Politics and Religion

Obama nuthuggers
TwoMints 208 reads

claiming people are Trump sycophants...  Rich.

I guess you don't get that most of us don't love Trump. Unlike you all that LOVED Obama. We wanted certain things changed and Trump is the conduit.  Dudes been a blowhard most of his life, loves the attention etc.. but none of that matters. That cunt Hillary isn't president. If Nothing else EVER happened, that fact was enough for a lot of people. That and the Supreme Court that just assfucked all your regressive bullshit that was ruining the country. That's over. Thank God.

Now we get back to following the laws as written.  Get government out of our lives. People that prosper, people that put effort and skill into their jobs, want government out of their lives.. Free loaders love government, they don't mind giving up their freedoms.  

Just wait, Trump is going to ignore or even tastily legalize Weed and he just picked up a lot of votes for 2020. When you guys roll out that cunt Hillary again. She'll be a three time loser.  You have no one to run.  

What happened to all the polls you regressives love?  Though I saw that Trump was at 50% now...  dudes just getting started.  No more leading from behind Reggie.
Posted By: bigguy30
Re: The truth is getting to another Trump cult member.
My thread is not the problem.  
 It's the brainwashed Trump cult members like yourself in this country.  
 So if you cannot handle the truth that is your problem.

bigguy304755 reads

So this is very simple.
Trump you wanted Obama's birth certificate and lied about it.  
It's time to release your own fucking taxes!

Do you remember that line?    For how many years?     I am not sure where the country will land on this one as this is something not done by any nominee of either party or a sitting President.    They have all released their tax returns.

Hey dimwhit crybaby snowflake.....show us where it is law that a president needs to release his tax returns?

I'll be waiting for your answer.....which I'm sure will never come.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Do you remember that line?    For how many years?     I am not sure where the country will land on this one as this is something not done by any nominee of either party or a sitting President.    They have all released their tax returns.

...It's a poor workman who blames his TOOLS.

JakeFromStateFarm319 reads

The one in question writes at about a 7th grade level.  

OK jerk show me the law where it says a President has to release his birth certificate?   I will be waiting for your answer.

TwoMints188 reads

You do know that you Have to be a US Citizen to become president. That is the law. Pick up a copy of the Constitution and you'll find it.  Article 2, Section 1.

I still question why Obama covered up every thing about his past. While he's likely to be a citizen, I guarantee that fuck used foreign born to get better financial aid or some other benefit during College. That or he just wrote a bunch of Communistic/Racist shit and would have become president is it got out.  Affirmative Action kid.  Though I'd think he wouldn't care about that, would have made him a better candidate.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: And then you have Tool #2.
OK jerk show me the law where it says a President has to release his birth certificate?   I will be waiting for your answer.

It would have been a losing message to indies and moderates. They may have been legal and on board, but they probably looked "fishy" and he would have been blasted for it. This "Audit" and "I'll show them on a later date" was just a smoke screen. So don't hold your breath on seeing them.

It will come to a head when Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki works on his tax reforms.    People can demand how much tax cuts he is getting by going through freedom of information act.

You can't use the freedom of information act to get tax returns. Trump would have to sign form 4506.

So again your ass is filled with more cock that credible info.  

Posted By: hwy2heaven
It will come to a head when Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki works on his tax reforms.    People can demand how much tax cuts he is getting by going through freedom of information act.

GaGambler174 reads

but that of course doesn't mean you are wrong about this.

I happen to agree with you. Trump had to know this would become an issue back when he first even considered running for POTUS, it's almost certain that he laid out his options on this subject and concluded that NOT releasing his returns would cause less damage than releasing them.

Most likely he didn't give enough to charity, donated to liberal causes, paid too little in taxes, didn't make as much as he bragged, or a combination of all of the above. None of it really matters at this point as I agree, our chances of EVER seeing his returns are slim and none.

One thing the stupid people need to keep in mind, if there was any evidence of criminal behavior in his returns, the IRS already has the returns and action would have been taken long ago. As you said they most likely just look "fishy" and since he has already been elected POTUS without releasing them, why in the world would he do so now?

He does or did, I like the Syrian air strike. I like the addition of National Security adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster. And I'm sure there's something in one of his many useless executive orders that I might like. So let's get back to point. MY bitch is if you're not going to show your taxes, then fuck say it. Don't go through the primary and election bullshitting about this audit or whatever. just fucking say it, "You guys ain't seeing shit"
And you know that by saying that during the election, he loses. You have to admit that. And I'm sure in his taxes there's some interest being paid to some bank in Cyprus..jus sayin here.

GaGambler269 reads

she would have lost by 150 electoral votes, Same fucking difference.

Trump made a conscious decision on which would be better for him politically, "Release the returns, or don't release them" He is now POTUS, so it's apparent he made the right choice.

and you have no idea if he paid interest to some bank in Cyprus, no more than we know what was in Hillary's emails that she so brazenly scrubbed from her private server, but you can bet it was something at least as damning as anything we will ever find in Trumps tax returns.

With your hair on fire. Look trump made a conscious decision to not or ever show his taxes, I get that. But why the bullshit about that audit, why the lie to YOU. He basically just crap on you and your likes. Be straight up, say "No way Jose" on the taxes and we can move on. Easy peasy. And with tax reform coming you know it's not about to end.
And we, you and I, don't know if he's dealing with some bank in Cyprus, but it's out there as a maybe,,and again with the Hillary this or that I kinda expected better from you but, oh well..we have a UTR nunuts.

nuguy46248 reads

with all the problems Obama left, his taxes mean what to you? more snowflake, crybabies...your goddess Hillary lost, get over it!

Do you pay any income taxes in Russia?   May be if you are working for KGB and trolling here you need not I guess.

What in the fuck are you babbling about you pathetic illiterate.  

Slow down, use spell check and stop drinking while posting.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Do you pay any income taxes in Russia?   May be if you are working for KGB and trolling here you need not I guess.

During his “birther” campaign of falsely claiming President Obama was not born in the United States, Trump offered a public deal: If Obama released his birth certificate, he’d release his tax returns.
“Maybe I'm going to do the tax returns when Obama does his birth certificate,” he told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.
“I may tie my tax returns, I'd love to give my tax returns, I may tie my tax returns into Obama's birth certificate.”
He also hinted he might release them “if I decide to run" for office.

With Mitt Romney running on the Republican presidential ticket, Trump again and again offered a bit of advice from one businessman to another: The candidate must release his tax returns, ASAP.
Trump started saying this in January, telling Fox News that releasing the returns is a “great thing” because it lets a person prove “you’ve been successful, and that you’ve made a lot of money.”
“I actually think it’s a positive,” he said.
In the final weeks of the campaign, Trump even fell back on his birther deal, telling CNN he urged Romney to release his returns if Obama showed his birth certificate. Trump said it could be “a swap.”
The Obama birth certificate had by now emerged, proving that Trump’s claim had zero merit.
So Trump devised a new deal: He’ll release the tax returns if he runs for office.
“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that,” he said in an interview with Ireland’s TV3.
Months before announcing his presidential candidacy, Trump assured that he’d release the returns as part of his proof that he “would make money for our country.”

“I would certainly show tax returns if it was necessary,” he said in a February radio interview with Hugh Hewitt.
As the year neared its ends, and Trump surged in the GOP primary polls, he said he was “thinking about” letting the returns out.
But by this time, he had come up with yet another “swap”: He’ll put out the returns if Hillary Clinton released her deleted Secretary of State emails.
“ I’m thinking about maybe when we find out the true story on Hillary’s email,” he told ABC News in October.
“At some point I’ll release it.”
In January, Trump said he and his campaign were “working on” getting the returns out, but it was hard because it “is not, like a normal tax return.”

Starting the next month, though, Trump introduced the excuse he’d stay with for the rest of the campaign: He couldn’t get them out because he was under a “routine audit” from the IRS.
In various February interviews and appearances, he called the audit “very complicated” but said the returns would emerge once it was over.
But he shooed away even basic questions about his tax rate, telling George Stephanopoulos in an interview that it was “none of your business.”
Meanwhile, on the campaign trail, Trump scolded Romney for waiting until weeks before the 2012 election to release his returns, with Trump implying this played a part in the candidate’s defeat.
Trump stuck to the audit line right through the election, even saying in one of the presidential debates against Clinton that the returns would come “as soon as the audit’s finished.”
But by Election Day, the only thing that emerged were pages from his 1995 returns that were leaked to the New York Times. They revealed that, at the time, Trump’s businesses had lost nearly a billion dollars, enough to allow him to skirt income tax for up to 18 years.
A reporter asked Trump about the returns in his first press conference as President-elect. Almost reflexively, he replied, “Well, I'm not releasing the tax returns because as you know, they're under audit."
When pressed, though, Trump said for the first time that he simply didn’t believe the American public cared about seeing them, because he won the election.
The issue did not seriously resurface again until another leak of his returns, this time from 2005. The White House confirmed the authenticity of the pages even as Trump dismissed it as “fake news.”
With April bringing the first tax season under President Trump, protesters nationwide stormed the streets in occasionally violent protests demand to see his returns.
Trump’s response?
He tweeted that they were paid protests, and fell back on what appears to be his final answer on the matter: He won the election.
“I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?” he wrote Easter morning.

pot/kettle236 reads

to cite your sources?

Two things clearly make it evident that these are not your words.  One, you use the word "reflexively."  Two, you don't use the word "penis."

pot/kettle322 reads

see you finally act with some responsibility and properly attribute the stuff that you are posting.  Of course, thinking along those lines just goes over your head.  All you care about is posting nonstop and seeing your latest handle (aren't you overdue for a new one?  After all, you've had this one for several months now) in print.

followme167 reads

You posted the link is that you got caught plagiarizing an article.
Had you not been called out you would not had posted the link.

You clearly dishonestly attempted to make everyone think those were your words proving you like your lefty plagiarist pals have no credibility no integrity no honor.

You're Welcome
In Lefty Plagiarists We distrust

How does this works in your country Russia?     Does anyone pay income tax there or they just come to your house, put a gun to your head (compliments Putin) and demand money?    Looks like paying income tax in this country is annoying to you Russians.

How do you get paid for trolling here and defend Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki?   In US $ or worthless Russian toilet paper called whatever it is.  

As you can see he did not plagiarize this post. It's filled with jibberish, poor grammar and reeks of alcohol.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
How does this works in your country Russia?     Does anyone pay income tax there or they just come to your house, put a gun to your head (compliments Putin) and demand money?    Looks like paying income tax in this country is annoying to you Russians.  
 How do you get paid for trolling here and defend Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki?   In US $ or worthless Russian toilet paper called whatever it is.  

Are you going to continue to cry of a tax return the entire rest of your life?  

You sound like a broken record....of a song no one really likes.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
 During his “birther” campaign of falsely claiming President Obama was not born in the United States, Trump offered a public deal: If Obama released his birth certificate, he’d release his tax returns.  
 “Maybe I'm going to do the tax returns when Obama does his birth certificate,” he told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.  
 “I may tie my tax returns, I'd love to give my tax returns, I may tie my tax returns into Obama's birth certificate.”  
 He also hinted he might release them “if I decide to run" for office.  
 With Mitt Romney running on the Republican presidential ticket, Trump again and again offered a bit of advice from one businessman to another: The candidate must release his tax returns, ASAP.  
 Trump started saying this in January, telling Fox News that releasing the returns is a “great thing” because it lets a person prove “you’ve been successful, and that you’ve made a lot of money.”  
 “I actually think it’s a positive,” he said.  
 In the final weeks of the campaign, Trump even fell back on his birther deal, telling CNN he urged Romney to release his returns if Obama showed his birth certificate. Trump said it could be “a swap.”  
 The Obama birth certificate had by now emerged, proving that Trump’s claim had zero merit.  
 So Trump devised a new deal: He’ll release the tax returns if he runs for office.  
 “If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that,” he said in an interview with Ireland’s TV3.  
 Months before announcing his presidential candidacy, Trump assured that he’d release the returns as part of his proof that he “would make money for our country.”  
 “I would certainly show tax returns if it was necessary,” he said in a February radio interview with Hugh Hewitt.  
 As the year neared its ends, and Trump surged in the GOP primary polls, he said he was “thinking about” letting the returns out.  
 But by this time, he had come up with yet another “swap”: He’ll put out the returns if Hillary Clinton released her deleted Secretary of State emails.  
 “ I’m thinking about maybe when we find out the true story on Hillary’s email,” he told ABC News in October.  
 “At some point I’ll release it.”  
 In January, Trump said he and his campaign were “working on” getting the returns out, but it was hard because it “is not, like a normal tax return.”  
 Starting the next month, though, Trump introduced the excuse he’d stay with for the rest of the campaign: He couldn’t get them out because he was under a “routine audit” from the IRS.  
 In various February interviews and appearances, he called the audit “very complicated” but said the returns would emerge once it was over.  
 But he shooed away even basic questions about his tax rate, telling George Stephanopoulos in an interview that it was “none of your business.”  
 Meanwhile, on the campaign trail, Trump scolded Romney for waiting until weeks before the 2012 election to release his returns, with Trump implying this played a part in the candidate’s defeat.  
 Trump stuck to the audit line right through the election, even saying in one of the presidential debates against Clinton that the returns would come “as soon as the audit’s finished.”  
 But by Election Day, the only thing that emerged were pages from his 1995 returns that were leaked to the New York Times. They revealed that, at the time, Trump’s businesses had lost nearly a billion dollars, enough to allow him to skirt income tax for up to 18 years.  
 A reporter asked Trump about the returns in his first press conference as President-elect. Almost reflexively, he replied, “Well, I'm not releasing the tax returns because as you know, they're under audit."  
 When pressed, though, Trump said for the first time that he simply didn’t believe the American public cared about seeing them, because he won the election.  
 The issue did not seriously resurface again until another leak of his returns, this time from 2005. The White House confirmed the authenticity of the pages even as Trump dismissed it as “fake news.”  
 With April bringing the first tax season under President Trump, protesters nationwide stormed the streets in occasionally violent protests demand to see his returns.  
 Trump’s response?  
 He tweeted that they were paid protests, and fell back on what appears to be his final answer on the matter: He won the election.  
 “I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?” he wrote Easter morning.

bigguy30154 reads

My thread is not the problem.
It's the brainwashed Trump cult members like yourself in this country.

So if you cannot handle the truth that is your problem.

TwoMints209 reads

claiming people are Trump sycophants...  Rich.

I guess you don't get that most of us don't love Trump. Unlike you all that LOVED Obama. We wanted certain things changed and Trump is the conduit.  Dudes been a blowhard most of his life, loves the attention etc.. but none of that matters. That cunt Hillary isn't president. If Nothing else EVER happened, that fact was enough for a lot of people. That and the Supreme Court that just assfucked all your regressive bullshit that was ruining the country. That's over. Thank God.

Now we get back to following the laws as written.  Get government out of our lives. People that prosper, people that put effort and skill into their jobs, want government out of their lives.. Free loaders love government, they don't mind giving up their freedoms.  

Just wait, Trump is going to ignore or even tastily legalize Weed and he just picked up a lot of votes for 2020. When you guys roll out that cunt Hillary again. She'll be a three time loser.  You have no one to run.  

What happened to all the polls you regressives love?  Though I saw that Trump was at 50% now...  dudes just getting started.  No more leading from behind Reggie.

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: The truth is getting to another Trump cult member.
My thread is not the problem.  
 It's the brainwashed Trump cult members like yourself in this country.  
 So if you cannot handle the truth that is your problem.

you are free to leave anytime you want fatboy. May I suggest United Airlines?

There is no stupidity clause in the purchase of a ticket so you just may make it to Siberia.  

Posted By: bigguy30
My thread is not the problem.  
 It's the brainwashed Trump cult members like yourself in this country.  
 So if you cannot handle the truth that is your problem.

bigguy30232 reads

Well look at this another insecure comment from man child.  

Also you calling me fatboy? Lol
You never met or saw me and continue making a fool out of yourself on here.  
Thanks again for proving my comments were correct about you and your fellow cult supporters.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that President Trump's 2016 tax returns are under audit and will not be released, pointing to a decades-old rule that automatically places the president's returns under audit.

"Automatically places the President's returns under audit".

So how come, Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama released their tax returns on or before April 15th every year?

Crooks, liars. thieves and tax dodgers are in the White House.

TwoMints231 reads

So where back to this?

 It really is pathetic.

There is Zero reason for him to release them.  There is no benefit for him to do so.  No matter what they say, even if they show that he paid a lot of taxes, every regressive "expert" will find or question everything about every line of every page and do so for the next 8 years. Who would want to deal with that?  They'll misconstrue everything. They'll make crazy claims that he did this or he did that or he's worth less then he says.  In the end it doesn't matter. He's the President, nothing it it will change that fact.  

The truth is every attack has failed and this is just the latest recycled one.  Did we already forget about the homely boy on MSBSC exposing a few pages?  The public doesn't care.  

Maybe someone should take another poll about it.

Do you think Trump should release his tax returns?  Yes.

Do you care?  No.  

Maybe we could do a list thingy.

Put these in order.

1. Low Taxes.
2. Secure the boarder.
3. Deport criminal illegals.
4. Lower our national debt.
5. Trumps taxes.

It'll come in a distant last.

When are regressives gonna Grow the Fuck Up?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: Here is what Sean Spinster said today
White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that President Trump's 2016 tax returns are under audit and will not be released, pointing to a decades-old rule that automatically places the president's returns under audit.  
 "Automatically places the President's returns under audit".  
 So how come, Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama released their tax returns on or before April 15th every year?  
 Crooks, liars. thieves and tax dodgers are in the White House.

What a fucked up Russian troll here.   If I don't get a straight answer to posts, you are a paid Russian troll, so STFU.  I don't need your story lines.    Here is what Sean Spinster said and here is my question:

He said there is a rule that all President's tax returns immediately go in to audit, so it cannot be released.    Then how come GHW Bush, Bill Clinton, GW Bush and Obama released their tax returns every year on or before April 15th?    It is called "we don't have anything to hide"

Your crooked and tax cheat who sits in the White House is a criminal and hiding all of his shady businesses.    Don't waste your time posting all your fucking BS here defending him.   You look like his partner in crime.

Posted By: TwoMints
Re: Here is what Sean Spinster said today
So where back to this?  
  It really is pathetic.  
 There is Zero reason for him to release them.  There is no benefit for him to do so.  No matter what they say, even if they show that he paid a lot of taxes, every regressive "expert" will find or question everything about every line of every page and do so for the next 8 years. Who would want to deal with that?  They'll misconstrue everything. They'll make crazy claims that he did this or he did that or he's worth less then he says.  In the end it doesn't matter. He's the President, nothing it it will change that fact.    
 The truth is every attack has failed and this is just the latest recycled one.  Did we already forget about the homely boy on MSBSC exposing a few pages?  The public doesn't care.  
 Maybe someone should take another poll about it.  
 Do you think Trump should release his tax returns?  Yes.  
 Do you care?  No.  
 Maybe we could do a list thingy.  
 Put these in order.  
 1. Low Taxes.  
 2. Secure the boarder.  
 3. Deport criminal illegals.  
 4. Lower our national debt.  
 5. Trumps taxes.  
 It'll come in a distant last.  
 When are regressives gonna Grow the Fuck Up?]
1. Most of the tax cuts are for the wealthiest people in the country. The middle class would see cuts too, but that's mostly to justify a huge handout to his buddies. You can't see through that?

2.  By spending tens of billions of dollars on some stupid fucking wall? I guess we have to hope all the baddies that want to come in don't have access to shovel technology.

3. Deportations were already happening at a historic rate under Obama. What more do you want?

4.  Let's see.. lower taxes, expensive border wall, a president that spends all of his time golfing at Mar A Lago with a family that costs a fortune to protect. Somehow I don't think cutting meals on wheels is going to be enough to lower the the national debt.

And why do you Capitalize random Words? Is that a defect in the Russian troll bot script?

TwoMints235 reads

What tax cuts?  Did you see a bill that I haven't?

Tens of Billions?  It's a rounding error of the national budget.  

Shovels?  Maybe Trump has stock in Mexican Shovels?    Walls don't work?  They work in Israel.  You don't think that the guy that builds giant buildings ahead of schedule and under budget can't find a working solution for this?

Historic rate?  You mean Obama was the deporter in Chief?  Wow.

Yes lower taxes. The free loaders can get fucking jobs. The illegals can get free medical care in their own countries., again I'll repeat, the wall is absolute chump change.  The Federal Government will confiscate 3.9 Trillion in 2018. That's...  0.005 of it.  Huge expense...

Keep up. The Federal Government does not fund Meals on Wheels.  If It gets cut, that's the State(s) doing it.

 Just cut to the chase. You hate Trump. It's very like a case of TDS.

I do Capitalize words randomly.  It's to annoy spelling nazis.  It's also hard to type sometimes, while loling, at the drivel that the regressive type Here.


 Most of the tax cuts are for the wealthiest people in the country. The middle class would see cuts too, but that's mostly to justify a huge handout to his buddies. You can't see through that?  
 2.  By spending tens of billions of dollars on some stupid fucking wall? I guess we have to hope all the baddies that want to come in don't have access to shovel technology.  
 3. Deportations were already happening at a historic rate under Obama. What more do you want?  
 4.  Let's see.. lower taxes, expensive border wall, a president that spends all of his time golfing at Mar A Lago with a family that costs a fortune to protect. Somehow I don't think cutting meals on wheels is going to be enough to lower the the national debt.  
 And why do you Capitalize random Words? Is that a defect in the Russian troll bot script?

Posted By: TwoMints
Re: Here is what Sean Spinster said today
What tax cuts?  Did you see a bill that I haven't?  
 Tens of Billions?  It's a rounding error of the national budget.  
 Shovels?  Maybe Trump has stock in Mexican Shovels?    Walls don't work?  They work in Israel.  You don't think that the guy that builds giant buildings ahead of schedule and under budget can't find a working solution for this?  
 Historic rate?  You mean Obama was the deporter in Chief?  Wow.  
 Yes lower taxes. The free loaders can get fucking jobs. The illegals can get free medical care in their own countries., again I'll repeat, the wall is absolute chump change.  The Federal Government will confiscate 3.9 Trillion in 2018. That's...  0.005 of it.  Huge expense...  
 Keep up. The Federal Government does not fund Meals on Wheels.  If It gets cut, that's the State(s) doing it.  
  Just cut to the chase. You hate Trump. It's very like a case of TDS.  
 I do Capitalize words randomly.  It's to annoy spelling nazis.  It's also hard to type sometimes, while loling, at the drivel that the regressive type Here.  
Trump ran on massive tax cuts. Where is your faith in the commander in chief?

Pretty easy to build things under budget when you decide not to pay the people that supply the parts and labor.

The wall is expensive not just to build, but to maintain. And it won't actually prevent people from coming here. And net-immigration has been down over the last decade, so the policy itself is based on the false premise that we are taking in tons of illegals. And the illegals who do come here mostly do work nobody else wants to do and as a population commit far fewer crimes than the average citizen (duh, would you risk committing a crime if you were here illegaly?).  

Notice how you don't care that Trump wastes tens of millions of dollars on vacations and golfs way more than Obama ever did, despite him hammering Obama on that very issue for years. The hypocrisy of this administration and it's supporters is mind blowing.

As for your 'correction' re: meals on wheels, well, you're wrong. It is a federal program. It only partially funds the program though. About 35% comes from federal aid according to their own website. Where are you getting your wrong information and why are you so confident that you are right?

I hate Trump with a passion, but that is because he is a fucking idiot with zero morals, principals, or good ideas. He lies so often and so egregiously that it hurts my brain. And fuckwits like you elected him, and now the rest of us are paying the price.

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