Politics and Religion

Federal Reserve Conspiracy-Hobbyist and Sugar Daddies!!
EscortMessiah667 1940 reads

The Federal Reserve Conspiracy Goes:
The Federal Reserve is a private bank that is owned by 12 Jewish Banking families in Europe. Eustace Mullins reported that the Federal Reserve stocks are owned by Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, etc.  
The Federal Reserve Bank is not owned by the federal government and it is not a government agency.
The conspiracy goes is the banking families are Satanic and want to take over America through a private central bank.
The Sugar Daddy and Hobbyist-Federal Reserve Conspiracy Goes:
When you make a deposit in the local bank, the local bank deposits the money into the account they have with the Federal Reserve.  The Federal Reserve loan the Federal Government money from the deposit made by the local bank. The Federal Reserve started to pay 3% to the local banks after the mortgage crises in 2008.  The Federal Reserve loans the Federal Government by buying bonds.
Obama spends it on Sugar Daddies and Hobbyist on Wall Street and on companies that are Defense Contractors.  The Sugar Daddies and Hobbyist spend it on escort services and sugar children.  The sugar children and escorts buy goods and services in the market. The businesses deposit the money into the local bank.
The money gets recycled into loaning back to the government from the businesses, Sugar Daddies, and Hobbyist depositing money into local bank accounts.
This debt cycle allows Obama to overspend on Sugar Daddies and Hobbyist without creating hyperinflation. No new money is needed to be created. The US government digs itself deeper and deeper into debt.

There really is a bigger idiot than mrnogood.  I didn't think it was possible.  Will those of you who've been on this board longer than me please tell me if this is the reincarnation of some infamous  troll?

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