Politics and Religion

Obama sold out both his base and Main Street America!angry_smile
salonpas 2929 reads

Obama does NOT deserve a second term! He missed a rare opportunity to confront Wall Street and TBTF banks at the time of the credit crisis.  A then terrified and outraged American public would have embraced breaking up TBTF banks and passing a Glass-Steg­­all type reform.

It should have been Obama’s first act after taking office, while the sting and anger of the bank bailouts (and big bonuses) was still fresh – and when the Republican rank-and-f ­­ile were furious with its leaders and party lines were blurred.

Main Streeters, Tea-Partie­­rs, Libertaria­­ns, Leftists, Populists all would have applauded.  No other issue could have garnered such widespread popular support.  It would have energized Democrats -- and exposed and isolated corporatis­­t Republican­­s in Congress.

The historic opportunit­­y has passed, it's now too late.  Obama and Congressio­­nal Democrats could have reigned in Wall Street at a rare and vulnerable moment, but instead allowed Wall Street’s culture of criminalit­­y to survive and thrive -- while Main Street struggled and suffered.

Obama sold out both his base and Main Street America.

Ethically conflicted Tim Geithner and Larry Summers had no business in his administra ­­tion.  Obama insulted long beleaguere ­­d homeowners when he opposed a nationwide moratorium on foreclosur ­­es because "We don't want to...waste money on folks who don't deserve help."  His timid support of Elizabeth Warren for consumer protection czar deepened the perception of betrayal.

Those chickens came home to roost in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Had Obama struck decisively when the time was right he may have gone down in history as the champion of Main Street America, instead of just another beholden shill of Wall Street and TBTF banks.

Priapus531696 reads

whose rage at BHO seemed to stem from the fact
that his cable bill went up by 25 %--------LMAO !

Dude, you served long military stint------why are afraid to use your real handle here ?

As for BHO's "downfall" I credit Obamacare as the millstone around his neck that could possibly
sink him.

For myself, Id be loathe to vote for BHO a second time, unless Perry has a chance to become POTUS, which in in a close race which would cause
me to vote for him a second time; However, if BHO's 2nd term looks like a shoo-in, I'll sit the fucking thing out.

to understand is that many of us in America have similiar views regardless of political party affliation. My displeasure with President Obama is primarily due just as Sanlonpas stated on his missed opportunities. I will not reinterate the failures on which I have posted at length previously. ON September 20, journalist Ron Suskind will have a new book on President Obama and his relationship with Geithner and Larry Summers and the Wall Street crisis. It should be revealing. Suskind wrote a book on the Presidency of George W. Bush called the Price of Loyalty. Paul O'Neill is one of my heroes and it was a good read.

I do give President Obama credit in one aspect, namely his strategy on the War on Terror. Obama has continued the policies of the Bush Doctrine which is to fight the war on Terror as a military stratagem rather than using law enforcement procedures. Both have different rules of engagement. OBama has continued rendering terrorist suspects, Gitmo, drone attacks on terrorists, Iraq, Afghanistan and proceeded to outbush Bush, by invading Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden and Libya.

I assure you I am not "Salonpas" and I am not afraid to post my views. I do welcome Salonpas' contribution to the P&R Board. He seems well informed.

By the way I am not sold Rick Perry. I like see Gov. Christie enter the race. I like to have a no bullshitter. If Truman was running, I would vote for him.

Priapus is not very good at identifying aliases.

Posted By: BreakerMorant
to understand is that many of us in America have similiar views regardless of political party affliation. My displeasure with President Obama is primarily due just as Sanlonpas stated on his missed opportunities. I will not reinterate the failures on which I have posted at length previously. ON September 20, journalist Ron Suskind will have a new book on President Obama and his relationship with Geithner and Larry Summers and the Wall Street crisis. It should be revealing. Suskind wrote a book on the Presidency of George W. Bush called the Price of Loyalty. Paul O'Neill is one of my heroes and it was a good read.

I do give President Obama credit in one aspect, namely his strategy on the War on Terror. Obama has continued the policies of the Bush Doctrine which is to fight the war on Terror as a military stratagem rather than using law enforcement procedures. Both have different rules of engagement. OBama has continued rendering terrorist suspects, Gitmo, drone attacks on terrorists, Iraq, Afghanistan and proceeded to outbush Bush, by invading Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden and Libya.

I assure you I am not "Salonpas" and I am not afraid to post my views. I do welcome Salonpas' contribution to the P&R Board. He seems well informed.

By the way I am not sold Rick Perry. I like see Gov. Christie enter the race. I like to have a no bullshitter. If Truman was running, I would vote for him.

Priapus53888 reads

And as far as board liars go, you win by a nose----------;)

If we use an alias and our handle on the same thread the alias moderator will call us out.  You are not the sleuth you think you are.

Maybe someday he'll get a life and won't have to spend so much time trying to figure out who is Mrnogood.   LOL!

It's one thing to use an alias as a little joke, or if a provider doesn't want to piss off a customer base by talking politics, but it's pretty damn chickenshit to use an alias just to avoid criticism, or as the case appears here, just to talk to yourself, as Breaker has done.

Look, I'll be the first to admit that I've said some provocative things in the past here. Hell, I've stuck my foot in my mouth more often then I care to admit too. But at least I'm man enough to admit they're my own words.

Oh, as a side note: Pria, I've always suspected that Cartmann and Breaker were the same person too. It's not like you can tell them apart.

Priapus531687 reads

I'll direct those to his following comments :

"Hell, I stopped reading your ridiculous OT posts months ago.  And life if much better now!!!!


If you doubt me, just ask Quad. He didn't have a post stay "live" on this board for almost a month for trying my patience on this subject.

BM is NOT using two aliases in this thread, and I will repeat for the board OC, BM and the OP are all completely different people.

If anyone here believes that there are NO rules on this board, and that they can do exactly as they please with no consequences, PLEASE try my patience again. That is of course if you would like a forced sabbatical from this board.

QuadsClone1029 reads

Don't ask him ,he  didn't notice.  Almost  a  month  of not being live
and not realizing it  shows you how much he pays attention.

Posted By: Politics_and_Religion_Mod
If you doubt me, just ask Quad. He didn't have a post stay "live" on this board for almost a month for trying my patience on this subject.

BM is NOT using two aliases in this thread, and I will repeat for the board OC, BM and the OP are all completely different people.

If anyone here believes that there are NO rules on this board, and that they can do exactly as they please with no consequences, PLEASE try my patience again. That is of course if you would like a forced sabbatical from this board.

you cannot make a rational argument. GO FUCK YOUrself.

I stated I am not salonpas. Leave it at that.

Priapus53916 reads

I believe you that you're not salonpas. Now have couple shots of Jack Daniels & chill. :)

Oh, wait-----was that WW who you were replying to ?

-- Modified on 9/18/2011 6:20:18 PM

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