Politics and Religion

nah, Bill was just
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 905 reads
1 / 23

...countries competed in a two-day tank challenge.  Murica didn't even finish in the top 3.  The competition was won by Germany, with Denmark finishing second and Poland taking third.  Poland!!

Are they still printing instruction manuals for our soldiers in comic book format because our soldiers can't read??  

How many of Trump's four adult children have lent their talents to the military?  Do they have bone spurs like their daddy?  Bring back the draft and take righty cowards first!!

GaGambler 111 reads
2 / 23

but the Clintons have plenty of cowards in their family as well. Bill Clinton has the exact amount of military service as does Trump

Why not draft lefty and righty cowards alike? And "Senator's sons" should all be considered to be ineligible for any kind of deferment whatsoever, or more accurately the offspring of all members of Congress and the POTUS as they are the ones who declare war, The POTUS of course doesn't declare war, but potatoe/potato

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 79 reads
3 / 23

Hillary tried to join the Marines but she said they brushed her off because she's a girl.  Even though she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary they wouldn't give her a chance.  Chelsea Hubbell has not served in the military either nor did her step dad Bill Clinton.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...countries competed in a two-day tank challenge.  Murica didn't even finish in the top 3.  The competition was won by Germany, with Denmark finishing second and Poland taking third.  Poland!!  
 Are they still printing instruction manuals for our soldiers in comic book format because our soldiers can't read??    
 How many of Trump's four adult children have lent their talents to the military?  Do they have bone spurs like their daddy?  Bring back the draft and take righty cowards first!!

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 69 reads
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stucaboy 82 reads
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Maditory two years military service after high school, both male and female.
If you don't graduate then its 4 years of service to learn how to read and write.  No college "get out of military" card.  Lot of problems would be soved over night.

stucaboy 88 reads
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GaGambler 114 reads
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There are MILLIONS of teenagers both men and women coming of military age every year. If we conscript everyone of them for two years, just how do we pay them?

In theory I like your idea, but in practice, I don't see it being something we can afford to do.

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 78 reads
9 / 23

eally?  Can you expand on this "truth" and tell us how the soldiers purposely lost because of their hatred for Obama?  If this is true you have a breaking headline here.  Any facts or sources for your conclusion that our soldiers are treasonous?

Posted By: stucaboy

stucaboy 64 reads
10 / 23

even cops in the Chicago South End.  Plus, we could start a few more wars.  The military does not pay much more than minimum wage.  May be well worth the cost.
When they get out and go to college we can make the money back from 8% student loans.

followme 87 reads
11 / 23

did you serve in?

I ask the same question to your lefty, lib, dem buddy boys laffy bigguy30 et-al.

You;re welcome
For God and Country

GaGambler 63 reads
12 / 23

Surely you don't want a Federal police force, do you?  

and do you have any idea what the real cost per soldier actually is once you factor in the cost of training, equipment, housing, meals, etc etc etc? The soldiers themselves don't make jack shit, nor did they forty years ago when I wore the uniform, but that doesn't mean the burden to taxpayers would not be untenable

GaGambler 84 reads
13 / 23

and I am all for bringing back the draft, I've maintained that position for years.

but I guess you libs don't remember Clinton's "draft dodger" issues when we got involved in Bosnia under his watch?

I don't necessarily believe that distinguished military service is a prerequisite to be POTUS, after all when was the last time we had POTUS who was both a decent President AND served with distinction. Obama? Nope, Bush? nope. Clinton? nope HW Bush" some would agree, it's doubtful that you would. Reagan, Ford, Carter??? zip zip and zip. Nixon, and Johnson both served but they were hardly "decent" at being POTUS. So in the last fifty years we have ONE POTUS who both served and "possibly" was decent at his job and of course Bush was rejected by the voters in his bid for reelection, so I suppose we are at ZERO.

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 76 reads
15 / 23

-- Modified on 5/18/2016 5:28:07 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 65 reads
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...XO of  a submarine until he left left to work with Hyman Rickover, the father of the nuclear navy.  He was discharged from the Navy when his father died in order to run the family farm.

stucaboy 89 reads
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Take all your people off welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, and anything else the gov. gives out for free.  We'll have more money than needed.
Yes...good idea using "federal police force" to round up the 11 million illegals and have them work on the "wall" on their way out.
What goods can you not live without that will have a 45% tariff...iPad?  BMW?  Flat screen TV?  Nothing I don't already have or can't do without.
Small price to pay to "clean" things up.

Posted By: Laffy
Mexico isn't paying for that wall (which Trump first said would cost 3 billion and now he's saying 12 billion.....and that still won't cover it all).  
 Speaking of "Federal police force", how is he going to round up 11 million people and deport them?  The logistics and cost of that would be astronomical.  
 And if he's Prez, that means Christie is his Attorney General.....shudder.....and his # 1 priority is going after pot smokers.  How you going to pay for all the extra cops, judges and jails to go after those millions of lawbreakers?  My guess is the reason hates pot smokers so much is one day he got stoned and it gave him the munchies for the rest of his life off one bong hit and he's hated it ever since.  
 How are people going to afford anything after he slaps a 45% tariff on all goods coming here?

GaGambler 88 reads
18 / 23

That's why I also mentioned George HW Bush as he too had a very distinguished military career, unlike his son who was only "technically" ever in the military.

I just doubted that you would agree he was a decent POTUS, although his popularity was through the roof and he looked unbeatable only a year or so before he ultimately got beaten by Bill Clinton.

As for Carter, he is arguably the worst POTUS of our lifetimes. Yes, I know you will argue that Georgie Junior was the worst, but I just can't think of anyone who was less suited for the job than Jimmy Carter, I will allow his military career was exemplary as was the career of George HW

followme 92 reads
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BigPapasan 3 Reviews 99 reads
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...being a gofer at the local American Legion post.  You are to the military what Spider was to the Mafia:


stucaboy 74 reads
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brooks5 73 reads
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impeached, disbarred, and convicted of perjury over a lousy blow-job or two

how's THAT for a HERO? ;)

you might wanna be a little more careful who you point to as an example

-- Modified on 5/20/2016 9:50:52 AM

brooks5 74 reads
23 / 23

he's black

if you don't agree you be a racist!  ;)

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