Politics and Religion

nuguy46 you and the other GOP supporters will never get it's a trap.teeth_smile
bigguy30 228 reads

So letting the GOP pass these types of bills will expose them even more.

Posted By: nuguy46
Have you noticed? They are actually debating AND VOTING on legislation. When 'dirty harry' ran the place, nothing happened. NO votes (meaningful) and nothing sent to Prez for signature. All the while the Dims were complaining the Repubs were blocking legislation. They didn't as much as was being portrayed. What really happened was 'dirty harry' the Dim leader basically shut the Senate down.

bigguy301029 reads

Just passing a bill like this shows they don't care about the victims!
It's all about what they believe in and don't give a shit about anybody else

CltLuvr197 reads

Posted By: bigguy30
Just passing a bill like this shows they don't care about the victims!  
 It's all about what they believe in and don't give a shit about anybody else.  

Guess what? Now any provider who tours is now officially being "trafficked". It doesn't matter if she has a pimp, is independent or has an agency. The who sex trafficking nonsense is nothing more than a ruse to crack down on prostitution since no one gives a shit about prostitution anymore.

GaGambler225 reads

and a perfect example of why I vote for gridlock.

We all know that this bill will do NOTHING to combat actual trafficking, but just like the civil forfeiture laws before it, it gives LE even more reason to throw the "trafficking" charge in, even when there is ZERO reason to suspect trafficking.

BOTH parties are guilty of this, we can only have wished that the GOP's obsession with abortion could have kept this law from ever have being passed.

-- Modified on 4/23/2015 1:13:27 PM

nuguy46199 reads

Have you noticed? They are actually debating AND VOTING on legislation. When 'dirty harry' ran the place, nothing happened. NO votes (meaningful) and nothing sent to Prez for signature. All the while the Dims were complaining the Repubs were blocking legislation. They didn't as much as was being portrayed. What really happened was 'dirty harry' the Dim leader basically shut the Senate down.

bigguy30229 reads

So letting the GOP pass these types of bills will expose them even more.


Posted By: nuguy46
Have you noticed? They are actually debating AND VOTING on legislation. When 'dirty harry' ran the place, nothing happened. NO votes (meaningful) and nothing sent to Prez for signature. All the while the Dims were complaining the Repubs were blocking legislation. They didn't as much as was being portrayed. What really happened was 'dirty harry' the Dim leader basically shut the Senate down.

I predict if this passes the house and is signed by Obama, the ACLU and other interest group will challenge it in court. I think the thing everyone is talking about here is the SAFE act which was added as an amendment to the main trafficking bill. This is a classic example of the government passing something that on the merits everyone agrees with, but has un attended consequences.

No one is going against this bill because both liberals and social conservatives hate prostitution, willing or otherwise. This is the crack cocaine of this era. Politicians are lining up in a pissing contest to see who can add the most draconian measures to a bill. And almost thirty years later, after figuring out that you can't incarcerate your way out of this issue, this approach is being reconsidered. As the legal stakes in running prostitution rings is increased, the organizations involved will be more hard core.

This is what today's senators and house reps are concerned with.  Legislating what they call morality.  In reality, its just another way for them to control us, keep us stupid, and retain their power over women and the human race.  omho.

Posted By: bigguy30
Just passing a bill like this shows they don't care about the victims!  
 It's all about what they believe in and don't give a shit about anybody else.  

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