'combat pay' does not necessarily mean they are in combat, or are you suggesting that duty in the Korean DMZ or the Balkans equates with what a GI experiences in Iraq? All those deaths and injuries must be the best kept secret ever. Come on, get honest for once.


I'm fairly new at this,but I've noticed rather quickly that you have a propensity for calling opposing view holders--idiots. In fact, over 50% of your posts mention the term--idiot. No suggestion on my part that the duty stations are of equivalent dangers, but the Pentagon must think there is a reason for them to continue receiving the extra pay. What do you think that reason might be? Got any clues? I'll tell my son, who is deployed from Okinawa to Korea, that he has life to easy and should return the extra pay. BTW, if you were to meet him face to face, you could use the term 'idiot', but I can say unequivocably that it would be only once.

I use it when someone - you, in this case - is purposely obtuse and pretends the ridiculous position they espouse is reasonable.
You, in this case, are arguing that there is no difference in the level of immediate danger between duty in the Korean DMZ and any hotspot in Iraq despite the obvious fact that there are very few injuries, much less casualties, in Korea compared to the thousands in Iraq. Kinda stupid, doncha think?
If you tried telling that to your son, or one of his buddies, they would think you an idiot. Your son wouldn't tell you, but his buddies might.

That would be why I call you an idiot.

"No suggestion on my part that the duty stations are of equivilent dangers", you must have not read that part, huh? BTW, my son is a career military man with 2 tours in Iraq before posting to Okinawa, thence Korea. He is home on Christmas leave in 3 weeks......care to meet him and discuss the situation? I thought not.

"No suggestion on my part that the duty stations are of equivilent dangers", you must have not read that part, huh?

Yes, I read that part where you backpedaled from you rearlier suggestion. Even so you seem to think that the two ARE equivalent as you castigate Clinton for somehow lying about getting us out of Bosnia. We kept a peacekeeping force there, not an active combat force. Most current Progressive plans for Iraq involve a large scale drawdown of combat trops with a significant redeployment to non-combat areas and a much smaller force left - just like Clinton did and Eisenhower in Korea.

So which is it - are they both combat zones and completely equal or did Eisenhower ande Clinton somehow manage to scale back the killing on both sides and find some measure of stability if not peace?

You keep suggesting that I somehow lack respect for your son. I get that - it's a common misconception among the warmongers that if you don't agree with the mission you don't respect or support the soldiers. I experienced that in the early 70s as a GI - but we were able to regognize that the anti war movement was supportive of us and that the vast majority were on our side.

I hope your son stays healthy physically, mentally and spiritually and cmes home to you soon. I hope he and all his comrades are spared further pointless sacrifice and the killing over oil and power stops.

Peace out.

taught that spitting on someone was a sign of respect.  'Cause your statement "I experienced that in the early 70s as a GI - but we were able to regognize that the anti war movement was supportive of us and that the vast majority were on our side." sure was difficult to understand in light of the fact that many protesters of the 60's and 70's actually did spit on us, and worse.  

I suppose that Kerry throwing his medals away was also a sign of respect?  Please, spare me.

In fact, I don't know anyone who was spit on because they were soldiers. I suspect it may have happened but I don't think it was as common as some would have us believe. Maybe your experience was different than mine. I was one of those protesters as well, and I never saw that happen.
Kerry's throwing his medals away was a commentary on the war, not the troops. He was one of them, remember?
Come on, folks - let's not make things up. There's plenty of material to work with.

as to the spitting... well, happened... and happened more than once.  you forget, I was in the US.  It got pretty tense here.  Buildings were actually burned.  I still have the photos... and papers charred by the fires.  sure.  I guess I am one of the right wing nuts who make stuff up - even if it happened right in front of me... and yea, to me.  

I know plenty of folk that this did not happen to, but I know plenty who it did happen to.  

Make it up?  nah... you can't make this stuff up.  Much of the polarization of this country goes right  back to that period.  to ignore it, is to ignore our history... and you know what they say about that.

Puck (I assume from Midsummer nights dream) is the latest incarnation of Jack0... or so I assume due to the list of 10 most frequent posters which consistantly lists Jack0 as the #1 poster - even though he does not use his main handle.  

however, Puck is a lawyer - probably around san diego or LA.  Obviously he is an expert on legal issues.  However, when it comes to politics, he is, as are most of us, limited in scope and somewhat biased by our positions.  While some do recognize their biases, Puck (or Jack0) fails to acknowledge his biases.... kinda strange.  I have been oddly enough accused of being PUCK!  lol!!!  I am not he.  Jack0 has done military duty?  Marines... i think.   Although to the best of my knowledge he has never stated that in explicit terms.

But over time you will notice a trend (actually many debate tactics) in Puck's (Jack0) posts.  When caught with data he will strike out in an emotional burst of "stuff"!  I am not innocent of this myself... there are those who seem to post as complete sycophants.  That is, they post without knowledge of the subject, only to garner the attention and favor of others.

hope this helps.... but we all love Jack0 - he keeps us on our toes...

as to your son, may God be with him....  as I have read about troop rotations from Korea to Iraq.  The duty in Korea may be slightly less dangerous, but that could change in less time than it takes to post in on the internet.  

BSD: Thanks for the heads up on Puck, or JackO, whomever. I thought initially this would be fun, but now I'm not so sure. However, it does help the time pass during layovers in hotel rooms between flights. Also, thanks for your words for my son. My wife and I worry about him as there are shots fired daily on the DMZ. Mostly north to south. ChiComs continually try to infiltrate and make trouble. Been that way for many years. There is a "Truce" there, but in effect, the Korean War is ongoing, though very limited. Mostly psychological.

Aside from being wrong about every thing he's quite the armchair analyst.

Nice of you to admit the difference in 'combat zones' here if not in answer to my question. Shows you're in touch with reality.

Once again, only the best for your son and everyone in harms way - and fervent hopes that the criminals who put his life in danger are brought to justice.

Thank you, very much, really.

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