Politics and Religion

Ohhh, he called me "sexy"!!!
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 3382 reads
1 / 25

This is 10 minutes of Ann dissecting McCain.  None of this content can be refuted.  Why did Republicans nominate this guy? If he wins he will probably do more to advance a liberal agenda than Pelosi and Reid.  Unlike them, MaCain is quite good at getting crappy legislation past. I know I'm supposed to be a good little sheep and hold my nose and vote for this guy because Barry Hussein is less than zero, but either way a liberal will be running the country in 2009.

Can our good pal Moose be any more idiotic with his "McBush" comments?  McCain's has a record of opposing all things conservative.  He voted against both tax cuts, wants to close down Guantanamo and stop water boarding, prohibited free speech and tried his darndest to let the illegal aliens come in at even a faster clip.  Moose is living proof that watching Keith Olbermann makes you stupid.

Finally- Please refrain from the "Ann Cuntner is Fucking Ugly" replies.  I got it.  This tall, thin, sexy, educated blond would be lucky to hook up with any of you fat, bald, hairy, highly medicated, elderly Adonises.

Enjoy the video.  

-- Modified on 7/15/2008 11:57:41 PM

Timbow 1955 reads
2 / 25

People  are naive if they  think she believes all she says . Ann is making money :)

holeydiver 113 Reviews 2132 reads
3 / 25

... Hey, we might start getting LIberals back?!  Warm up the hot tub!

Harry5390 89 Reviews 1911 reads
4 / 25

The choice is between a liberal hawk or a liberal dove. What a selection!

Howyadoin3 8 Reviews 1710 reads
5 / 25

It still cracks me up, when I see Neo-cons posting their hateful retoric on this board.  The only reason Republicans win anything, is the bullshit religious pandering.  The hyporcacy is that these groups would like to eliminate the hobby.  Eliminate, shut down, closed for business.  No more hobby.

JW-Blue 1216 reads
6 / 25

...that Jews need to be perfected by becoming Christians, and that America is better off if everyone were Christians.

You actually listen to her? She endorsed Hillary back in February, because she wants a female prez.

GaGambler 1697 reads
7 / 25

is that they are the lesser of the two evils. I hate the religious right, to be quite honest I think ALL religions are bullshit.

That aside until the dims come up with better ideas than taxing our oil companies into oblivion to fix an energy crisis, or that socialized medicine is the answer to rising health care costs, or that cutting and running in Iraq and leaving them open to the Iranians is a good idea. Until the dims get a clue, I and many independents like me will continue to hold our collective noses and vote with the righties.

harryj 1324 reads
8 / 25

Why is it that anything not a complete endorsement of the left is "hateful rhetoric"?  Lefties see dialogue as a one way street. "We know what is good for you, so shut up and mind". The problem I have with that is based upon many years of observation, most lefties can't find their ass with both hands and a flashlight, have unmitigatingly screwed up their own pathteic lives but still insist on running mine. I have a proposal for you: Leave me alone, go on about your sorry, pathetic life and I willl leave you alone. I don't need a lefty sticking his hand in my pocket and trying to stear me around by the collar with the other hand. It took me many years but I have grown to thoroughly detest a leftie.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1724 reads
9 / 25

Democrats fight against "Vice" crimes as hard as Republicans.  They have to or they would be shredded come election time. You guys never seem to get that.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1469 reads
10 / 25

Quote a sentence that has nothing to do with this subject to deflect the issue.  I have never seen that before.

You obviously didn't watch the link.  She openly supported Hillary over McCain because she believes that Hillary is the more conservative of the two and goes into great detail as to why.  It isn't a big secret.

Tusayan 2300 reads
11 / 25

If she honestly thinks McCain is a liberal she's dumber than I ever imagined.

Timbow 2035 reads
12 / 25

About as dumb as people who do not understand she says what she does to sell books :)

JW-Blue 1217 reads
13 / 25

...that Ann will say anything just to get paid.

GaGambler 1911 reads
14 / 25

I am equal opportunity when it comes to religion. So Ann Coulter thinks her version of a fairy tale is the right one, big deal don't all religious kooks feel that way? IMHO It's all ridiculous.

I don't understand why it is considered blasphemous to criticize other people's religions, but it is perfectly acceptable to tell those of us who think all religion is bullshit that we are going to burn in hell forever simply because we don't believe in "their" version of the fairy tale.

So she pissed off a few jews, religious pukes have been pissing me off for decades. It's another reason I stay so pissed off at the Dims. "I don't want to vote for Republicans but your candidates are even worse."

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1498 reads
15 / 25

could Ann not have been a throw in to the Israel-Pally/Hezbollah swap?  I dodn't even care which side gets her.

9-man 1728 reads
16 / 25

Thompson was lazy, Giulliani was dumb, and Romney was a Mormon. How short your memory is about the primaries and about how McCain's campaign had to be brought back from the dead so he could be given the nomination.

I'll only say that Ann Coulter isn't physically my type, even if I am fat, bald, hairy, highly medicated. I'm not yet an elderly Adonis yet.

Ann_Fugly_Coultner 1478 reads
17 / 25

You may pop it up my hershey highway anytime you want to, big boy!

BuckFush! 1611 reads
18 / 25

Your deranged pathetic and manical drunken sot act is wearing real thin lately. You need to get into detox, stat!! Maybe once you are sober then you will be able to form a cohernet and rational thought and quit spewing your hateful rhetoric here.

Hey, Willie, cut this boy off!!

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1624 reads
19 / 25

You are this generation's Peter Sellers

GaGambler 1881 reads
20 / 25

I believe that McCain was nominated because in an unexpected flash of pragmatism the Repubs nominated the only candidate within their ranks that had a chance of being elected.

The Dims OTOH in a reversal from 1992 have managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. In 1991 George HW appeared unbeatable. An economic downturn exacerbated by a heavy handed Alan Greenspan, coupled with a brilliant campaing by Bill Clinton and voilla POTUS Clinton.

This election the Dims have done everything in their power to fuck up their chances, and with each passing day Obama proves why he should not be POTUS.

Ann_Fugly_Coultner 1346 reads
21 / 25

Do you want me to get on my knees and blow you or do you want me to bend over so you can stick it up my ass like all good republicons do!

Good lord knows, my pussy hasn't been touched in years!

zisk 86 Reviews 1659 reads
22 / 25

Peter Sellers, while a total asshole, was also quite funny.

Jacko the sockpuppet is just a total asshole.

9-man 1630 reads
23 / 25

The Democrats are not going to suffer a reversal this election. The bad economy, again, is on the Republican side. Bush's presidency has swelled the ranks of Democrats, and they've put down roots in the party. They're not staying home, and by their thinking the fuck ups of this Congress are in not being liberal enough, not impeaching Bush and rolling over for FISA.  

You're right. Compared with the others, McCain was the only one who had a chance. I'd call it slim.

Instead of comparing this to Bush, Sr's blown election, you should compare this to Carter vs. Reagan, except this time the parties are reversed.  It's an election following a very poor presidency.

I can't explain better than this picture why McCain won't win.  

-- Modified on 7/19/2008 6:34:09 PM

GaGambler 1470 reads
24 / 25

The longer the campaign goes on and the more we learn how the Obamessiah is no differsent from any other pandering politician, the less likely Obama is to win.

Both candidates are badly misplaying their hands. Obama is trying to look moderate, and McCain is pandering to the religious right. Neither could be further from the truth, Obama is barely right of Castro, and McCain is a Dem in Rep's clothing, that's the truth of the matter except that McCain is a dem we can live with.

The only hope Obama has, is to name Hillary as his VP, as much as I hate the possibility I have to admit it would win him the presidency. I would suggest to Obama that if he were to stoop to this strategy to win the election that he invest in a food taster and that he also starts sleeping with one eye open. I would hate to have to live with the fact that the only thing separating the Hildabeast (that's for you Xiao) from the presidency was my continued survival, would be rather unsettling to me.

9-man 1542 reads
25 / 25

Frankly, I think nominating Hillary as VP would be the worst mistake he could make, and would make McCain competitive in November. It would multiply the negatives and not the positives. Besides, if she's the VP candidate, why not announce it before now? Has that occurred to you? If Obama thinks it's an advantage to have her on the ticket, he would have made that move by now.

There would have been focus groups and secret polls performed by his campaign to determine this. If she's not the choice, then Obama would want to wait to heal the wounds of many Hillary supporters into the fold before announcing the eventual, non-Hillary nominee.  

A deal has been cut with Hillary; she will have some high-profile job with the administration, but it would be a stunning blunder if it were the VP.

The only chance McCain has, as I see it, is to somehow "purge" the voting rolls. McCain is behind in almost every poll, and he's behind greatly in electoral votes in polls of the States.

I realize that you will say that the polls don't mean anything, or they're biased liberally, (though I think Kerry's polls in 04 disprove that) but then at least concede that they are the best data available for how the election stands. If I see Obama's support slip, believe me, I'll note it.

-- Modified on 7/20/2008 8:07:36 AM

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