Politics and Religion

Obama's special report...
HannaAtlanta See my TER Reviews 2185 reads

I grew up in a strong republican family and my father said matter-of-factly that "the poor are the ones who pay retail."  it was just a part of life and his generation never thought to change it.  I think "entitlements" long ago were meant to be " incentives".  Of course, I think a sales tax across the board would probably be the most equalibility but my generation doesn't see that ever happening.   But I do see a great injustice in the distrubution of wealth and agree that Obama is on the right tract.   just my observation...

$40-50 billion a year? We have $1.3 Trillion in deficit. There just aren't enough rich people in the country to be taxed to take care of the deficit.

And when you are taxing people just because they make more money, you are playing class warfare...

Sorry, there just isn't another way for me to parse this information...

The only reason I voted for Mr. BO is because Romney was a horrible choice (IMO). I just couldn't trust the guy who had been on all sides of the issues...Social issues, Fiscal issues, Health care..You name it..

Zing!!!377 reads

and equivalent mechanisms for deductions, etc.. no matter your income; you most certainly do have class warfare.

Tusyan369 reads

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
We have $1.3 Trillion in deficit.

No we don't. The deficit for FY 2012 is projected to be between $1 trillion and $1.1 trillion.  Still way to high but it means that Obama has shaved about $400 billion in his first term from the $1.4 trillion deficit he inherited from W.

goodtimesaddict405 reads

To everyone who knows basic math, the deficit has gone down under Obama.  It's still way bigger than it needs to be, but we all know how we got there.  Personally, I don't think the GOP wants a balanced budget.  I think they enjoy having the deficit to grandstand on.  It allows them to create a scene, yell and scream, and keep cutting taxes for the wealthiest and for major corporations.  All they have to do is say "hey, we're cutting your taxes 5%" and forget to mention that they're cutting the taxes for the wealthiest and corporations 10-15% AND sending pork projects to their home districts.  I think this is a great scam.
I do think the revised tax structure will help - I've read that between the higher rates, the elimination of some deductions and the elimination of the payroll tax holiday that it's about a $250 billion shot in the arm that we badly need.  None of us like taxes, and I think a lot of our frustration lies with how our money is spent vs how much is collected.  Health care and military make up nearly 50% of the federal budget.  We do need to look at that.  And as far as the class warfare, it shouldn't come to this, but both parties are stirring the pot.  The President by always referring to "the rich can pay more" and the GOP by their actions essentially trying to protect the richest amongst us.
I love my country.  It's not perfect, but it's still the best country out there.  We have a lot of work to do, but it can be done TOGETHER.  Too bad ALL of those blowhards in Washington (especially Boehner - can't stand him) don't get that.

LOL,  where did that number come from?   Try  16,693,161,359,650.94  TRILLION DOLLARS,  6 trillion added by our President,  since he took office.

The deficit as of today  http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock

-- Modified on 3/1/2013 10:37:16 PM

Please see President Reagan's claim to fame....just saying

Obama address that on the special report.  the savings would be with healthcare refore

salonpas425 reads

Sassy we are not entitled to make up our own facts, please don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit

You will often hear critics say that Bush left office with a $454 billion deficit.  That was the deficit at the end of 2008 (12/31/2008).  Then what accounts for the period from the end of December until the President is sworn into office in late January?  Any calculation that begins when President Obama took office or at the end of 2009 (because the President had been in office for a year), is just flat-out wrong.

Here’s how it works...the fiscal year is from October 1 through September 30th.  So a President governs for his first 9 months under the budget of the preceding administration.

At the end of the Bush fiscal year, September 30, 2009, the deficit was $1,417,121.

Obama’s first fiscal year, September 30, 2010, the deficit was $1,294,090.  The deficit went down!

Obama’s second fiscal year September 30, 2011, the deficit was $1,298,614.

Obama’s third fiscal year August 31, 2012 (latest available), the deficit was $1,164,373.

Why are you stopping at April 2011?

Add rest of 2011 and all of 2012 and you will see different picture..

Also both the Reagen and Bush served for 8 yrs.. Can you imagine what Obama's bar chart will look in 2016?

Granted Bush spent tons of money on unnecessary wars, but Obama added 6 Trillion to the  debt. Also, I will give Obama benefit of the fact that he inherited the worst crisis ever after FDR, and had to bail out Wall Street and The Detroit Big 3. Obama did save us from a second Great Depression.

However, what I disagree with is his policy of raising taxes on people who have done well in life. That to me is punishing people for doing well. There just aren't enough rich people to be taxed to lower our deficit.

-- Modified on 3/2/2013 1:42:01 PM

....and the thing that gripes me the most is when republican say that the rich will create jobs and spread the wealth.  I speak from personal experience....hear me well; "rich just make themselves richer"  their goal becomes Power....

There comes a point where you can buy only so many houses, how many do McCain, and Romney have? There's only so much food you can consume, and even if you purchase the best of the best, and at the highest price you can hit a limit of consumption. There are many people in this country that reached the limits of consumption, even at the highest price tag. Then their striving for more money turns into accumulating power. Once it reaches that point, it just becomes a game for the elite, just like most of the wars in Europe were games for the elite. The elite wanted to outshine each other, or some of their ego's got bruised, etc. We have the same games running now, though they usually don't end up in wars involving weapons of war, but it's still the middle-class and poor that are used as canon fodder.  ;)

I have quite honestly never heard Republicans say that they will spread the wealth. Wealth is not to be spread, it is to be earned.

And Rich do create jobs.. I know quite a few people in my community who are well off and have businesses and they employ people. If they were poor, they wouldn't be employing..

salonpas356 reads

It'll take awhile to get out of the budget mess Bush and his "deficit's don't matter" side kick Cheney created.

Bush Deficits
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $459 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion

Obama Deficits
FY 2013*: $901 billion
FY 2012: $1,089 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,293 billion

make out to be in his first 4 yrs. But remember he had to get re-elected.

But doesn't mean that he can't get worse in his next four years.  We will never get out of this deficit mess if entitlements are not touched, and certainly not by taxing people who have done well. There just aren't enough rich people for that to happen..

Here's a very simple way to understand what Americans say they want that distribution to be, what they believe it is, and what it really is.

How much longer can this information be hidden from the average American, and how much longer can those Republicans, and some Democrats in Congress justify maintaining the status quo, or worst yet giving the top 1 per cent even more advantage. I feel sorry for the low to middle class Republicans who are snookered into fighting for the top 20 to 1 percent, in the elections, so that they can take even more money from them. It's like a pick-pocket who distracts one's attention to looking away from the pickpocket to someone else, while the pickpocket robs the guy blind. In this case it's the Republicans distracting the people by saying it's the government trying to pick their pockets, while the top 20-1 percent are actually rolling us.

Let's try comparing apples to apples, Curly. The USA has the kind of income inequality of fucking Zimbabwe. We should be compariable to other 1st world nations, not 3rd world hell holes.

Only difference is that here in US we don't infringe on people's right to succeed unless the totalitarian regimes like China and faux democracies like Russia...

Capitalism was not designed to create income equality, and there are plenty of examples of people who started out with NOTHING and with hard work and dedication moved into the 1%...

-- Modified on 3/3/2013 10:55:38 AM

That's a quote from Dr. Richard Wilkinson, author of The Spirit Level. I recommend you read it. You'll be floored by it, trust me.

The USA actually has the LOWEST class mobility rates in the industrialized world. Rich people are more likely to become poor than poor people are to become rich. You have a better chance of getting rich in France.

on rich people..

Another reason US has income disparity is because there are tons of immigrants and if they are unskilled labor, they are financially struggling...

Denmark or any EU country for that matter doesn't nearly have anywhere close to immigration as we have..

Snowman39452 reads

In the United States ANYONE can get into the top 20%!! You, like many liberals my friend, start from a false premise. You think there should be equity in the results for EVERYONE!!


The system is set for equality in OPPORTUNITY!! Bill Gates, self made!! Steve Jobs, self made!! The list goes on and on. The VAST majority of people who are millionaires in the country are small business owners and farmers who are SELF MADE!!

And in regards to taxes your argument is laughable!! The chart below is dated, but hell, this is when the Republicans were in the White House. With the new tax changes these numbers are skewed even more against your arguments.

Sorry, but what you have here is a system where most of the 20% are self made and are penalized for their efforts. How does that work in the long run, go ask France, go ask Greece.

"At 13 he enrolled in the Lakeside School, an exclusive preparatory school."[20] Taken from Wikipedia.

A more fair educational system would go a long way toward equal opportunity. And, of course even Bill Gates recognizes that. That's why he and his wife are so interested in improving the educational system in this country.

thx u sweetie, Mattradd

..we must do lunch...lol

That would be most enjoyable on many levels!   ;)

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