Politics and Religion

No, the Tea Party gets more of the credit. And good for them!
SoWhatTheFucksVille 923 reads

There's TONS of fat in government payrolls at all levels. Look at how much time willy spends on hooker sites!!! How many willys still remain to be meataxed?? Another 1/2 million outta do it.

Course some of those jobs could be saved but now we pay so many willy's to stay home and do nothing, they should get back to work.

Notice it's never the adminsitrators who take the pipe?

SoWhatTheFucksVille3099 reads

Employers added 54K jobs, rate ticks up to 9.1 pct
June 3, 2011 9:09 AM ET.


WASHINGTON (AP) - American employers hired only 54,000 new workers in May, the fewest in eight months, and the unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent.

The Labor Department report offered startling evidence that the U.S. economy is slowing, hampered by high gas prices and natural disasters in Japan that have hurt U.S. manufacturers.

The pace of hiring has weakened dramatically from the previous three months, when the economy added an average of 220,000 new jobs. Private companies hired only 83,000 new workers in May — the fewest in nearly a year.

Stock futures plunged after the report was released.

Local governments cut 28,000 jobs last month, the most since November. Nearly 18,000 of those jobs were in education.

Cities and counties have cut jobs for 22 straight months and have shed 446,000 positions since September 2008.

The anemic pace of job creation presents a huge challenge to President Barack Obama's reelection prospects next year. And it followed a string of disappointing economic data in the past month that suggest the economy is hitting a soft patch after a strong start.

The manufacturing sector, a key driver of the economic recovery, grew at its slowest pace in 20 months in May. Home prices are still falling and reached their lowest level since 2002 in March.

Higher gas prices have left less money for consumers to spend on other purchases. And average wages aren't even keeping up with inflation. As a result, consumer spending, which fuels about 70 percent of the economy, is growing sluggishly.

More people entered the work force in May. But most of the new entrants couldn't find work. That pushed the unemployment rate up from 9.0 percent in April. The number of unemployed rose to 13.9 million.

And the government revised the previous months' job totals to show 39,000 fewer jobs were created in March and April than first thought.

The weakness in hiring was widespread. Manufacturers cut 5,000 jobs, the first job loss in that sector in seven months. That included a drop of 3,400 jobs in the auto sector.

Car makers are cutting back on production because they are having a difficult time purchasing parts. Many auto parts are manufactured in Japan and the March 11 earthquake in that country has disrupted supply chains..

Retailers cut 8,500 positions, after adding 64,000 in April. And leisure and hospitality which includes restaurants and hotels, cut 6,000 jobs. That came after they added an average of 43,000 in the previous three months.

There were some bright spots in May. Professional and business services added 44,000 new positions, most of them in accounting, information technology services, and management.

Still, the economy needs to generate at least 100,000 jobs each month just to keep up with population growth and prevent the unemployment rate from rising. And economists say the gains need to be at least double that total to drive down the rate.

About 8.5 million Americans worked part time, even though they would have preferred full-time jobs. Another 2.2 million have stopped looking in the past year. All told, the "under-employment" rate was 15.8 percent, down from 15.9 percent the previous month.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Tusayan815 reads

So tell us which Obama policies were responsible for the earthquake in Japan and the oil price speculation.

He is responsible for everything, including the effect of earthquakes in Japan and mean capitolists speculating on oil including those in Munich and Zurich and Hong Kong.
It comes with the job and his whining insults me personaly.

SoWhatTheFucksVille1064 reads

His rhetoric even BEFORE talking office made that an easy call!!!!

On Japan, just how much of the statistics below do you want to attribute to Japan. Obama wears the rest around his scrawny neck:
Still, the economy needs to generate at least 100,000 jobs each month just to keep up with population growth and prevent the unemployment rate from rising. And economists say the gains need to be at least double that total to drive down the rate.

About 8.5 million Americans worked part time, even though they would have preferred full-time jobs. Another 2.2 million have stopped looking in the past year. All told, the "under-employment" rate was 15.8 percent, down from 15.9 percent the previous month.

This is getting hilarious. Obamaphiles are so in love with Obama and his policies yet they want to distance themselves from the results of those policies. Obama's priorities have been bailing out his bankster buddies and union thugcrats. While heaping regulation and scorn on the private sector.

This economy is the result.

Wear it proud, wear it loud!

I'm for Obama!

I'm for 15% unemployment!!!

Now where's my QE3????

...is that he keeps asking for economic policy advice from businessmen and the conmen who created this recession in the first place.

Until Main Street doesn't have to live paycheck to paycheck, then this economy will continue to suck. Until we learn to grow our economy with real incomes instead of with borrowed debt, then we're just reinflating another bubble.

SoWhatTheFucksVille683 reads

for this recession in the first place.

When he was a wet behind the ears (and what big ears they are!!!!) rabblerouser, he was a huge proponent of forcing banks make loans to people who could'nt afford them. So, we got what HE asked for. Only now he's in the pockets of Geithner's Wall Street GS buddies so instead of implementing a workable HAMP program, he has just offered up platitudes and false hope.

But it doesn't stop there. Besides the private sector debt bubble, we've also got a Keynsian public sector debt bubble. But yeah, let's grab up another trillion or so from thin air!! We'll never pay off the rest of it so why worry.

Anyone with a brain and REAL WORLD experiences knew Obama was going to be a disaster. Instead, niave students, self-centered government employee union members, and other assorted radicals forced this moron upon us. They own him now.

I have no desire to defend Obama, and I'm not doing it here. But you're repeating this bullshit right wing talking point that the housing bubble happened because "of forcing banks make loans to people who could'nt afford them".

Turn off Rush and read a fucking book.

SoWhatTheFucksVille1297 reads

You are defending Obama by blaming who is advising him. Maybe you forgot it was his uberintelligent mind that picked these "crooks" like Geithner and Emelt IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Too bad Van Jones ain't still on board. Now THERE's a fine mind!!! lol!

Why don't you do some of your own reading, but don't do it on the taxpayers dime.


Read it and weep.

There is other stuff he was a strong advocate of which has caused our downfall but here's the thing..This is what he WANTS for the USA!!!!

This is his plan being executed by design..Have you seen the new Dept of Commerce Secretary?
He is a citizen of corporate welfare. His entire life was built on it, the worst possible representative for american industry.

Snowman391074 reads

but he said one thing that was right. He said that large corporations are sitting on their money.


And then of course, he is wrong as he continues to talk about confiscation the wealth.

They are sitting on it for VERY GOOD REASONS!!! They do not trust Obama! He sees private industry as an evil that must be monitored and only government does good. Who the hell would want to invest with someone like that in the Oval Office.

When he is gone, the economy sill kick in because confidence will rise and companies will start investing again.

The loss a government jobs is because of GOP policy of cutting government jobs!

SoWhatTheFucksVille924 reads

There's TONS of fat in government payrolls at all levels. Look at how much time willy spends on hooker sites!!! How many willys still remain to be meataxed?? Another 1/2 million outta do it.

Course some of those jobs could be saved but now we pay so many willy's to stay home and do nothing, they should get back to work.

Notice it's never the adminsitrators who take the pipe?

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