Politics and Religion

Not sure where we disagree.
JackDunphy 17 reads

I am already on record, replying to your post actually in another thread, that if the tax bill passes, I would be quite happy with Trump's presidency and would be ecstatic over it if he gets a bi-partisan effort on HC but only IF that law makes sense and has some of the goodies I would expect it would have, of course.

There is several things that need simple majorities; passing a budget and SCOTUS nominations. Not small things by any measure.  

If the Dems take the house, that means subpoena power and endless investigations and impeachment, where of course it would die in the senate, based on things known to date.

Any knowledgeable person knows the Dems haven't been this out of power since 1928. LMAO

The Republicans control the majority, in well....EVERYTHING: Potus, Scotus, House, Senate, Governorships, state houses, state senates, etc.

So, in that light, choose one that best fits:

A) the party has no economic message; it no longer connects with the "little guy" and has abandoned him/him

B) it is corrupt to its core, as we have seen with rigging the election to screw the Bern

C) it's incredible hypocrisy re: matters of misogyny/homophobia/race

D) they cant get good candidates to run for office and thus have to settle for Crooked Hillary types

E) they promise stupid shit like "free college", "safe spaces" and "therapy dogs."

Your thoughts, if many?

Mr.M.Johnson19 reads

in happiness as The Mooch says!  Have you noticed that FIPOTUS (Fake Illigitimate POTUS) has an approval rating of ~32% which is approx. DOUBLE that of your Fucking Republican Congress!?
It was the Perfect Storm that Trump won:
1- Putin/Russia gave him several percentage points
2- Comey gave him 2-3 percentage points per 538 and others
3- The Dems ran Crooked Hillary
Had the Dems run ANYONE else they woulda won in a landslide despite #1 and #2 above
Suck your own dick if you like Jack, but your dick will “fade” in 2018

I would be...doing something else. With a rubber too, bc I know where this dick has been! lmao!

So you addressed Potus, which is fine, but that still doesn't address all the other areas where your corrupt party is out of power. Any guesses there?

I can't beat you up too bad though Mr. J. as at least you had the balls to call Hills "crooked" which I literally lol when I read your post. :D :D

Mr.M.Johnson17 reads

TOTALLY FUCKING PISSED that my beloved DEMS ran this Cunt.  My scotch $bill has tripled and I’m having fucking - pardon the pun - I’m having a hard time fucking ‘cause I’m drunk from drinking my sorrows away.  (For those who are so inclined go see Lewis Black perform - I did recently.  His point is that “people simply just don’t like Hillary”)

I gotta tell ya Jack, you said “rigging the election to screw Bern.”  How ‘bout Putin rigging the election to screw Hillary - pardon the mere thought of fucking Hillary

The Dem economic message is “lower taxes on low-earners, no Supply Side “Trickle Down” nonsense, spend on infrastructure, health care for all.

Yeah, for me it’s very disappointing that SCOTUS is now conservative - it’ll take a while but there goes Choice.  

Speaking of “fucking” the way things are going half of Congress will quit/resign soon due to fucking co-workers....against their will.  Maybe this is what Trump means by “drain the swamp?!”

The clear answer is "A." It is still hard to fathom how a blowhard, egotistical, self-centered misogynistic billionaire is President of our great country. How we lost so much of the blue collar, unionized vote to this "man" truly boggles the mind.
That said, the Democrats have to take some blame for that. Mrs. Clinton not campaigning is Wisconsin, which I believe is the most unionized state in the country base on percentage, was a failure of epic proportions. Her statement that she would place miners out of work was heard by more than just the mining community.  
We have to get back and talk about the core issues and principles of our party i.e. "bottom up" politics and NOT trickle down. We need to push for a fair wage, decent housing and better health care. We took the "little guy" as you called him, for granted, and I think we learned our lesson.

Your bizarre, partisan natterings are amusing and nearly fact free.  Thanks for the laughs.  You're gonna loooooove 2018.  LOL!

I don't really think 2018 is going to matter much at all. Neither party is likely to win complete control over Congress and we will be back to gridlock, which is usually all I hope for in the first place

I don't see any problems with the Dems taking back control of Congress anyhow as virtually nothing Trump is going to try to get done throughout the rest of his term can be accomplished by simple majority anyhow, and I certainly don't want the GOP with a "supermajority" any more than I wanted to see the Dems with one back in 08. Bad things like The Patriot Act and ObamaCare seem to happen when too much power is concentrated in either party. We don't need no stinking border wall, nor do we need much else to make me happy other than a decent health care deal, but I am hardly holding my breath for that regardless of who is in power. ObamaCare sucks, the GOP House Bill sucked and the GOP Senate Bill might have sucked even worse.

With power split once again, about the only thing that I can see getting accomplished is an infrastructure bill, and if that's all that gets done over the next three years, I will consider it a great four years for Trump, especially considering that the alternative was Hillary.

I am already on record, replying to your post actually in another thread, that if the tax bill passes, I would be quite happy with Trump's presidency and would be ecstatic over it if he gets a bi-partisan effort on HC but only IF that law makes sense and has some of the goodies I would expect it would have, of course.

There is several things that need simple majorities; passing a budget and SCOTUS nominations. Not small things by any measure.  

If the Dems take the house, that means subpoena power and endless investigations and impeachment, where of course it would die in the senate, based on things known to date.

Don't give him an excuse Jake. He just comes by it naturally! ;)

Is that some kind of mantra? "Take control! We must take control! If we don't have complete control we can't get anything done! Never compromise! Crush the hated enemy!"  (Dems AND Reps)
What ever happened to compromise?  Negotiation to solve problems for all Americans instead of serving groups with special interests.  
"I represent the 49.2% of the voters who picked me. The rest of you can go fuck yourselves until the next election ... unless I manage to take away your voting rights."  
I'll start with that stupid baseball game (where Scalise got shot during a practice). Instead of more Red vs Blue, mix up the teams by a random draw or even-odd last digit of their birthyear so that Dems and Reps MUST play TOGETHER on the same team.

A)  The party has the same old "trickle down" economic message.  They never connected with the little guy and still try to fuck him whenever they can.


B)  It is corrupt to the core - they drained the swamp and refilled it with even bigger swamp creatures.


C)  It's incredible hypocrisy -  they didn't want to allow a vote on Merrick Garland because they wanted to delay the vote  
until after the presidential election, saying they should "let the American people decide" the future of the court.  But they don't want to delay the vote on the tax bill until Doug Jones is seated.


D)  They can't get good candidates to run for office and thus have to settle for Crazy Roy Moore types or Ed Gillespie, the insider's insider.  And Trump wants Paul LePage to run against Angus King for senator in Maine.  Do you have any idea how BSC Paul LePage is?  Of course you don't.  


E)  They promise stupid shit like "The Wall", "Muslim Ban", "Repeal & Replace Obamacare with Something Better", MAGA (because they hate America and don't believe it is great), Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, No more tweeting because it's not presidential:  Trump - "I tweeted today. At ‘realdonaldtrump,’ I tweet. You know it… don’t worry, I’ll give it up after I’m president. We won’t tweet anymore, I don’t think. Not presidential."  Trump promised to always tell the truth: "But one thing I can promise you is this: I will always tell you the truth." [Charlotte, NC, 8/18/16]

Haven't you heard BP? Best since 1928!!!

...You know what else happened in 1928, Jack?  Hoover won in a landslide, after fellow Republican Coolidge won in a landslide in 1924.  And then you know what the Republicans did, Jack?  A little something called the Great Depression.  If George Bush drove the economy into a ditch, your great 1928 Republicans drove the economy into the Grand Canyon!



HappyChanges10 reads

FDR introduced the new deal and OUR government has been chipping away every since.

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