Politics and Religion

Finally, some rational thinking south of the border.
inicky46 61 Reviews 3814 reads

When will we wake up????
PS:  I don't smoke pot or use any illegal drugs.

Hell no. Not if they can allow, not if they
can catch it, they send them up. You see, homosexuality, dope,
immorality in general: These are the enemies of strong societies.
That's why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing the
stuff, they're trying to destroy us

"You know it's a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are
out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the
matter with the Jews, Bob, what is the matter with them? I
suppose it's because most of them are psychiatrists, you know,
there's so many, all the greatest psychiatrists are Jewish. By
God we are going to hit the marijuana thing, and I want to hit it
right square in the puss, I want to find a way of putting more on

-- Modified on 3/31/2011 9:31:50 PM

Dr.Jung1659 reads

The last refuge of bigots and idiots.  Crawl back under your rock.

It would eliminate a lot of people, and anesthetize the rest of the weak, so the rest of us can move on with our lives or the day, as it were.  

I've always wanted to start a new industry whereby the sober could rent tranquilizer guns filled with narcotics and shoot the addicted volunteers with their drug of choice.  Like a paintball game, only one side has the guns and the other isn't running away, but begging to be shot.  Maybe you shot them, maybe you don't.  That's all apart of the fun.  Maybe they gotta do some tricks first.  Anyway, don't steal my idea.

-- Modified on 4/1/2011 5:19:42 AM

My approach is strictly pragmatic and is based on the following thoughts:
1) The current approach does not work.  People have been using drugs and alcohol since mud.
2) Under the current approach, the profits go to drug lords and terrorists, while the cops are diverted from fighting other crimes.
3) Therefore, legalize drugs and tax them.  Use the revenues to fix budget gaps and to provide rehab service for those users who want it.
Simple, huh?

GaGambler1339 reads

after all didn't they kill our lord and savior Jesus Christ? lol

I had to reread that assholes post three times to convince myself that it wasn't just a badly written joke, even after doing so, I am still not 100% convinced he's not joking. I mean honestly, nobody is that fucking stupid, are they?

Oh BTW, I have been in support of the plan you advocate for decades. Too much money invested in the status quo for it to ever happen though.

Didn't the Pope just say the church no longer blamed the Jews for killing Jesus?  Many of my Jewish friends came out of hiding after that, so I hope the info is correct.  Anyway, "blame the Jews" has worked for centuries, so why stop now?

Shooting darts at the drug addicts is way better. You could get a big stuffed animal.

Posted By: inicky46
My approach is strictly pragmatic and is based on the following thoughts:
1) The current approach does not work.  People have been using drugs and alcohol since mud.
2) Under the current approach, the profits go to drug lords and terrorists, while the cops are diverted from fighting other crimes.
3) Therefore, legalize drugs and tax them.  Use the revenues to fix budget gaps and to provide rehab service for those users who want it.
Simple, huh?

GaGambler977 reads

They are much easier to hit than the coke heads. lol

Priapus531316 reads

As for F_U's "perceptive" observations, get a load how he was taken in on GD board April fool's joke-----what a moron------LMAO !

Its the one reflex you still have intact.

Posted By: Priapus53
As for F_U's "perceptive" observations, get a load how he was taken in on GD board April fool's joke-----what a moron------LMAO !

WellIsntThatSpecial1164 reads

How do you know glory-holey?  Or is it just wishful thinking that you've been playing with Priapus?

But, hey, its free.

Posted By: WellIsntThatSpecial
How do you know glory-holey?  Or is it just wishful thinking that you've been playing with Priapus?

WellIsntThatSpecial2413 reads

Quick! Tippy-toe off to the glory hole and get sloppy seconds from your butt buddies,  F_U and Snowey.

It is a colossal waste of Tax payer money. Why don't the Tax cut fiscal responsibility crowd funding to this albatross?

They will be fighting this drug war for next 1000 years. Legalize and tax the damn things.

May be the gun lobby is behind the drug war since drug cartels buy lots of weapons. One their largest market?

SteveO5711894 reads

I'm all for the legalization of marijuana, produced in the US.. no imports.
No other harder drugs mind you, coke, meth, opiates ect cause too much damage, people are not able to function on these.  
But allot of people function just fine smoking a joint after work.  
Does it really mater if someone who flips burgers or works in a warehouse smokes a joint after work?
The only relation pot has with other drugs is their source, the dealers sell them both.

We just have to treat it as we do alcohol, do it on your own time when you're not working or driving.

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