Politics and Religion

Now THAT is the first worthy thought you have posted
GaGambler 243 reads

Except I am not "quite sure" that the countries that now have legalized prostitution have not "always been that way" or changed their laws.

I would suspect that in the countries that might have switched from illegal to legal, that it was not a ground swelling of support FOR prostitution, but more of a lack of desire to continue having laws on the books that were simply being ignored. I believe Curacao (a very small country to use as an example I know) fits this mold. I think they decided rather than fight it, to simply isolate it and control it, and it seems to work out pretty good for them.

I can't speak for all of Europe, but I can remember as far back as the 1970's I have been in several legal brothels in France, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, and Italy. So I don't know how far back you have to go, but it appears that you have to go back more than 40 years at least.

I'm so fed up with the totally absurd laws in this country that, for nearly 250 years existence of this country, prostitution has been illegal. I mean, a woman or even an underage girl can do away with her unborn baby even up until the actual birth, with no input from parents or husbands, and that same woman or girl can't use her body to have sexual relations with a man if prostitution is involved. By prostitution I'm assuming just the act of solicitation even with little or no remuneration from that act. Or receiving $1 or more for her time. I just think that this country's politicians, and the various arms of the government such as the police, are a bunch of hypocrites and cowards. I would imagine that most politicians and law enforcement visit prostitutes. And some on a regular basis. I would bet that some politicians and law enforcement don't even pay the girls. They intimidate them and threaten them with arrest or even worse.  

This being said, I'm wondering why a group of escorts have not gotten together, compared their notes, and then taken their case to the politicians. Most of these politicians know they are on record with the escorts for visiting them. Gently remind these politicians that a favorable vote for legalizing prostitution would be most appreciated. Otherwise some rather sordid information would just happen to find its way to the authorities and to the news organizations. Do it in a way that is not considered blackmail (quid pro quo). I'm just wondering how quickly laws legalizing prostitution would be passed.  

I know. I'm being ridiculous. But, my understanding is in Canada there is a lobbying organization, with attorneys and activists, that are trying to get prostitution legalized there.  The prostitutes themselves make up most of the members of this organization.  

I would surely like to hear what other folks feel about this type of movement.

Or visit this link for the Vegas chapter: http://www.swop-lasvegas.org/
There are other groups as well. Do your homework and lend your support.

-- Modified on 7/2/2015 3:47:16 PM

That's good. There are actually organizations that are diligently at work trying to legalize prostitution. I'm quite sure it is not just me but millions of other people who do not know of these organizations.  

Posted By: scoed
Or visit this link for the Vegas chapter: http://www.swop-lasvegas.org/  
 There are other groups as well. Do your homework and lend your support.

-- Modified on 7/2/2015 3:47:16 PM

GaGambler389 reads

It is NOT legal to have an abortion "even up to the actual birth" If you would quit twisting the truth and flat out making up shit, I might stop ridiculing every post you make.

and I do agree with one line in your post, yes "you are being ridiculous" quit being so ridiculous and you might find me on your side

GaGambler338 reads

His/your words, not mine. I am more than happy to defend my own words, but not words conveniently put into my mouth by the likes of you.  

You tell me where it is legal to abort a fetus "up to the day of birth" and I will be happy to answer your question. Let me know when you have an answer, I'll be here.

“Partial-Birth” Abortion: 19 states have laws in effect that prohibit “partial-birth” abortion. These are the stats as of July 1st. So, 31 states have no law against partial-birth abortion.  

By the way, are you always such an A-Hole?

Posted By: GaGambler
It is NOT legal to have an abortion "even up to the actual birth" If you would quit twisting the truth and flat out making up shit, I might stop ridiculing every post you make.  
 and I do agree with one line in your post, yes "you are being ridiculous" quit being so ridiculous and you might find me on your side.  

GaGambler361 reads

Yes, I am ALWAYS such an asshole. Now why are you always such a liar.

Just in case you would like to pretend to not understand what I mean. "Partial birth abortion" as you religious pukes like to put it, are hardly "abortion up to the day of birth"  

I can't stop you and your ilk from lying out of your ass at every opportunity, but I can damn sure call you out for lying every time you do so.

but anytime you choose to stop simply "making up shit" we can have a real discussion based on fact and not hyperbole.

Yeah right, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your lying ass, now would you?

Posted By: Thundercloud
“Partial-Birth” Abortion: 19 states have laws in effect that prohibit “partial-birth” abortion. These are the stats as of July 1st. So, 31 states have no law against partial-birth abortion.  
 By the way, are you always such an A-Hole?  
Posted By: GaGambler
It is NOT legal to have an abortion "even up to the actual birth" If you would quit twisting the truth and flat out making up shit, I might stop ridiculing every post you make.  
  and I do agree with one line in your post, yes "you are being ridiculous" quit being so ridiculous and you might find me on your side.  

LasVegan270 reads

some issues are like lightening rods when it comes to politics............IMHO this is one of them.

A provider, in theory, is breaking the law.  How would she actively participate in such a discussion without incriminating herself?  No matter what........she has to support her livelihood and she would make herself a target by being vocal.

Politicians, when they are confronted with exposure...........simply resign.  The numbers are against them...........how many of their constituents would still vote for them if they tried to legalize our hobby?  Evangelicals and the like form a pretty strong voting block.

We hobbyists...........well most of us anyway..........do not want those at our work place, or inner circle, or where ever, to know about our hobby for a variety of reasons.

Hence........this remains in the "too difficult to do"........pile on our to do list.......all IMHO.

I just do not understand. Most countries in the world have legalized prostitution. I'm quite sure at one time most countries did not legalize it. So, how did they get from illegal to legal? An organized effort did bring about change. If there is no organized effort then change will never happen. Prostitutes will continue to be harassed and arrested by the police. Customers will always have to be wary and vigilant. I know that there is a huge effort in Canada to change the current laws. And, there apparently is some effort in the US.  

Posted By: LasVegan
some issues are like lightening rods when it comes to politics............IMHO this is one of them.  
 A provider, in theory, is breaking the law.  How would she actively participate in such a discussion without incriminating herself?  No matter what........she has to support her livelihood and she would make herself a target by being vocal.  
 Politicians, when they are confronted with exposure...........simply resign.  The numbers are against them...........how many of their constituents would still vote for them if they tried to legalize our hobby?  Evangelicals and the like form a pretty strong voting block.  
 We hobbyists...........well most of us anyway..........do not want those at our work place, or inner circle, or where ever, to know about our hobby for a variety of reasons.  
 Hence........this remains in the "too difficult to do"........pile on our to do list.......all IMHO.

GaGambler244 reads

Except I am not "quite sure" that the countries that now have legalized prostitution have not "always been that way" or changed their laws.

I would suspect that in the countries that might have switched from illegal to legal, that it was not a ground swelling of support FOR prostitution, but more of a lack of desire to continue having laws on the books that were simply being ignored. I believe Curacao (a very small country to use as an example I know) fits this mold. I think they decided rather than fight it, to simply isolate it and control it, and it seems to work out pretty good for them.

I can't speak for all of Europe, but I can remember as far back as the 1970's I have been in several legal brothels in France, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, and Italy. So I don't know how far back you have to go, but it appears that you have to go back more than 40 years at least.

I could be wrong, but I believe Curacao is somewhat reliant on the Netherlands for their laws as a constituent country of the Netherlands. I'm not sure how relevant that is in this case, but I would suspect that it was less entirely of Curacao's own volition and more a combination of both the situation you described (which to my understanding is the reasoning behind a lot of the more liberal laws in NL) and their being part of NL.

GaGambler321 reads

Eventually you are going to get one right I am sure, but not this one.

This was just like I said in my earlier post, not a ground swelling of support for prostitution, but merely a way of polite society finding a way to co exist with hookers and johns.

I know you think all good things originate in Europe, but some of us on this side of the pond do quite well without your input.

this country. It's only been illegal in most places since the 19th century. It was legal in two states until recently (Rhode Island and Nevada), and now it is only legal in Nevada, and only in brothels, which are only allowed to exist in cities with fewer than 400,000 residents. That means no legal brothels in Reno or Las Vegas.

In the History of Prostitution article linked below, it mentions "white slavery" (lord I hate that term). But as with "trafficking" today, much of that was sensationalist journalism fueled by racism, gender bias, and classism. See this:
Loose Women or Lost Women?
The re-emergence of the myth of 'white slavery' in contemporary discourses of 'trafficking in women'
by Jo Doezema

I share your frustration with the laws here- silly at best, dangerous at worst. The best working policy I know of is that of New Zealand. Not perfect, but the best so far.
New Zealand’s Prostitution Reform Act:
An Effective Model of Sex Work Law Reform

Sadly, LasVegan is right in that to speak up brings down too much trouble. But I'm afraid that is what will have to happen before laws change here. Just like gay rights and marijuana laws before this- people may have to out themselves. If that's the case, it will take a looong time, but more and more are doing so. More ladies are showing their faces, and more academic sex workers are coming forward with research supporting decriminalization. There are even clients writing books about being clients.

Bob.Sugar324 reads

I see that a few of the gals are taking a smoke or coffee break.

Then, you advocate hookers threatening elected representatives with threatening to expose their mongering in return for a vote legalizing prostitution, a Federal felony.
Finally, you anonymously pound your chest on a fuck board, with absolutely no chance of affecting public opinion.

With advocates like you, is it any wonder prostitution is illegal in the vast majority of this country?

MY God, man, is your comprehension that bad? How did I misrepresent the legal landscape on abortion? I was simply making a cor-rely between a woman's unfettered right to have an abortion with her own body, regardless of most circumstances, and her lack of a right to have sex with her own body, regardless of most circumstances. Most states have no law against an abortion for any reason and up until the actual birth. However, that's not the point I was trying to make.  

It's not against the law to submit proof of a crime to the police or to the news media. You noticed that I did not advocate threatening a politician or a police officer with blackmail. Advising a politician or police officer that he is on the list of visitors to prostitutes in no way is blackmail. Outing someone is not blackmail.  

Who in the world is pounding their chest? How is placing something on a discussion board doing that? So, now I'm not allowed to discuss anything on a forum that is for discussion purposes?  I'm sure that Kim Jong-Un would love you. However, you are just another message poster like everyone else and your opinion is simply that, your opinion.


Posted By: RespectfullyYours
Then, you advocate hookers threatening elected representatives with threatening to expose their mongering in return for a vote legalizing prostitution, a Federal felony.  
 Finally, you anonymously pound your chest on a fuck board, with absolutely no chance of affecting public opinion.  
 With advocates like you, is it any wonder prostitution is illegal in the vast majority of this country?

GaGambler201 reads

Sometimes you are just beyond stupid, OF COURSE there are laws preventing a woman from having an abortion "up to the actual birth"  

And you wonder why I treat you like a moron, if you don't want to be treated like either a liar or a moron, quit posting ridiculous bullshit that everyone but you knows in inaccurate.

and you might ask a lawyer before going through with your little blackmail plan, It appears you know no more about criminal law than you do abortion law in this country.  

As a matter of fact, why don't you just start over altogether. Virtually everything you have posted since coming onto TER has either been stupid, wrong or both. Give me a fucking break already.

The "it" being p4p in the TER aspect of it not the SW side.

Be smart, both parties do their due diligence and LE wont be an issue.

Legalizing it means the government takes its share, can ask the gals and the johns to get tested on a regular basis, has easier access to VERY personal info that they can use to blackmail/out people, etc.

It could regulate that the hookers wont be able to turn down clients due to age or race, and trust me, many girls here don't want that.

Leave the fkin government OUT of it.

It aint perfect but its fine the way it is.

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