Politics and Religion

No elements were involved in the Bang.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 443 reads

OSP, even having a layman's understanding of the Big Bang isn't exactly an easy task.

First, let's talk about what elements are. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Carbon, Oxygen, etc.

The only element the bang created was hydrogen. So what happens when gravity pulls together a whole bunch of hydrogen? You get a star, just like our sun. Gravity pulls the hydrogen together, the hydrogen gets compressed down, and just like rubbing your hands together, the friction creates heat. Eventually, the hydrogen gets so compressed and so hot that it reaches a million degrees. This heat will fuse hydrogen atoms (1 electron) into helium atoms (2 electrons), and nuclear fusion has begun. The star has begun to shine.

As time goes on over a period of millions, if not billions of years, the hydrogen will run out, and the helium atoms begin to fuse into higher elements. This is how every atom came into existence. Every atom in your body, right down to the carbon atoms that make up every cell in your body, was born inside the fiery furnace of a long ago dead star.

But when we talk about the Big Bang, we have to understand that nothing existed prior to that. Not even empty space. Not even time itself. Not even gravity. The entire universe pressed down into a single dot of nothing but energy. No matter, just energy.

So where did that energy come from? That's a good question, but you might want to consider this: Could that energy *not* exist? The Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle suggests that it couldn't. This is because it *requires* energy for empty space to be empty. In experiments in which we have created empty space (in a vacuum), we find that the energy inside that space goes up and down. In other words, when you make empty space empty, matter and anti-matter particles appear to pop into existence, literally from nothing. When these two particles collide, explode, and cease to exist again.


There are other theories about this, one of which is that we don't live in a universe, but rather a multiverse, and that when the big bang happened, it was just 2 universes colliding into each other.

The amazing thing is that nothing can travel faster than light. And when the universe began, it blew up like a balloon. In other words, every point in the universe, used to be at the center of the universe.

If you look up at the Orion constellation, you can see the star Betelgeuse. A red giant, this star is expected to explode sometime between now and the next million years. Betelgeuse is 614 light years away. Meaning, that when you look at it, you're not seeing it how it is right now, but rather what it looked like 614 years ago. In other words, the farther you look in the universe, the farther back into time you can see. This begs the question, if you look far enough, can you *see* the Big Bang?

The answer is no. The universe was just an opague ball of fire at it's creation. But you can see the universe when it first cooled, when it was only a few hundred thousand years old.

So would you like to see a baby picture of the universe? We now have that image, and it suggests that the universe likely collided with another universe, creating the energy that caused the Big Bang.

perceive God as a human, a thing or an object.  

God is the order of the universe and what you see on earth is the nature and its evolution on its own. Abrahamic religions of the west is based on human messiah’s and their teachings and view God as nothing more than a superhuman who knows it all

OSP, even having a layman's understanding of the Big Bang isn't exactly an easy task.

First, let's talk about what elements are. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Carbon, Oxygen, etc.

The only element the bang created was hydrogen. So what happens when gravity pulls together a whole bunch of hydrogen? You get a star, just like our sun. Gravity pulls the hydrogen together, the hydrogen gets compressed down, and just like rubbing your hands together, the friction creates heat. Eventually, the hydrogen gets so compressed and so hot that it reaches a million degrees. This heat will fuse hydrogen atoms (1 electron) into helium atoms (2 electrons), and nuclear fusion has begun. The star has begun to shine.

As time goes on over a period of millions, if not billions of years, the hydrogen will run out, and the helium atoms begin to fuse into higher elements. This is how every atom came into existence. Every atom in your body, right down to the carbon atoms that make up every cell in your body, was born inside the fiery furnace of a long ago dead star.

But when we talk about the Big Bang, we have to understand that nothing existed prior to that. Not even empty space. Not even time itself. Not even gravity. The entire universe pressed down into a single dot of nothing but energy. No matter, just energy.

So where did that energy come from? That's a good question, but you might want to consider this: Could that energy *not* exist? The Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle suggests that it couldn't. This is because it *requires* energy for empty space to be empty. In experiments in which we have created empty space (in a vacuum), we find that the energy inside that space goes up and down. In other words, when you make empty space empty, matter and anti-matter particles appear to pop into existence, literally from nothing. When these two particles collide, explode, and cease to exist again.


There are other theories about this, one of which is that we don't live in a universe, but rather a multiverse, and that when the big bang happened, it was just 2 universes colliding into each other.

The amazing thing is that nothing can travel faster than light. And when the universe began, it blew up like a balloon. In other words, every point in the universe, used to be at the center of the universe.

If you look up at the Orion constellation, you can see the star Betelgeuse. A red giant, this star is expected to explode sometime between now and the next million years. Betelgeuse is 614 light years away. Meaning, that when you look at it, you're not seeing it how it is right now, but rather what it looked like 614 years ago. In other words, the farther you look in the universe, the farther back into time you can see. This begs the question, if you look far enough, can you *see* the Big Bang?

The answer is no. The universe was just an opague ball of fire at it's creation. But you can see the universe when it first cooled, when it was only a few hundred thousand years old.

So would you like to see a baby picture of the universe? We now have that image, and it suggests that the universe likely collided with another universe, creating the energy that caused the Big Bang.

GaGambler511 reads

would require just as much faith as any religion, but the truth of the matter is, we most likely will NEVER be positive exactly how the universe/s were created. and there is nothing wrong with accepting our limitations as humans. Our lifetimes are simply too short to be able to understand everything there is to know.

I will say that sciences version of what could have happened is a lot more credible than the nonsense spewed by almost every religion ever conceived by man, but NO ONE knows for sure, any more than any of us knows what happens when we die. Is is really that painful for humans to simply admit that they don't have all the answers and most likely never will?

Every single scientific principle is founded upon the evidence. There are scientific questions that have yet to be definitively answered, and exactly why the Big Bang happened at all, is one of them. But we do know it happened.  

We can also know, for *sure* what happens to us after we die. Guess what? Death isn't all that different than sleeping, except you don't dream and you don't wake up. We know, for *sure* that our consciousness is produced by our brains. And when our brains die, so does that consciousness.

GaGambler434 reads

but science is proven wrong all the time, and it would not surprise me that the big bang theory at some point will be revised at some point when we either have more information or are better able to understand the information that we already have. To believe otherwise is to be as arrogant as the religious folks you like to ridicule. There are many things we just don't know yet, You seem to be able to accept the nothingness that is death, why do you have such a problem admitting that science doesn't yet have all the answers to many questions?

She concludes:

"God ALMOST certainly does not exist, and it's completely reasonable to act as if he doesn't."

GaGambler490 reads

as a matter of fact it sums up my personal feelings on the subject quite nicely

After so many flat atheist assertions declared in the essay, to end with "I'm almost sure this is true" was just too ironic for me.

GaGambler531 reads

Not believing in the ridiculous notions put out there by the various religions about their so called God is not the same as being an atheist, any reasonable person without absolute proof would leave the door open to any possibility not proven categorically impossible, even with the caveat that it sounds ridiculous and that as a reasonable person she/I choose to reject the idea, even while conceding that there is a snowballs chance in hell that they are wrong. Religious people would do well to take that approach, but religious people are steadfast in their "faith" even without a shred of evidence to back their claims.

For someone that does not consider herself an atheist, she certainly makes some spectacular assertions, beginning with the claim in the name of her essay that she does not believe in God; followed by at least a dozen more equally strong declarations that He does not exist. It doesn’t get any more atheist than that. She’s hardly agnostic albeit for her last sentence.  

Some people confuse the terms agnostic and atheist. I actually classify myself as an agnostic-theist. I believe in the existence of some sort of conscience power vastly superior to us but I have absolutely no idea how, why, or where. I do have some thoughts regarding “what” in that I think God (or whatever people want to call Him) has the ability to involve Himself on a personal level. I am open to being wrong in part or in whole, hence the agnostic element.

I believe religion was created by man, for man, in order for man to prove to himself (and other people) how much he cares about God. To me it’s all too narcissistic. It’s true that many religious people are absolutists hence those individuals are gnostic-thesists.  

The vast majority of the gnostic-thesists I know and am friends with are very reasonable and sensible people when it comes to events and  conditions outside of “church”. Those that approach me for a little proselytization quickly, simply and politely received my message that I’m not interested. But I do understand their desire to proselytize in the first place. Their religion teaches them to spread the gospel (which simply means “good news). To me this is no different than a friend or coworker sharing any other type of event in their life that they think I might benefit from. It could be a movie or TV show they saw recently, or a good restaurant I might like. The difference is, the novelty of a movie or a restaurant wears off and you typically don’t hear about it again, from anyone. Religious proselytization goes on forever although it is almost always someone different each time. But still, it’s no more than someone trying to share something with me that they think I would enjoy or benefit from. I do understand how it could get very annoying if people kept recommending the same movie decade after decade but for the most part it's really no different than that

your truth and your way is not everyone's, you should respect that. But religious people always feel they need to ram their beliefs down non believers throats. I have never tried to convince anyone else that my belief (or non belief) is correct. Why can't believers show us the same respect.  

One of my major reasons for non belief is that your religions all say "peace and to love one another" and yet you kill each other in your Gods name (and the same God by the way) if you don't believe in the same interpretation. Just from an analytical aspect, that makes no sense.

-- Modified on 2/23/2014 10:55:00 AM

-- Modified on 2/23/2014 10:55:58 AM

and DrunkenAsian on how science is the truth and the way. I am not defending religion at all. I can make arguments against religion all day. I really like to know how drunkenAsian defines as the truth. The question is more philosophical rather than on the merits of religion.

-- Modified on 2/23/2014 2:13:13 PM

there is no truth (in that manor) and the way implies a path to something. I believe we are born, we live (hopefully respecting each other) and then we die, there's a natural order to things. It's funny, in the very few real discussions I've had on this subject they, the believers, will say remember that when you meet your maker. My reply, I already have, my mother and my father.

but frankly it produces numerous questions. If there is no such concept as truth, then why did DrunkenAsian bring it up? Why have laws, why even adjudicate them if there is no such thing as truth? If there is no truth why even have a creation? Why do we even have words such as reality, honesty, perfection, to describe certain conditions of life.  

To say you are born, you live and die, isn't that a truth you are expounding? You say you are scientist, ok, so why even fund research projects and conduct experiments to test an hypotheses if there is no such thing as truth. You say there is natural order to things. Fine but isn't that a truth you are stating?

Your statement there is no truth, is a hollow and flippant answer

who believe in God. What would you say to them. Better yet, in your mind, how do you see them being able to be scientist and believe in God. I know the answer. Let's see if you do!   ;)

but I respect everyone else's right to believe what they may. I just wish religious folks would extend me the same respect. They just can't stand it when you don't believe what they believe, in fact all throughout history they've killed each other over it, in their God's name no less.

I was born in the South , never seen any Holy rollers going to Church twice a day .
  I know  a  Muslim family that  prays at home six times a day but they haven't  tried  to convert me .

   I've seen Churches with  services at different times , because there were not enough seats for everyone at one showing .  
  Does the scientist in you believe the same people at the Movie theater are watching  the same Movie at 12:30  , 2:30  , 4;30 , 6;30 , 8:30 , 10:30 and the  midnight show ?  
  Church leaders  in the ancient past  taught their flock  the Earth was bowl shaped like most modern scientists hairdo  ,  while scientists were trying to convince the weak and easily led ,  the Earth was flat, and heavy rains rolled off the edges ,  
  Finally  the Church tried to  set them straight with  "The adventures of Noah and the Ark ".  
 Even after reading about the Ark , most  scientists  didn't believe in  Noah because they  were  convinced the  Earth was flat .  
  I hope you realize the Earth was covered with water at one time , much more than today , very much like the movie "Water world"  
 Scientists in modern times and amateur fossil hunters thousand of miles from Oceans have proven that fact .  

  I rarely have a Holy roller  ask me if I'm going to Heaven when I die .  The few times I've had that happen ,  I tell them the truth , "If Hell is real that's where I'm headed."   That always  stops the conversation  quickly .  

  Why are  believers killing each other over different beliefs any different than the North and South killing each other over their beliefs . I hope you don't think the Civil war was over religion !  
  Was WW2 over religion ? If you think that's so , where 's your proof or foolish link  ?  
  I haven't seen any wars or mass killings over religion in my neck of the woods in my lifetime .  
 If I go back to an earlier  life hundreds and hundreds of years ago , in my Crusade days , I remember those battles over religion .  
  I'm with you respecting peoples right to believe whatever they care to believe , but scientists teaching  bald faced lies to children , and expecting  logical adults to be led like naive  little children ,
 aggravate me .  
  I hope you aren't a scientist teaching gullible children Polar Bears are sweet and cuddly . That's sick !
   If I was a scientist I would be teaching children how to protect themselves against those children eating beasts ,  before their  population gets out of hand .

Posted By: russbbj
So, on a lazy Sunday like today when I'm lounging around the house, I see them all coming to the church (twice a day) but I respect everyone else's right to believe what they may. I just wish religious folks would extend me the same respect. They just can't stand it when you don't believe what they believe, in fact all throughout history they've killed each other over it, in their God's name no less.

-- Modified on 2/23/2014 9:27:10 PM

GaGambler598 reads

People are being killed everyday over religion, and our Civil War was hardly fought over "different beliefs" it was fought over money and power, like so many wars before and since.

and telling a holy roller that you are gong to hell rarely will shut them up, usually it invites more conversation/preaching instead. You should feel fortunate that you don't live in the bible belt, or you might be a little more in tune with what russ had to say. I've lived in the South for decades and I know damned well that these religious pukes will smile in your face, but wouldn't hesitate to string you up from the highest tree in the name of their religion if they thought they could get away with it. These "nice church folk" are as narrow minded, duplicitous, and downright scary as any muslim terrorist beneath that smiling veneer.

I can't apologize for idiot racists  , or change the way they feel .  
Growing  up around the devoutly  religious AND  atheists , you wouldn't have been treated like that in the Bible belt if you weren't Asian and outnumbered 1000 to 1 .  
Bullies from everywhere , whether religious or atheist almost always  harass  the vastly outnumbered  .  
  You would have likely endured the same racism in your youth if you had grown up at the same time , almost anywhere in the U.S. except New York  or San Francisco .    You grew up during  this countries most recent  anti Asian  times .  
   Not many years  before you were born , the President himself was extremely racist against Asians .
  Most atheist or religious  thugs looking for prey , will likely look at me and think to themselves  " That MOFO might cut my head off  if I fuck with him " , even though in reality they don't realize , I'm a really nice guy ,  trying to live my life with peace and harmony with everyone in the human race  .   :-D
   Even the most devout  believer in heaven ,  or atheist that is happy with the knowledge he will turn to dirt after death , will try to save their skin on this earth ,  when  they have a choice to live .
  I've had a few  issues  with violent skin heads as an adult , but they don't  count as human . :-@

Posted By: GaGambler
People are being killed everyday over religion, and our Civil War was hardly fought over "different beliefs" it was fought over money and power, like so many wars before and since.  
 and telling a holy roller that you are gong to hell rarely will shut them up, usually it invites more conversation/preaching instead. You should feel fortunate that you don't live in the bible belt, or you might be a little more in tune with what russ had to say. I've lived in the South for decades and I know damned well that these religious pukes will smile in your face, but wouldn't hesitate to string you up from the highest tree in the name of their religion if they thought they could get away with it. These "nice church folk" are as narrow minded, duplicitous, and downright scary as any muslim terrorist beneath that smiling veneer.

their beliefs, and how they came to those beliefs. I find it fascinating to learn each persons journey.

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