Politics and Religion

Of course whites built South Africateeth_smile
cajunman 25 reads

For proof look at all the shitholes countries surrounding it built by blacks!

Compare Europe with Africa for further evidence.

Once they confiscate the white's lands, SA will become a shithole too!

So much for "Reconciliation".  The SA parliament voted 241 to 83 to take, without compensation, white owned farm land.  The bill's sponsor, Mr. Malema, said he was "not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now".

Looks like they are ditching Mandela's genius move of not killing the geese that lay the golden eggs and keep SA the only functioning country in Africa, and instead imitating former President for Life Mugabe of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, which reduced a similarly prosperous and well run country to poverty and starvation with his Anti-White policies.  Where will SA be once they drive off the Whites and Asians?  A miracle of High Technology and prosperity like Wakanda?  or a S***Hole?  Hmmmmm, anyone's guess.


You would think South Africans would have learned from Zimbabwe when Mugabe did the same thing and took farm land from whites. The result was the nation plunged into famine. I hope white South Africans leave South Africa as quickly as possible, before the black majority there wages an all out genocide.

Rhodesia ( name changed to Zimbabwe after the coup) was a lot worst under Ian Smith (the white minority leader) .

bigguy3031 reads

So if someone steals something, they should be in jail.
It's called Karma and you can own something that you steal.

I don't feel bad at all for the white South Africans.

to a Native American family.  Oh, that's right.  You don't have one.

bigguy3036 reads

Okay that was a really silly response and had nothing to do with the story.
Also I don't live in South Africa, but was showing the other side.
If these people's land was stolen or taken away, then they deserve it back!

-- Modified on 3/2/2018 11:42:49 PM

While colonization may not have been moral, the fact is that it happened, and we can't change that fact. Since it did happen, white South Africans *built* that country. Do they deserve to die for this? How many black South Africans will die by their own mismanagement of their own land? When Robert Mugabe ceased land from white farmers in Zimbabwe, the result was a disaster. Zimbabwe went from a food exporter to a nation filled with starving people, hyperinflation and disease.  


This illustrates something important. All peoples all around the world have benefited tremendously from whites. Whether it's being able to talk on a cell phone or listen to a symphony, or enjoying the fruits of science and democracy. The hard work and ingenuity of whites have benefited billions the world over. The thanks they get for this is to be vilified and demonized. So much so that they're now being hunted down and murdered in South Africa when that nation would resemble the Congo if it hadn't been for white South Africans building a nation that was a 1st world nation.

If whites are to be so vilified that they risk being murdered when their hard work and dedication is the only thing that's preventing South African from spiraling into poverty, then the whites there should leave South Africa to rot. Let them go to Australia, New Zealand, or Europe.

bigguy3033 reads

So it was not the White people farm land in the first place.

They stole and took land that did not belong to them!

You are defending murders and robbers now?
I agree it was morally wrong, but saying look at how white people build that country is a joke.

-- Modified on 3/3/2018 2:54:12 AM

cajunman26 reads

For proof look at all the shitholes countries surrounding it built by blacks!

Compare Europe with Africa for further evidence.

Once they confiscate the white's lands, SA will become a shithole too!

Tippecanoe26 reads

The Dutch built that country, and it will return to be more of a crap country as the locals take over.

Look at Liberia. Freed black slaves returned to Liberia, took over the country, and enslaved the native population. You don't have to be white to be a slave owner.

Where and who run the worst cities in America? Detroit, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Oakland. Who has the tightest gun laws, but the most gun related deaths and crime? We'll see if you can do the math, but I don't have high hopes. Even when written out in front of you, you don't get it.

Slave to your socialist ideology.

You forgot Baltimore. Has some of the toughest gun laws in the country but was voted the Nations most dangerous city. Why? Easy answer. Drive into Baltimore and look at the view. Decaying streets, sidewalks ,and homes. Blacks and blacks of boarded up houses that have been left that way for years.

There is also an easy solution.....Imminent Domain. Seize the properties that sit uninhabited. Pay the owner what it is worth, pennies on a dollar and bulldoze the entire block. Rebuild and offer low interest loans to first time home buyers with certain limitations.

Posted By: Tippecanoe
Re: The Dutch
The Dutch built that country, and it will return to be more of a crap country as the locals take over.  
 Look at Liberia. Freed black slaves returned to Liberia, took over the country, and enslaved the native population. You don't have to be white to be a slave owner.  
 Where and who run the worst cities in America? Detroit, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Oakland. Who has the tightest gun laws, but the most gun related deaths and crime? We'll see if you can do the math, but I don't have high hopes. Even when written out in front of you, you don't get it.  
 Slave to your socialist ideology.

Everywhere has its problems. When I go to Florida these  day I fly. Drove down from the north before and I can  tell anyone reading this that you need to fly because  there is NOTHING exciting along the way,just a sad disgusting train wreck of trailer park living with the look of everything incestuous about them.And I don't have an ounce of empathy - this is America they  had a 400 year head start on colored people ; the color of their skin protects them ,no discrimination in job,housing,..nothing ,no reason for that abject poverty other than the fact that they are a nasty, low down ,lazy, non ambitious,low life  dumb asses.And there are many more places like that ,that are not trailer parks.

You are liar just like your messiah - hand guns and hunting guns we should all have.....There is no real gun laws in this country,any idiot can buy any amount of assault rifle (war guns) and kill any amount of people in the least amount of time anywhere at any time.All because the NRA is God.

If that was even true maybe they would rather be enslaved by their own.
Second,there is still slavery in many aspects of America today,you're just not sophisticated enough to pinpoint it.

So, basically you are saying any place inhabited by blacks is a shit hole. We heard that before from you stinking Skunk and now from the Stinkia Majora.

Posted By: Tippecanoe
Re: The Dutch
The Dutch built that country, and it will return to be more of a crap country as the locals take over.  
 Look at Liberia. Freed black slaves returned to Liberia, took over the country, and enslaved the native population. You don't have to be white to be a slave owner.  
 Where and who run the worst cities in America? Detroit, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Oakland. Who has the tightest gun laws, but the most gun related deaths and crime? We'll see if you can do the math, but I don't have high hopes. Even when written out in front of you, you don't get it.  
 Slave to your socialist ideology.

So, he doesn't want to slaughter white people......NOW.  

How considerate of him.

What's next....A Nobel Peace Prize?

Posted By: digdirkler

So much for "Reconciliation".  The SA parliament voted 241 to 83 to take, without compensation, white owned farm land.  The bill's sponsor, Mr. Malema, said he was "not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now".  
 Looks like they are ditching Mandela's genius move of not killing the geese that lay the golden eggs and keep SA the only functioning country in Africa, and instead imitating former President for Life Mugabe of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, which reduced a similarly prosperous and well run country to poverty and starvation with his Anti-White policies.  Where will SA be once they drive off the Whites and Asians?  A miracle of High Technology and prosperity like Wakanda?  or a S***Hole?  Hmmmmm, anyone's guess.  

What dumb ass people are you trying to fool,What fucking geese that layed the golden eggs - you lost you fucking mind. You mean murderers ,rapist and thieves that are  having the tables turn on them after year of holding the handle,now they gotta hold the blade.

Tippecanoe24 reads

Capetown, South Africa

Are you talking about your home town of Baltimore, Maryland or Capetown Big Boob100?

Talking about losing your 'fucking mind', you off your meds again, because that was quite the rant. You're sounding a lot like Malcom X, versus Martin Luther King. Either way, didn't work out so well for either of them.

Capetown is nice for a reason, the white Dutch settlers. It will become a shit hole like a certain number of cities in the United States populated by the same type of people as you - who are destroyers, not builders.  

Let's rise up! Kill people, kill whitey!  That's what you're really saying, isn't it you racist

South Africa, from beautiful Capetown to Craptown.

Get out of shithole Africa - you have stolen enough of their wealth ,then turn around and talk about how they are poor,called them shithole.When you steal from shitholes what does that make you ? - the real shithole.

...However the big bully countries who have interest there  will soon label their leader a dictator or terrorist and killed them then put someone in  who is willing to play their game  -  protecting  their  interest (stolen wealth) ,and without ANY regard for the African people. This   has been  happening all over Africa for the last six hundred years.

cajunman37 reads

oops, Native Americans!  LOL!

It's what happens when you lose a fight

When are you turning over your shit?

Now you're going to claim that your ancestors didn't do those rotten things - lying from behind a keyboard ;)

With libs. it's always "them", mostly whitey, to blame for (fill in the blank)!


Tippecanoe23 reads

Bigboobhead100 is saying exactly that. Inciting violence against 'the man'. He decries the KKK and White supremacists, but he is no different than them. He is actually telling black people to murder whitey in South Africa! But that's ok, because blacks can't be racists. It's ok to talk about murdering people, even though its one of the top ten in God's eyes as a no-no.

The violence against whites in South Africa is horrible, but nobody that is black talks about it.


This weird repatriation of former tribal lands is not going to work out well for South Africa.  I'm hoping this will convince Charlize Theron to seriously consider my offer of putting her up at my place.  Free of charge of course.

If an individual white farmer can actually be shown to have stolen a black farmer's land, nobody is objecting to its return.  If his title and deed are forged or stolen, give it back.  That is something for the normal criminal courts in South Africa or any other place.

BUT, that is not what Bigly or Boobsman etc mean.  They mean that South Africa was colonized, that one people 200 years ago invaded the territory held by another people and took their territory by conquest, establishing new laws and legal ownership.  This is certainly true.  BUT, that is true of EVERYWHERE.   Before the British conquered India, the molsem Moghuls did just prior.  Before the Dutch took over SA, the Zulu were busy taking over neighboring tribes, just ask Mandela's people the Khoisan (Bushmen).  Should Alsace Lorraine be part of France, or Germany?  Should Kaliningrad of Russia go back to being Konigsburg of Germany?  Shall the Welsh Britons reclaim Britain/ England from the  Anglo-Saxons (Engles) ?

ALL land, belonging to ALL people EVERYWHERE was once held by another people, and if traced far enough back, involved some transfer by force.  IF you accept the idea of dissolving the settled, lawful pattern of ownership and start trying to right historical conquests by new conquests punishing current people based on their race/ ethnicity/ tribe... well there is no end to that, and settling Alsace-Lorraine sure cost some lives in WW1 and WW2.  

AND.. the blacks of Africa simply, pragmatically CANNOT AFFORD to drive off and alienate their white and Asian countrymen...as Mandela well knew.... lest their countries devolve to corrupt, incompetently run, poor and starving shitholes like Zimbabwe after Mugabe drove off the whites or Uganda after Idi Amin drove off the Indians.  Wakanda is a fantasy, Liberia and Haiti are the realities, where blacks govern and rely solely upon themselves.

The rapist,murderers and thieves  need to be chased out of all the African countries not just South Africa.You all have NO SHAME - you steal from "shitholes".You have stolen enough GET OUT.

Your dumb racist ignorant statement - "Blacks are Corrupt.incompetent,run poor...........oh really ..so that's why America is so great that people have to turn to all kind of illicit activities just to make ends  meet.

Why is there so many incestuous trailer parks all across America.why so many pedophiles per square mile .And don't even bother talk about corruption .

With the stolen wealth from Africa a number of countries would be nothing today.
Go do your research bigot- who stole Haiti's gold reserve and rewrite their constitution in 1807.
Haiti's was the first country to free themselves from slavery after kicking France's Ass.When you see  Teddy Roosevelt in hell ask him about the countries that got nervous  and gang up on Haiti .

Yup, Haiti is an impoverished hell hole today because its fabulous wealth was stolen 200 years ago... otherwise it would be like Switzerland...and of course they can't be expected to have done anything since then, nope... just because China went from one of the poorest to the richest nation on earth in 35 years... yup, solid history there, no argument.
And Europe/ North America gave the world steam power, electricity, computers, satellites, planes trains and automobiles, telegraphs, telephones and televisions, modern medicine and science, low infant mortality and high literacy, democracy and the end of slavery... because we stole all that good stuff from Wakanda.   Obama's Ibo tribe totally had iPhone's, little known fact, Steve Jobs stole the design!!!

OK, I kid, I tease.  But seriously, of course Africa has been exploited for raw resources... resources the peoples of Africa didn't know they had... like the diamonds below the ground in South Africa, or the Oil in Nigeria, or the Rubber in Guinea.   But the reason diamonds and oil and rubber were things of value, rather than rocks and sticky smelly goo and inedible tree sap, were because of Western aka YT industry.   And without whites and Asians to administer those industries today, or even do the oldest human industrial activity, FARM, the native Africans will let those industries crumble to dust ala Zimbabwe.  No Geese, No More Golden Eggs for You!

And please, Corruption?  Incest?  These are well documented social phenomena, and Africa and the Middle East are the leaders in government corruption ( https://www.transparency.org/research/cpi/overview) and consanquinous marriage (that's incest dumby https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3419292/)

Liar, Africa was never given a chance to take control of their resources  ,even today they have no control over what's left.Civilization began in Africa.One of the first universities was founded in Ethiopia.

I bet you believe that the pyramids in Africa and central America was made by Caucasians .

OK dumb dumb. Yes, the pyramids of Egypt are in Africa.  NORTH  Africa. Above the Sahara. Modern DNA analysis of ancient corpses shows that Egypt was primarily a Caucasian civilization (not white-European, that group includes East Indians and Arabs and Berbers too) though modern Egyptians have considerable sub-Saharan (aka black African) genetic inflow due to the much later Muslim slave trade.  Yes, the Mesoamerican civilizations of Mexico, and the distinct Incan one of the Andes were not Caucasian... so?  

But OK, fine, let's make pretend Egypt was sub-Saharan/ Black African.  Fine, you've got some primitive, crude civilizational achievements, 5,000 years ago. Impressive in scale, and with pride of being First, but... Didn't spread to the tribal hunter gatherers in grass huts below the Sahara.  Didn't result in Egypt (or Ethiopia) being a center of civilization anytime afterwards.  Fine, you keep the big dumb piles of squared rocks in the desert, I will take the soaring glass and steel sky scrapers, airplanes, satellites, smart phones, the computers we are arguing on, all of medicine and science... I hope you feel very very  proud.    

And the fact remains, once (sub-Saharan black) Africans controlled 100% of the resources of Rhodesia, it became a starving Hell Hole called Zimbabwe that couldn't even feed itself.  The SAME will happen to South Africa if they scare off the Asians and Whites who make the society function.  Kill the Geese, Lose the Golden Eggs.

You talking about 5000 year ago....you need to go research beyond that because you don't know shit.You are reading what your so called " white supremacist " wrote and want the world to believe ,because everything is "white"even Jesus...right...right.

Either you are dumb or you are a dumb liar.If the big bad countries don't put sanctions on South Africa like they had done to Haiti and Zimbabwe ,they will be fine - with the little resources they have left (if any)  that had not been stolen by these big bully countries who are the real shitholes. If am gonna steal I would not steal from shitholes and then acting like am "all that" .
You spent over 400 year stealing their resources ,murdering  and raping  their generations so yes It may be a hell hole ,that won't be fixed overnight.So  WHITIE is not the answer or the solution,they are the perpetrators.

South Africa WILL be free ; by the ballot, the bullet ,the Bible or the gun - Mutabaruka.

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