Politics and Religion

Nice response Erwin........but what did I expect.,,,eom
Hpygolky 208 Reviews 74 reads


But you would never catch me wearing Ivankas designer shoes even though you can get them on the cheap at tjmax

Peanut Head Obama's oldest is taking a year on the continent.  Why not volunteer for the military?  Her mom likes America now.

I have a feeling you weren't Fit for Duty

dryheat93 reads

I get the sense he is fit for NOTHING.

Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I have a feeling you weren't Fit for Duty

I volunteered and served 2 years on a Sub Tender during The Iranian Hostage Crisis
I have a family full of Military Servicemen and women
My Dad was a DI in the USAF
My mothers brother was a Colonel who flew the Thunderbirds and U2s
My Dads brother was a Major in the  USAF
My kids Grandfather served in the USAF for The Joint Chiefs of Staff
.....just to name a few

My grandparents lived on Lake Shore Drive in the Windy City and heard Blacks called jigaboos. I never really met any personally, but that would change.
When I was 10 my family moved to Virginia and I lived in James Madison's brothers house and I rode a bus 25 miles to school.
On my bus, Blacks sat in the front and I sat right with them playing Rummy. They lived in shacks and they smelled like smoke, but I loved them anyway.  
Later, when I was in high school, we moved to a private resort, ironically right in the middle of The Wilderness Battlefield.
Later on, after serving my country, I became an Army wife and lived in Germany, Washington, Maryland, and Texas.

I also had the privilege to live in a Utopia, in Columbia, Maryland.

Before you know it, I found myself in the Silicone Valley and from there, South Carolina.

It was in South Carolina in 1997, that I saw that Racisim was still alive and well in the South. That all men were not created equal. They didn't celebrate Martin Luther Kings birthday and it was still against the law for blacks to marry whites.
That's where I saw that the color of your skin, did matter when it came to education, housing and healthcare.

I jumped in while I was raising my 4 kids, and I coached, I taught, I was a leader and I wanted to make a difference.

I don't want this country to go back to the good ole days that Trump wants, I want everyone to have the American Dream.

I know I don't have to reply to your idiocy, I could ignore it, but I choose to be proud of who I am and where I come from and where I'm going.

I always say, if I could go back in time, I would go back to the 1860s, and I would be working with The Underground Railroad
I am a fighter for those who don't have the voice or the strength, and I love America.

I am an Optimist and I see the beauty in all of life.

How else could I be Sexy Carolina, if I didn't understand the importance of comPASSION and intimacy, knowing how it benefits our lives?

I dedicated my like to my kids and helping others and now I am enjoying retirement and loving it!

It's guys like you that make me know that the struggle is real. Hate, ignorance and discrimination iare still nurtured in this country.  

You can't even debate without put downs and personal attacks.

I pity yo

dryheat97 reads

a very effective orator.  

He could turn out to be a nice complement for HRC in the campaign.

That hopefully will turn the battleground states blue
I agree with you

followme133 reads

Son a marine

A devout Catholic

against abortion

Three things you hate, Yet you support him...That would make you a Hyp-obama-crite

You're Welcome
In Backstabbers We Distrus

dryheat111 reads

I actually admire the fact that his son is a marine.

I don't care what religion he practices as long he doesn't impose his beliefs and values on others like republican bigots do.


Posted By: followme
Son a marine  
 A devout Catholic  
 against abortion  
 Three things you hate, Yet you support him...That would make you a Hyp-obama-crite  
 You're Welcome  
 In Backstabbers We Distrust  

Sure... God bless him as he protects your cowardly ass.  What have you done for your country?

Mein Fuhrer...I can walk!!!!

bigguy30101 reads

So are you truly that stupid?
If you could read the comments on here.
Then you would have never posted such a stupid response comment.

This is what you learned at Trump University?  
I can see why don't have a real job ROMMEL.  
You are not very smart at all.

Posted By: ROMMEL
-- Modified on 7/28/2016 2:21:09 AM

...someone can be personally against abortion yet have respect for the law of the land and not try to impose his religion on other people.  He probably can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Thank You
For Kiss-Snatchers We Have Pity, because they can't get it up

brooks562 reads

with infanticide/partial birth abortion as their sole holy sacrament

it is their modern-day version of human sacrifice wrapped in deflecting and pretty words such as "choice".  now ain't that nice? ;(

and the dem bigots and statists impose those barbaric "beliefs and values" on us every day

how fucking dare we object to baby killing (at the very end of a pregnancy) for the convenience of "mommy" (yeah some "mommy", huh?)

and then dems try to act all civilized and morally superior

fucking vile barbarians

brooks589 reads

spit on the uniform dontya?  like the OLD days of the "baby killers"

the Vietnam lefties have learned impulse control and haven't changed a bit.  if they could hock a lunger on a GI they would.  newer libs are no fucking better

fucking spare me the faux patriotism - if Kane's son wasn't a convenient prop to hide your America hating behind you'd make him come in the back door

fucking spare me!

God Bless Kane's son and all those in our military.  thank you for keeping even these lib assholes safe knowing that deep down that they hate you

-- Modified on 7/28/2016 9:07:50 AM

Mention that Mike Pence has a so who is also protecting the US as a Marine.

You're  Welcome
In BackStabbers We Distrus

First, they truly believed he would wear something that represented the country of Honduras at the DNC. Secondly, they don't have anyone on staff who could recognized what it truly was! ;)

But of course every reputable economist has laughed that off as another lie. Yes, the young fellow lies just like his mommy and daddy. Unnatural unless they beat it into him, in which case he's just being the submissive, cowed son of a strict father who has been forced to conduct himself in a dishonest way. To me that's sad, but to many (some right here on this very board!) the strict father is a selling point.

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