Politics and Religion

NRA is the real bad guys here and gun owners are being used by them.
brooks5 260 reads
2 / 13

The NRA is looking to crack-open another can of whup-ass on democrats and run more of the sissies out of congress.  They kick the piss out of the fools every time dems get brave enough to bring gun-control up.  Rebranding gun control as "gun-safety" ain't gonna work either (kinda like global warming became climate change when they didn't observe the predicted warming).  

When seconds count, cops are there in minutes (if there at all in the inner city now days - thanks Barack!).  People are arming themselves against the thug-animals created and coddled by the left and there is nothing that you can do to stop it.

Silly little libs.

-- Modified on 1/7/2016 2:24:31 PM

-- Modified on 1/7/2016 2:48:55 PM

-- Modified on 1/7/2016 2:51:04 PM

bigguy30 299 reads
3 / 13

It's does not matter either way because all of you GOP supporters talk and act the same way.
The political cult of Anti America stupidity.

Posted By: brooks5
If Barry can't get dems to support him when he had the chance, when do you think that ANYTHING will happen to disarm Americans.  
 Barack is the kind of stimulating gun sales!  
 you will be long dead and the 2nd amendment will be alive and well.

-- Modified on 1/7/2016 2:24:31 PM
-- Modified on 1/7/2016 1:01:34 PM

pleasureglans 17 Reviews 246 reads
5 / 13

I regularly read WaPo but I can assure this.....they don't understand sh*t about the views of lawful gun owners. Most of the people who work there have never handled one or even know someone who has.

Posted By: bigguy30

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 276 reads
6 / 13

...Are you adopting their tactics or have you gone full-blown BSC?  Would you have allowed that post when you were a mod?  All you're doing is contributing to the deterioration of this board.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 388 reads
7 / 13

I am merely following the adage - when in Rome... AND the right is just as guilty as the left...  

Plus I was feelin' pissy and looking for a fight....
sadly, I forgot that our resident trolls tend to bring butter knives to a war zone.

In all candor, I'm pretty tired of Laffy's nails-on-a-chalkboard personality and the ignorant sycophantic mutterings of his biggest fan bigguy30.

Talk about lowering the bar.

so let them bring on the hate.... mark my words, at the end of the day, they have nothing but shopworn canards and "i know you are but what am i?" responses to anything and anyone who doesn't blow kisses at them. Plus in my case they get to play the Jew card, or the pro-Israel card (as if that's a bad thing, those poor shmucks).

If I were a Democratic operative, I would distance myself from these two as quickly as possible. They are the left wing version of the Tea Party, but with less dignity.  
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Are you adopting their tactics or have you gone full-blown BSC?  Would you have allowed that post when you were a mod?  All you're doing is contributing to the deterioration of this board.

bigguy30 249 reads
8 / 13

So your missing the point and that is what the NRA wants you to do!
It's not about people taking away our guns or not understanding your rights as a gun owner.  
The NRA is all about paying off people in Washington DC to protect there gun businesses.
They really could care less about you or how many people die because of it.  

Posted By: pleasureglans
I regularly read WaPo but I can assure this.....they don't understand sh*t about the views of lawful gun owners. Most of the people who work there have never handled one or even know someone who has.  
Posted By: bigguy30

bigguy30 262 reads
9 / 13

So your feeling pissy looking for a fight???
I am sorry but what real man says things like this in responding back?
It's clear you are way out of your league.

We all know why you are pissed off and your not in Israel.  
I guess that Iran Nuclear Deal is still making you crazy.
You are embarrassing yourself and earned your name Doctorbozo.  
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
I am merely following the adage - when in Rome... AND the right is just as guilty as the left...  
 Plus I was feelin' pissy and looking for a fight....  
 sadly, I forgot that our resident trolls tend to bring butter knives to a war zone.  
 In all candor, I'm pretty tired of Laffy's nails-on-a-chalkboard personality and the ignorant sycophantic mutterings of his biggest fan bigguy30.  
 Talk about lowering the bar.  
 so let them bring on the hate.... mark my words, at the end of the day, they have nothing but shopworn canards and "i know you are but what am i?" responses to anything and anyone who doesn't blow kisses at them. Plus in my case they get to play the Jew card, or the pro-Israel card (as if that's a bad thing, those poor shmucks).  
 If I were a Democratic operative, I would distance myself from these two as quickly as possible. They are the left wing version of the Tea Party, but with less dignity.  
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Are you adopting their tactics or have you gone full-blown BSC?  Would you have allowed that post when you were a mod?  All you're doing is contributing to the deterioration of this board.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 245 reads
10 / 13

Went right to the Jew/Israel card, didn't you.

You're a bigot and an idiot. That's not conjecture, your own words in this forum are the proof.
The fact I'm not the first, nor will I be the last to make that statement merely reinforces the point.
Why don't you ask your Sugardaddie Hero Laffy to speak up on your behalf? I'm sure it will be "hilarious". Make sure to remind everyone how pro-Israel I am. Maybe you'd like me to start wearing a yellow star on my breast as well?
Posted By: bigguy30
So your feeling pissy looking for a fight???  
 I am sorry but what real man says things like this in responding back?  
 It's clear you are way out of your league.  
 We all know why you are pissed off and your not in Israel.  
 I guess that Iran Nuclear Deal is still making you crazy.  
 You are embarrassing yourself and earned your name Doctorbozo.  
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
I am merely following the adage - when in Rome... AND the right is just as guilty as the left...    
  Plus I was feelin' pissy and looking for a fight....  
  sadly, I forgot that our resident trolls tend to bring butter knives to a war zone.  
  In all candor, I'm pretty tired of Laffy's nails-on-a-chalkboard personality and the ignorant sycophantic mutterings of his biggest fan bigguy30.  
  Talk about lowering the bar.  
  so let them bring on the hate.... mark my words, at the end of the day, they have nothing but shopworn canards and "i know you are but what am i?" responses to anything and anyone who doesn't blow kisses at them. Plus in my case they get to play the Jew card, or the pro-Israel card (as if that's a bad thing, those poor shmucks).  
  If I were a Democratic operative, I would distance myself from these two as quickly as possible. They are the left wing version of the Tea Party, but with less dignity.    
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Are you adopting their tactics or have you gone full-blown BSC?  Would you have allowed that post when you were a mod?  All you're doing is contributing to the deterioration of this board.

bigguy30 295 reads
11 / 13

Why is it getting to you so much?
So clearly it's hit a nerve with you.

You stated your position on the Iran deal and others stated their views.
Since you cannot handle people disagreeing or coming back at you.
Then maybe you should move on.

The only point you made is you cannot handle it.
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Went right to the Jew/Israel card, didn't you.  
 You're a bigot and an idiot. That's not conjecture, your own words in this forum are the proof.  
 The fact I'm not the first, nor will I be the last to make that statement merely reinforces the point.  
 Why don't you ask your Sugardaddie Hero Laffy to speak up on your behalf? I'm sure it will be "hilarious". Make sure to remind everyone how pro-Israel I am. Maybe you'd like me to start wearing a yellow star on my breast as well?  
Posted By: bigguy30
So your feeling pissy looking for a fight???  
  I am sorry but what real man says things like this in responding back?  
  It's clear you are way out of your league.  
  We all know why you are pissed off and your not in Israel.    
  I guess that Iran Nuclear Deal is still making you crazy.  
  You are embarrassing yourself and earned your name Doctorbozo.    
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
I am merely following the adage - when in Rome... AND the right is just as guilty as the left...    
   Plus I was feelin' pissy and looking for a fight....    
   sadly, I forgot that our resident trolls tend to bring butter knives to a war zone.    
   In all candor, I'm pretty tired of Laffy's nails-on-a-chalkboard personality and the ignorant sycophantic mutterings of his biggest fan bigguy30.    
   Talk about lowering the bar.    
   so let them bring on the hate.... mark my words, at the end of the day, they have nothing but shopworn canards and "i know you are but what am i?" responses to anything and anyone who doesn't blow kisses at them. Plus in my case they get to play the Jew card, or the pro-Israel card (as if that's a bad thing, those poor shmucks).    
   If I were a Democratic operative, I would distance myself from these two as quickly as possible. They are the left wing version of the Tea Party, but with less dignity.    
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Are you adopting their tactics or have you gone full-blown BSC?  Would you have allowed that post when you were a mod?  All you're doing is contributing to the deterioration of this board.
-- Modified on 1/8/2016 8:13:05 AM

pleasureglans 17 Reviews 224 reads
12 / 13

I think the one missing the point is YOU. I'm not defending the NRA, I'm simply saying WaPo is not where I would look for knowledgeable articles about firearms.

Posted By: bigguy30
So your missing the point and that is what the NRA wants you to do!  
 It's not about people taking away our guns or not understanding your rights as a gun owner.  
 The NRA is all about paying off people in Washington DC to protect there gun businesses.  
 They really could care less about you or how many people die because of it.  
Posted By: pleasureglans
I regularly read WaPo but I can assure this.....they don't understand sh*t about the views of lawful gun owners. Most of the people who work there have never handled one or even know someone who has.  
Posted By: bigguy30

bigguy30 350 reads
13 / 13

I am saying the real problem with this gun law fight is the NRA and there money.
Also look at all the people in congress they pay off.
So I am not missing anything, just stating the real problem here!

-- Modified on 1/8/2016 7:47:42 PM

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