Politics and Religion

No, but you could submit that to Wikipedia as the text-book definition of "Democrat", lol!
Ben Dover 1621 reads

you are absolutle correct with the Thomas Jefferson observation, he was one of the true visionaries that could see past the confines of higharchy system, that most of the founders could not, be it in religion OR government.

A "liberal" SHOULD be someone who fights against establisment-powers, but it's been blended with the Democrap poison for so long that modern liberals have more become the problem instead of the solution... I do know a few good old "liberals", and any of them would spit in Hillary's face if they had a chance...

Conservatives seems to relish their title and admit to being conservatives at the drop of a hat.  It is rare to hear a liberal admit to being a liberal.  Every one of them seem to have a different description of themselves from "progressive" to "truth givers of the universe."  There is very little sense of pride or community from them, and yet they can be quite cuddly sometimes.

Or should we call them "those people of whom do not speak of their name?"

In any case, it seems liberals may be endangered and we may need to start planning captive breeding programs soon.  Just a heads up.  Caught up in the compassion of the moment, I'm willing to have my sperm subsidized.

Lets keep hope alive.

harryj2673 reads

I believe it is appropriate to call them what they are: "Knee-Jerk Meddling Whining Lazy Liars". A classic liberal was Thomas Jefferson, now, however, he would have to be labeled a conservative. The liberals of today screw up everything they come in contact with. Their heros and mentors, Uncle Joe Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. are sure a fine gaggle of inspiration.

Ben Dover1622 reads

you are absolutle correct with the Thomas Jefferson observation, he was one of the true visionaries that could see past the confines of higharchy system, that most of the founders could not, be it in religion OR government.

A "liberal" SHOULD be someone who fights against establisment-powers, but it's been blended with the Democrap poison for so long that modern liberals have more become the problem instead of the solution... I do know a few good old "liberals", and any of them would spit in Hillary's face if they had a chance...

There is no God but me-me-me-me

Well, almost all of the people who get labeled as liberals want to be called by their proper label- Moderates. The right wingers in the U.S. are so far off the charts that they think anyone to the left of Mussolini is a crazed lefty. There is no left in the U.S. if you think there is, then you don't know what left wing means.

Bill Clinton a liberal? C'mon. Look at the welfare reform package he pushed through congress making welfare in the U.S. a workfare program- exactly what the right had been screaming for. NAFTA? Exactly what the business community in the U.S. had been screaming for.

The right wingers in the U.S. live in a world populated by two kinds of people, US and THEM. Disagree with the right wing on one single policy position and all of a sudden you become THEM and out comes the tar brush. It's incredibly juvenile as well as destructive to the actual political discourse which is necessary to a healthy democratic system.

harryj1580 reads

Close, Wormwood, but you had a typo: "The LEFT wingers in the U.S. live in a world populated by two kinds of people, US and THEM." I have the impression that you are a retired teacher. Most teachers I know follow in lock step the dogma of the teachers union which is a sorry thing.

he does seem to suffer from myopia

probably from all the Huffypost he injects under his eyelids...

"I have the impression that you are a retired teacher. Most teachers I know follow in lock step the dogma of the teachers union which is a sorry thing."

 Just because the worm had a teachers degree doesn't mean his students learned anything ..

One of the first resorts of those who have nothing of substance to add to a discussion.

Thanks for playing though, gents. Enjoy the lovely parting gifts.

Timbow1869 reads

Bill Clinton did the welfare reform package beacuse of Newt and the Republican Congress pushing him :)

I think it's safe to say it was a cooperative effort. Clinton definitely sold the bill to many Senate Democrats who wanted to filibuster. It's also safe to say that it's been a very successful bill for most although people who are legitimately disabled can be left without much-needed help.

Did the republican congress also push Clinton/Gore to streamline the bureaucracy and drastically increase efficiency? Was that a traditional liberal goal?

There's no way one can accurately label Clinton a liberal. He's far to opportunistic a politician to let a label get in the way of accumulating and wielding power.

Ben Dover2112 reads

But political veiwpoints seem to be cyclically connected, thus I've gone so far to the right, that I now sit just left of the liberals...
I'm starting to like the label "Ultra-Liberal", and I recoil at the though of being associated with the ideologies that "conservative" has come to mean during these dark and dilluted days of political apathy...

I think it's time for "liberals" to shed the dead weight of the title "democrat" and move into our own new realm, the "D-word" is the filth I want to scrub from my identity, "Liberal" suits me fine...

I think it's time for "liberals" to shed the dead weight of the title "democrat" and move into our own new realm, the "D-word" is the filth I want to scrub from my identity, "Liberal" suits me fine...

What an interesting notion... do away with political parties, and replace them with idealogy parties. And my party is the Next Great Party! Here's my idealogical mantra - sex trikes rock and roll! Cum one, cum all, cum often! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

The name implies a belief in liberty, and challenging authority, 2 strong American traditions!!!

While some of my fellow travelers have wimped out and chosen euphemisms like "Progressive", and many conservatives believe that anyone who didn't buy into all of Newt's old "Contract with America" had to be a Socialist, or a Communist.

You mean he got better?

I'm thinking maybe Docs Dad passed away..RIP

From the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a definition of liberal:

- broad-minded, not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms

Now a definition of conservative:

- resistant to change, favoring tradition (where tradition refers to religious, cultural, or nationally defined beliefs and customs)

So, would I rather be broad minded or closed minded?  Hmmmm...

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