Politics and Religion

Wis. GOP strips public workers' bitching rights.
Fair_Use 29 Reviews 4114 reads

Democrats that fled to other States are allowed to stay there.  So its a win-win.  

-- Modified on 3/9/2011 7:28:59 PM

Priapus531584 reads

Looks like all of this will wind up in the Wisconsin courts.

OTOH, the 14 Democrats are staying put in Illinois; Let Walker try to pass a budget without
them. Also, recall movements that will put many of the GOP state senators in company with recalled Ca. Gov Gray Davis.

Also, start watching for a series of nationwide protests on "Union busting" that will make the demonstrations held during the Viet-Nam era look tame by comparison ; maybe some held in your neighborhood,F_U--------;)

-- Modified on 3/9/2011 7:37:48 PM

Snowman391313 reads

It will be upheld in the courts. GAME OVER, YOU LOSE!!!

BTW, let the Dems stay in Illinois. Walker will simply start laying off UNION workers and teh budget will get balanced that way.

If Wisconsin is lucky, those Dems will stay out of state. With them gone, looks like the state government is making all the right moves!!!


allthebetter1691 reads

Ever walk into a large government office and watch for a bit?
I usually see 80% to 90% of the people either bull shitting our going thru the motions.
Just take their bosses for example who spend 60% to 80% of their time campaigning.
I’ve always said if you’re going to spend the time at work you might as well do it.
Either I’m an idiot or I’m an idiot for not doing anything about it.

Vote ALL the bums out.

The only problem with voting the bums out is you gotta vote more bums in.  They got you coming and going.  There is no question that government work attracts a "certain kind of person," but a lot of them are going to start getting paid closer to what they are worth.

allthebetter1046 reads

The point of voting all out is that they will then learn they do not have a lock on a for life phony baloney job.

Presently with 90% plus in for life no matter what they do why should they change?

This battle is far from over, and the GOP in Wisconsin is quickly going to get a lesson in what popular sovereignty really means.

Maybe they will stop fleeing to other States.  Their definition of sovereignty seems to be the act of running away.

Timbow2289 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
This battle is far from over, and the GOP in Wisconsin is quickly going to get a lesson in what popular sovereignty really means.
Man did butch Madow look stupid with that banner night before last jumping the gun saying the Dems won :) :)

-- Modified on 3/10/2011 8:12:11 AM

...then he has ceased to represent them. And that being the case, it is the right of the people to alter to abolish that government. It would be most interesting if Walker called in the Guard. I wouldn't be too flippant about what could spark a civil war though Snow.

Timbow1935 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
...then he has ceased to represent them.   .
Yea ,like the coward DEMS  out of state :)

-- Modified on 3/10/2011 8:10:35 AM

Snowman391682 reads

so I guess you think we should not have any security around the White House??

Why do we have a Capital Hill Police...

This is a Minority Group (proven by the fact that Walker won the Election) who is turning into a mob...

Posted By: Snowman39
so I guess you think we should not have any security around the White House??

Why do we have a Capital Hill Police...

This is a Minority Group (proven by the fact that Walker won the Election) who is turning into a mob...

Won the election w/smoke and mirrors, and then 360d when he won. Do you think if he had run his campaign telling people he was going to get rid of the Unions, and send off layoffs notices to 1200 teachers, when we already overcrowded classrooms, that he was going to make major cuts to health care, including making insurance companies no longer pay for birth control.. that he still wold have won? Of course not, politicians cannot win an election with their true intentions, as that would never work.

There are thousands of people up around the Capitol, but they are peaceful protesters... the most aggression came tonight when the Budget Bill was passed w/out the Democrats votes, and they had to physically remove some 2 dozen protesters who wouldn't leave after closing hours.. and it still wasn't "violent". they just dragged them out, and the people were basically like rag dolls. They are defeated, and after everything, it's hard. After they closed the Capitol to protesters, they camped outside, w/tents, and it's been around 10 degrees at night here... that's dedication.

The only person who ever mentioned violence was Walker himself, when he was trapped into the fake phone conversation w/who he thought was one of the Koch brothers, and when bringing in "violent and aggressive" protesters to implicate and make it look like the protesters were turning violent, his response was, "We already thought of that". Just like the shell casings they found strew around the Capitol...I really, seriously doubt the teachers were out there doing that.. that was something Walker had his cronies do.

Everyone says it's not fair that state workers have all these benefits that others don't.. I say, you should have been a state worker then. My dad was a firefighter for 32 years here, and worked his a** off... they go into BURNING buildings... they don't sit behind a nice, safe desk... they deserve everything they have coming if they make it to retirement age. Teachers don't just work 9-5... they are at the school everyday from 6:30-5, sometimes 6pm... and still have more work they take home with them. These are the people that basically take care of your children all day... people w/out children will never understand what teachers go through.

Snowman391155 reads

they just did it in Wisconsin...

The evidence ir right in front of you!!!

Come on Willy, take the blinders off!!

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