Politics and Religion

Nnoway you can't hide your comments on here. Lol
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1584 reads
1 / 61

The Politics and Religion forum on TER was created as a result of a series of politically themed threads that went so far to the right side a single letter was often the only clue there was something there.

And so this board was created for those who needed the outlet,and as a result, for more than a decade, the General Discussion board went back to the innocuous range of threads it was meant to be.  

P&R was exactly that a forum for political and religious dialog that often went overboard, but never to the degree it is now.

I don't have to name names or point out details to you, or anyone else who thinks rationally and has read this board over time. It's gotten out of hand, and beneath contemptible. It is time to put it to rest.

I'm not an innocent, as I have myself on many occasions become embroiled in bitter arguments and name calling, what with me being a militant Jew with no patience for Antisemitism, real or perceived.

But this is not about me, it is about the degradation of this forum into the fetid sewer it has become. One need only look at how dramatically the Top 10 posters list has changed in the last few months.
(Except for Laffy, who is neither left nor right, just a gadfly in need of an appreciative audience of one and his name in print.)
It is no longer a benefit to TER or its clientele, lowers the quality bar of TER, and frankly, has become an embarrassment that never really did belong on a fuckboard, and certainly no longer has ANY place here, at least not in its current incarnation.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 223 reads
2 / 61

Albeit, a rather mutated P&R form of it. Some of what you have to say is valid about the decline of the board, but I'm sure not universal agreement about all elements of your jeremiad. The ultimate decision if the board stays or goes is up to those who post here & administration, NOT a single disgruntled hobbyist.

In the event this is put to a vote, I say keep the board up, sometimes it's a useful forum where kernels of insight can be expounded on.
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
The Politics and Religion forum on TER was created as a result of a series of politically themed threads that went so far to the right side a single letter was often the only clue there was something there.  
 And so this board was created for those who needed the outlet,and as a result, for more than a decade, the General Discussion board went back to the innocuous range of threads it was meant to be.  
 P&R was exactly that a forum for political and religious dialog that often went overboard, but never to the degree it is now.  
 I don't have to name names or point out details to you, or anyone else who thinks rationally and has read this board over time. It's gotten out of hand, and beneath contemptible. It is time to put it to rest.  
 I'm not an innocent, as I have myself on many occasions become embroiled in bitter arguments and name calling, what with me being a militant Jew with no patience for Antisemitism, real or perceived.  
 But this is not about me, it is about the degradation of this forum into the fetid sewer it has become. One need only look at how dramatically the Top 10 posters list has changed in the last few months.  
 (Except for Laffy, who is neither left nor right, just a gadfly in need of an appreciative audience of one and his name in print.)  
 It is no longer a benefit to TER or its clientele, lowers the quality bar of TER, and frankly, has become an embarrassment that never really did belong on a fuckboard, and certainly no longer has ANY place here, at least not in its current incarnation.

bigguy30 169 reads
3 / 61

I agree at times things are said that are below the belt.
When you look at the Trump campaign and how they do things.
The Trump supporters act the same way with their racism and lies.
So if they start with that garbage, then I will respond and won't shy away from it either.

This Presidential campaign is not about ideas Doc.
When you have a fool like Trump running around and talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Then why are you surprised his supporters act the same way?
Also libs have to defend themselves against their made up lies?

Just to be honest with you.
I am not the biggest Hillary fan either.  
Trump becoming President would destroy this country.
So I don't care what Trump supporters say, it's the truth!

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
The Politics and Religion forum on TER was created as a result of a series of politically themed threads that went so far to the right side a single letter was often the only clue there was something there.  
 And so this board was created for those who needed the outlet,and as a result, for more than a decade, the General Discussion board went back to the innocuous range of threads it was meant to be.  
 P&R was exactly that a forum for political and religious dialog that often went overboard, but never to the degree it is now.  
 I don't have to name names or point out details to you, or anyone else who thinks rationally and has read this board over time. It's gotten out of hand, and beneath contemptible. It is time to put it to rest.  
 I'm not an innocent, as I have myself on many occasions become embroiled in bitter arguments and name calling, what with me being a militant Jew with no patience for Antisemitism, real or perceived.  
 But this is not about me, it is about the degradation of this forum into the fetid sewer it has become. One need only look at how dramatically the Top 10 posters list has changed in the last few months.  
 (Except for Laffy, who is neither left nor right, just a gadfly in need of an appreciative audience of one and his name in print.)  
 It is no longer a benefit to TER or its clientele, lowers the quality bar of TER, and frankly, has become an embarrassment that never really did belong on a fuckboard, and certainly no longer has ANY place here, at least not in its current incarnation.
-- Modified on 8/22/2016 4:29:15 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 289 reads
4 / 61

...Do any of us have a vote as to how this board should be run?  This board belongs to TER and they can do whatever the hell they want with it.  It's their ball so they make the rules.  With ignorant fools like you being one of the most frequent posters, Gonzo's idea doesn't sound half-bad.

"jeremiad?"  Please stop jerking off to your thesaurus while looking for a synonym for "rant."

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 291 reads
5 / 61

Speaking of ignorant fools. Sorry if your vocabulary is so limited. Why don't you go off & harass someone, more your style, or better yet, look for your burial plot ? Even geriatric hobbyists need to plan ahead. Btw, being the # 2 poster on this board ( an appropriate # for you ) I find your rant against me being a prolific poster to be moronically ironic.

Since you lack basic reading comprehension skills, I also put the question to administration; if they want to pull the board, or not, their call.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Do any of us have a vote as to how this board should be run?  This board belongs to TER and they can do whatever the hell they want with it.  It's their ball so they make the rules.  With ignorant fools like you being one of the most frequent posters, Gonzo's idea doesn't sound half-bad.  
 "jeremiad?"  Please stop jerking off to your thesaurus while looking for a synonym for "rant."
-- Modified on 8/22/2016 1:46:14 PM

bigguy30 287 reads
6 / 61

Doc is complaining about with this P&R forum. Lol

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Speaking of ignorant fools. Sorry if your vocabulary is so limited. Why don't you go off & harass someone, more your style, or better yet, look for your burial plot ? Even geriatric hobbyists need to plan ahead.  
 Since you lack basic reading comprehension skills, I also put the question to administration; if they want to pull the board, or not, their call.  
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Do any of us have a vote as to how this board should be run?  This board belongs to TER and they can do whatever the hell they want with it.  It's their ball so they make the rules.  With ignorant fools like you being one of the most frequent posters, Gonzo's idea doesn't sound half-bad.  
  "jeremiad?"  Please stop jerking off to your thesaurus while looking for a synonym for "rant."
-- Modified on 8/22/2016 5:15:22 PM

LasVegan 155 reads
7 / 61

specific point somewhere in your WORDY diatribe that even remotely explains how you have come to this flawed conclusion?

saltyballs 121 reads
8 / 61
marikod 1 Reviews 265 reads
9 / 61

Most of the heavy posters make no pretense about being here to “discuss the issues.” They simply post newspaper headlines, assert a position, and, as soon as someone disagrees with them, they start name calling. Put em on ignore- they’re gone.  

       I have gotten a lot of garbage off the Board that way. Name calling posts don’t bother me. True, I don’t get very many of those (as opposed to “your argument’s stupid” – I get plenty of those LOL) but I do get upset when I find myself reading the adolescent “you’re stupid” –“no, you are stupid” dialogues that dominate the Board. What a waste of my time. Ignore solves this problem.

    Admittedly, this does not solve the spamming problem. I’d like to see TERadmin post a “Trump is bad because” post each day and move all Trump posts to that thread. Or at least enforce the same topic rule. This way Laffy can do “Trump is bad” 5 times a day without knocking the other new posts off the page.  

      Shutting down the forum seems a drastic way to solve the problem

bigguy30 178 reads
10 / 61

You sometimes really have to wonder about people. Lol

Posted By: saltyballs

bigguy30 193 reads
11 / 61

If you need more proof listen to conservative media and Fox Fake News.

Posted By: bigguy30
You sometimes really have to wonder about people. Lol  
Posted By: saltyballs

mrhuck 15 Reviews 141 reads
12 / 61

There will always be trolls on any internet forum, if TER shuts down every forum that has trolls there will be no discussion groups left. My suggestion would be to moderate out the posters that do nothing but call each other names & contribute nothing to the forum subject.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 295 reads
13 / 61

If I said, 'My dentist advised me to floss," we would both understand that the dentist was a free person in full ownership of himself, but because of an ongoing relationship and transaction of goods and services, we would both also understand that I have a sense of ownership that allows such a statement to be sensible.

Likewise, I can refer to my profession, our neighborhood, her art, and other such, each with various degrees of true ownership although not necessarily material ownership.

I think it's the same with the boards.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 301 reads
14 / 61

Why is he so hellbent on closing it down if he's no longer participating ? How is its continuing existence adversely affecting him ?

& this brings up 2 questions to administration : 1. Has TER ever closed down a board ? 2. Are they considering shutting P&R down ?
Posted By: marikod
      Most of the heavy posters make no pretense about being here to “discuss the issues.” They simply post newspaper headlines, assert a position, and, as soon as someone disagrees with them, they start name calling. Put em on ignore- they’re gone.  
        I have gotten a lot of garbage off the Board that way. Name calling posts don’t bother me. True, I don’t get very many of those (as opposed to “your argument’s stupid” – I get plenty of those LOL) but I do get upset when I find myself reading the adolescent “you’re stupid” –“no, you are stupid” dialogues that dominate the Board. What a waste of my time. Ignore solves this problem.  
     Admittedly, this does not solve the spamming problem. I’d like to see TERadmin post a “Trump is bad because” post each day and move all Trump posts to that thread. Or at least enforce the same topic rule. This way Laffy can do “Trump is bad” 5 times a day without knocking the other new posts off the page.  
       Shutting down the forum seems a drastic way to solve the problem.  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 130 reads
15 / 61

Over the years this board has given voice to a lot of hatred and bullying. Of course, for most of that time, the board was dominated by angry white make conservatives mostly crying out that the days depicted by Norman Rockwell have been replaced with a world a tad more egalitarian.

However displeased the more progressive posters were with the abusive comments and degrading insults directed at them, no one asked to have the board removed.

How brave of you to take note that left-leaning voices are for awhile enjoying a period of celebration and hope, and taking this into account you have suddenly noticed that not everyone here shares the same views, so rather than risk conflict, you muster the courage to cry out for the abolishment of the forum.

We all envy your idealistic resolve, I'm sure. (poe's law)

bigguy30 104 reads
16 / 61

Posted By: Laffy
Which is why his BFF is GaG, who cries the same exact thing non-stop.....and why they both love Trump, who is the KING of playing victim.

JakeFromStateFarm 333 reads
17 / 61

brings back people to read and post here.
Also, the board is no worse than it was before it was shut down and moderated.  Gonzo is hypersensitive.

marikod 1 Reviews 183 reads
18 / 61

He may be communicating back channel. He may be making suggestions to TERadmin. So I don’t know if it is accurate to say he is “no longer a regular here.”  Obviously, he has continued to monitor the Board and put some thought into his post.

        Plus don’t forget that he recently floated the idea of a P & R Board Meet and Greet in Vegas, and was immediately shot down by the trolls. He asked for an honest discussion on education and was shot down by the trolls. Was he naive? Of course- but it was still a slap in the face.

       So I’d say the Board’s descent into daily adolescent insults has adversely affected him. You can hardly blame the guy when he raises the question of the viability of this forum.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Why is he so hellbent on closing it down if he's no longer participating ? How is its continuing existence adversely affecting him ?  
 & this brings up 2 questions to administration : 1. Has TER ever closed down a board ? 2. Are they considering shutting P&R down ?  
Posted By: marikod
      Most of the heavy posters make no pretense about being here to “discuss the issues.” They simply post newspaper headlines, assert a position, and, as soon as someone disagrees with them, they start name calling. Put em on ignore- they’re gone.    
         I have gotten a lot of garbage off the Board that way. Name calling posts don’t bother me. True, I don’t get very many of those (as opposed to “your argument’s stupid” – I get plenty of those LOL) but I do get upset when I find myself reading the adolescent “you’re stupid” –“no, you are stupid” dialogues that dominate the Board. What a waste of my time. Ignore solves this problem.  
      Admittedly, this does not solve the spamming problem. I’d like to see TERadmin post a “Trump is bad because” post each day and move all Trump posts to that thread. Or at least enforce the same topic rule. This way Laffy can do “Trump is bad” 5 times a day without knocking the other new posts off the page.    
        Shutting down the forum seems a drastic way to solve the problem.  

saltyballs 164 reads
19 / 61

Politics and Religion board guidelines per TER: We made a special place on TER just for the guys who “REALLY” want to debate what is going on in politics. If this is your thing, put your gloves and hard hats on and come in.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 247 reads
20 / 61

...dialogue but for P&R exchange of opinions. Politics are meant to be disagreeable. If it isn't disagreeable chances are it's not a political forum but a religious cult that you're participating in. Some discussions get heated, and on forums like this you should expect most of the people to be exchanging stupid one-liners that while usually reveal their political leanings add nothing substantive to the discussion itself.  

That goes double if you want to discuss Middle East or anything having to do with the Jews.  

If you're not ready for it you should find yourself a "safe space", i.e. a group of those who feel about things like you do and stick to that. This forum works exactly the way it suppose to. Good American phrase comes to mind: "can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen".  

I met plenty of blacks who believe that every time you say something against Obama you're being racist and met plenty of Jews who believe that every time you disagree with their position on Israel you're being Antisemitic. I look at both of such types as my inferiors, let alone intellectual lightweights. If you fit into one of those categories you should really keep your yiddishe kop from overheating by getting too involved in political discussions and stick to reviewing chicks

FatVern 225 reads
21 / 61

That's your philosophy?  

I'm going to apply this same logic to the Synagogue down the street.

FatVern 166 reads
22 / 61

Is there anything else on other than retards making fools of themselves?

I don't care what channel you stop on it's nothing but retards, I think they get half their material from this board. I'd be a bigger fool, if I called in and told them how retarded they sound.

LasVegan 179 reads
23 / 61

That too has been taken care of by TER.  Anyone can read a post and if they feel it is offensive or insulting, they can click the button below the post.  TER admin will then take care of it.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 255 reads
24 / 61

oh wait, I just checked - yep there's bg30 trying to make this about Trump, and Laffy painting me as a Trump supporter even though he knows better. But he gets a pass since I singled him out as the loudest noise in the room.  

As for the rest of it - whether a response was added to the thread or not, I've said what I needed to say, and managed to get the predictable ones to prove my point for me

bigguy30 237 reads
25 / 61

So you seem to leave out the white people crying about losing this country.
Also the same people crying about affirmative action too.
I know you are a closet Trump supporter and it works both ways.

Since these same people, I consider lightweights myself.  
You are not that slick added in your bs. Lol
Posted By: Nnoway
...dialogue but for P&R exchange of opinions. Politics are meant to be disagreeable. If it isn't disagreeable chances are it's not a political forum but a religious cult that you're participating in. Some discussions get heated, and on forums like this you should expect most of the people to be exchanging stupid one-liners that while usually reveal their political leanings add nothing substantive to the discussion itself.  
 That goes double if you want to discuss Middle East or anything having to do with the Jews.  
 If you're not ready for it you should find yourself a "safe space", i.e. a group of those who feel about things like you do and stick to that. This forum works exactly the way it suppose to. Good American phrase comes to mind: "can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen".  
 I met plenty of blacks who believe that every time you say something against Obama you're being racist and met plenty of Jews who believe that every time you disagree with their position on Israel you're being Antisemitic. I look at both of such types as my inferiors, let alone intellectual lightweights. If you fit into one of those categories you should really keep your yiddishe kop from overheating by getting too involved in political discussions and stick to reviewing chicks.  

bigguy30 228 reads
26 / 61

I guess he does not watch the news or listen to the radio much.

Well I call bs on you DoctorGonzo.
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
oh wait, I just checked - yep there's bg30 trying to make this about Trump, and Laffy painting me as a Trump supporter even though he knows better. But he gets a pass since I singled him out as the loudest noise in the room.  
 As for the rest of it - whether a response was added to the thread or not, I've said what I needed to say, and managed to get the predictable ones to prove my point for me.  

pot/kettle 155 reads
27 / 61

jumped right in and, without even realizing it, proved you were right.  lol

As much as he continues to stubbornly admit that he has ever been wrong, Laffy still tries to say that you are a Trump supporter and has even referred to you as a "righty."  Some things are so fucking stupid that they cannot be explained.

I've gotten to the point where I only periodically check in now after finally giving up the hopes of any true discussion on this board.  I refuse to use the "ignore" feature because that defeats the purpose of being on a DISCUSSION board.  Hell, if I put every idiot on here on "ignore" there might only be a dozen or so posters left.  It would though, eliminate the thousands of posts each month that come from the top posters on the board.  Hell, maybe I need to reconsider!!!  ;-)

pot/kettle 163 reads
28 / 61

"hijacking" a thread means????

Stupid is as stupid does.  Or whatever that line was from Forrest Gump back in the day . . . .

LasVegan 213 reads
29 / 61

He considers them collateral damage when he nukes the entire middle east.  Need a job in the nuclear waste removal industry?  He's hiring!

LasVegan 226 reads
30 / 61
Nnoway 13 Reviews 174 reads
31 / 61

Actually it's not only white people who cry about affirmative action. You're forgetting a very important and ever increasing segment of American population. Black people who got somewhere exclusively on their own merit often cry about affirmative action too.  

Come on bigguy30, you know that deep inside you love me! You know that I maybe many things but hypocrite I sure ain't. You know I'm not one of those who's gonna give you a plastic smile and try to change topic and nod in polite agreement every time you touch on sensitive topic. You do know that, don't you? So if you wanna engage dude don't hold back.  

As far as me being a closet Trump supporter, we already touched on that many times and I ain't repeating myself. The fact that I happen to like the Clintons doesn't mean that I'm blind to what's seem to always go on around them, if not one thing then the other. But you apparently are.  

Although to tell you the truth I don't think you yourself like Hillary all that much too. If I had to bet, I'd bet that you're one of them Bernie cry-babies whose parents support them financially well into their 30s so their precious "kinder" could have a chance to go and mix it up with senior citizens at the Trump rallies.

-- Modified on 8/22/2016 9:06:57 PM

Nnoway 13 Reviews 139 reads
32 / 61

...how do you know that I didn't mention my own in that post? I mean I wouldn't expect you bigguy30 to ever criticize the racioethnic group you belong to but don't judge everybody by your own standards. Between the two of us you're the one who's a hypocrite and religious zealot to boot.  

What is your religion bro? Bernieism or maybe you're a Bushist in hiding? I know it's not Clintonism because those two are a bit too sophisticated to build a religion around themselves. If I had to bet I bet you're a part of the Obama nation. For some reason when I write it out I always have a tendency to write it as one word and put an "i" in place of the 2nd "a" before realizing what I've just done and going back to correct it.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 224 reads
33 / 61

And I don't see any of the gruffness that would suggest it is anything but a forum to discuss ideas. Like a lot of threads, it doesn't always stick to the subject presented in the OP, but...oh well.

bigguy30 148 reads
34 / 61

I will say it again, you are not slick and sound very foolish.
The more you post comments the truth comes out about you.

Also as much as you try to hide it.
I know you are voting for Trump too.
It's like most GOP supporters got their masters in bullshit! Lol
Posted By: Nnoway
...how do you know that I didn't mention my own in that post? I mean I wouldn't expect you bigguy30 to ever criticize the racioethnic group you belong to but don't judge everybody by your own standards. Between the two of us you're the one who's a hypocrite and religious zealot to boot.  
 What is your religion bro? Bernieism or maybe you're a Bushist in hiding? I know it's not Clintonism because those two are a bit too sophisticated to build a religion around themselves. If I had to bet I bet you're a part of the Obama nation. For some reason when I write it out I always have a tendency to write it as one word and put an "i" in place of the 2nd "a" before realizing what I've just done and going back to correct it.

bigguy30 183 reads
35 / 61

I know you don't like to hear the truth about your GOP party or supporters.
Just stop your garbage and my comments tied into this thread too.

Posted By: pot/kettle
"hijacking" a thread means????  
 Stupid is as stupid does.  Or whatever that line was from Forrest Gump back in the day . . . .

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 203 reads
36 / 61

Also suffering from delusions of adequacy, conditions that you need to seek attention for ASAP.

Posted By: Nnoway
...dialogue but for P&R exchange of opinions. Politics are meant to be disagreeable. If it isn't disagreeable chances are it's not a political forum but a religious cult that you're participating in. Some discussions get heated, and on forums like this you should expect most of the people to be exchanging stupid one-liners that while usually reveal their political leanings add nothing substantive to the discussion itself.  
 That goes double if you want to discuss Middle East or anything having to do with the Jews.  
 If you're not ready for it you should find yourself a "safe space", i.e. a group of those who feel about things like you do and stick to that. This forum works exactly the way it suppose to. Good American phrase comes to mind: "can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen".  
 I met plenty of blacks who believe that every time you say something against Obama you're being racist and met plenty of Jews who believe that every time you disagree with their position on Israel you're being Antisemitic. I look at both of such types as my inferiors, let alone intellectual lightweights. If you fit into one of those categories you should really keep your yiddishe kop from overheating by getting too involved in political discussions and stick to reviewing chicks.  

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 311 reads
38 / 61

I have browsed this forum almost every day for the past 14+ years. For a time, I was even the "secret" Moderator for this board.
I only censored a post or thread unless it really went overboard in violating TER guidelines.I don't recall ever shutting down a sub-thread as happens all too frequently today.
I always got rations of shit for decisions i made, but I did my damnedest to be fair, even when the comments rankled me to the point of anger (blatant and openly Antisemitic comments by the likes of funtime69 or tallslim26 come to mind. They were awful but I could not find any TER violations, so I had to let them stand).  

That's my bona fide and where I am coming from when I say this forum has degenerated over time. Metaphorically speaking, this place was never the online Cheers bar, but it WAS a lively online Western Saloon where people got into brawls all the time and sometimes shared a beer.Threads even sometimes surpassed the 1000 reads yardstick.

Now look at it.

What some in this thread call hypersensitive or weak, I prefer to think of as civilized and rational. Now observe as the infections of sentient sewage reveal themselves over and over again.
Posted By: WickedBrut
And I don't see any of the gruffness that would suggest it is anything but a forum to discuss ideas. Like a lot of threads, it doesn't always stick to the subject presented in the OP, but...oh well.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 179 reads
39 / 61

I could be wrong, but don't see that happening. Do you ?

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
I have browsed this forum almost every day for the past 14+ years. For a time, I was even the "secret" Moderator for this board.  
 I only censored a post or thread unless it really went overboard in violating TER guidelines.I don't recall ever shutting down a sub-thread as happens all too frequently today.  
 I always got rations of shit for decisions i made, but I did my damnedest to be fair, even when the comments rankled me to the point of anger (blatant and openly Antisemitic comments by the likes of funtime69 or tallslim26 come to mind. They were awful but I could not find any TER violations, so I had to let them stand).  
 That's my bona fide and where I am coming from when I say this forum has degenerated over time. Metaphorically speaking, this place was never the online Cheers bar, but it WAS a lively online Western Saloon where people got into brawls all the time and sometimes shared a beer.Threads even sometimes surpassed the 1000 reads yardstick.  
 Now look at it.  
 What some in this thread call hypersensitive or weak, I prefer to think of as civilized and rational. Now observe as the infections of sentient sewage reveal themselves over and over again.  
Posted By: WickedBrut
And I don't see any of the gruffness that would suggest it is anything but a forum to discuss ideas. Like a lot of threads, it doesn't always stick to the subject presented in the OP, but...oh well.
-- Modified on 8/23/2016 8:50:57 AM

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 207 reads
40 / 61

Posted By: FatVern
That's your philosophy?    
 I'm going to apply this same logic to the Synagogue down the street.

bigguy30 196 reads
41 / 61
GaGambler 286 reads
42 / 61

About the only rules that were mandatory during my "administration" were no outing of personal information, no blatant personal threats, and no using more than one alias or handle in the same thread. I read every single post made here for years and never pulled more than a handful and those were mainly for multiple aliases and almost never for content.

That said, calling to simply shut the board down because YOU don't like it any more is kind of a bitchy, whiny move. If you don't like what it has become, DON'T FUCKING COME HERE, it's as simple as that, I don't care much for what the board has become lately, so I just don't post as much. If enough people start to feel that way the board will die a natural death.  

This post of yours however should at least prove you are still a leftie. "Open minded" lefties are the ones who created political correctness and PC speak, they are also the first to call for censorship when they disagree with people. I remember a certain lefty here who wanted to conspire with me to "get the goods" on a certain board troll here so we could force him off the board. IOW he wanted to threaten "real world" consequences for stupid shit said on the internet, it's no wonder he wasn't much on paying off his debts either.  

AAR, the board is what the board is. It doesn't belong to any of us. if you don't like a TV show you can simply turn the channel, you don't have to write to the network DEMANDING they cancel it. That's just being cunty, and if the FC fits, wear it. lo

GaGambler 132 reads
43 / 61


Sorry Doc, but you really stepped in it this time.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 229 reads
44 / 61

...Barry is your masta, the masta of ya' brain. "Barry says go right - bigguy go right, Barry says go left biggay go left." You joined yourself at his hip. And what you accused me of, that's what you are: the greatest hypocrite that ever contributed here. Hipo-hipo-hipo-crite! Back in the day Bob Marley wrote a song about the likes of you (attached).  

All that in addition to being a chicken shit because unlike me you post under alias, and that's a definition of being "coward". You say you are "Bigguy"? I'd say you should've picked "smallgirl" as your alias. That would've been more appropriate.

bigguy30 207 reads
45 / 61

The truth is really getting to your dumb ass and I love it.

Posted By: Nnoway
...Barry is your masta, the masta of ya' brain. "Barry says go right - bigguy go right, Barry says go left biggay go left." You joined yourself at his hip. And what you accused me of, that's what you are: the greatest hypocrite that ever contributed here. Hipo-hipo-hipo-crite! Back in the day Bob Marley wrote a song about the likes of you (attached).  
 All that in addition to being a chicken shit because unlike me you post under alias, and that's a definition of being "coward". You say you are "Bigguy"? I'd say you should've picked "smallgirl" as your alias. That would've been more appropriate.
-- Modified on 8/23/2016 2:21:09 PM

Nnoway 13 Reviews 211 reads
46 / 61
bigguy30 200 reads
47 / 61

I been around for a little while now and your comments are atill not working.

Posted By: Nnoway
-- Modified on 8/23/2016 7:28:41 PM

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 203 reads
48 / 61
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 239 reads
49 / 61

It's like a guy who's somewhat colorblind who cannot distinguish blue from green and winds up wearing mismatching socks.

Here's how it works for them. A fellow spits on someone he doesn't like the looks of and says, You can't stop me from spitting on Jews because this is America and I have Freedom of Speech."  

So the government had to go through a time-consuming process to determine if spitting on someone is a form of expression guaranteed by the 1st Amendment? Or is it an assault? Meanwhile some guy who runs a deli tells the fellow who spits on Jews that because of his behavior he can no longer be a customer and that he will no longer be served his usual pastrami and cheddar sandwich.

So the fellow again says, "This is America and I have Freedom of Speech! You HAVE to serve me."

 And the guy who runs the deli says, "Fuck you! This is America and I can deny service to whoever I want!"

Now, to the conservative, the deli owner is just whining and being politically correct. If eventually the court rules that spitting on people is an assault, the fellow whines and grumbles about how his rights are being trampled and how people like the deli owner are just being "politically correct" in not serving him his pastrami and cheddar.

If the court rules the other way, that spitting on people is an expression sanctioned by the 1st Amendment, the conservative fellow cries his eyes out and whines and whines about how even though the government doesn't do anything to him, that they allow the deli owner to discriminate against him just because the deli owner isn't a part of the government and the the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to what individual owners won't allow in their place of business.

If the deli owner continues to refuse to serve the spitting conservative fellow, he gets the label "politically correct."

By this logic, back in the '60's, only those who refused to be drafted are politically incorrect, and everybody who went off to fight the war were politically correct and as such should be scorned. But draftees were the guys who the conservatives loved!

Go figure.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 220 reads
50 / 61

...dialog about the nature of this board.

Wouldn't be the first time I've opened myself up to ridicule in order to make a point, and despite the orgasm Laffy and bg30 must have had in seeing TER's response, I'm fine with it. Thought it was pretty funny actually.

I stated an opinion. Good bad right wrong or totally off the chain, that's all it is. I expected nothing more (or less for that matter) from the folks who monitor this forum now.

Besides GaG, you don't really think I want to see an end to this forum do you? Where else would I go when I'm in the mood for hunting troll?

Posted By: GaGambler
 Sorry Doc, but you really stepped in it this time.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 153 reads
52 / 61

I was wondering when you gonna throw some cliche out there. I could predict your single track thinking 20 steps ahead. Racist-shamasist-masist. Shove your racist up your assis. You're so totally lost you wouldn't know where your dick is. Or is it your pussy little girl? Come on wussy girl, show us who hides behind that alias? Are you afraid? Oh you poor baby..

bigguy30 201 reads
53 / 61

So anybody with a brain can see you have some racist view points yourself.
Trump supporters don't want to hear the truth and call other people racists.
Just to cover their own racists mindset.

This is why I continue to laugh at you and your weak insults are still not working either. Lol
Also it's not about being a troll but responding to your comments.
You posted it and don't act like a coward now.
Posted By: Nnoway
I was wondering when you gonna throw some cliche out there. I could predict your single track thinking 20 steps ahead. Racist-shamasist-masist. Shove your racist up your assis. You're so totally lost you wouldn't know where your dick is. Or is it your pussy little girl? Come on wussy girl, show us who hides behind that alias? Are you afraid? Oh you poor baby...  
-- Modified on 8/24/2016 4:00:16 AM

followme 224 reads
54 / 61

Not unusual for the uneducated lower class.

You're welcome
In Welchers We Distrust

Nnoway 13 Reviews 153 reads
55 / 61

...there are those for whom anything said against their master Barry is racist. They're called idiots. Look in the mirror you'd see one.  

Doesn't mean I'm gonna lose my brains or sleep over it.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 97 reads
56 / 61

Nobody really slammed you, except for TER admin....but it's cool. You said your piece. Feel better?

bigguy30 275 reads
57 / 61

You have proven once again.
Trump is your guy and you are hiding it.
Thanks for more laughs.

Posted By: Nnoway
...there are those for whom anything said against their master Barry is racist. They're called idiots. Look in the mirror you'd see one.  
 Doesn't mean I'm gonna lose my brains or sleep over it.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 154 reads
58 / 61

...and people like you will elect Trump. Your brain is just too underdeveloped to see that.

bigguy30 130 reads
59 / 61

You are a clueless fool.
Thanks for more laughs clown.

Posted By: Nnoway
...and people like you will elect Trump. Your brain is just too underdeveloped to see that.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 192 reads
60 / 61

Trump said that he loves poorly educated people and you're a poster child for such a Trump supporter! You and your other two stooge brothers, ChoosyCynic and Laffe - the three idiots of a kind! Ha ha ha! Come on little girl, put yourself out some more!  

I feel like Mike Tyson with you being my punching bag: hook, uppercut, hook! On the other hand you wouldn't even survive to the first uppercut.

bigguy30 201 reads
61 / 61

So your comments keep exposing your denial and desperation.
It's funny laughing at how weak you are and to top it off.
You are a secret Trump supporter that keeps talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Thanks for more laughs and you sound like a weak bitch on here. Lol

Posted By: Nnoway
Trump said that he loves poorly educated people and you're a poster child for such a Trump supporter! You and your other two stooge brothers, ChoosyCynic and Laffe - the three idiots of a kind! Ha ha ha! Come on little girl, put yourself out some more!  
 I feel like Mike Tyson with you being my punching bag: hook, uppercut, hook! On the other hand you wouldn't even survive to the first uppercut.
-- Modified on 8/25/2016 11:09:12 PM

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